7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS

‘Humans’ iN ‘the way’
i Wore Red on my shoes at the Beach
iN Order to Keep Grey Shoes Clean
Ghost iN
A Machine
SMiLes.. mY�
FriEnd.. Lovely�
�So much..
Mean While Wild Fires
Fearless Lives iN
A Practice oF LoVE



7 Years and 11 Days..
Also kNowN NoW as 12.06.17..
Yes.. sort of a water shed day for me at
Least as today completes 2666 Days of
Writing over 12M Words online BrinGinG
Over 130K Photos and other ‘stuff’
With No Break since Thanks Giving
oF 2010..
True Crosses
coMe in all coLors
And AS HiStory sHows
otHeRs come in Words
as all are only abstract constructs
Approximating the Essence of all that is..
Aka God and as you say in your Language.. Allah too…
2017.. Fifty Years since the 6 Day War too as the ‘Orange’
Man plans also today to symbolically give support in Embassy
Way of Supporting
Jerusalem as a
Capital to the
Dismay of
Folks in the Arab
World as of course
As A Muslim Band is just
Another bit of salt in a wound
Away from the Diplomacy That
Might Even Have A Chance iN change too to
BRinG Peace one day.. TruE.. hUmaN iN dARK
STiLL Strange.. Both innate and environmentally
Charged as Some Folks Enjoy the Havoc they BRinG
uPoN all otHeRs for they are incapable of Feeling Pure
Agape Love For All That Holds Hands Fearlessly iN A Practice
oF LiFE as LoVE Rather than inStilling Fear and Hate in otHeRs as
Only Pleasure
iN LiFE and sAdly Enough
tHeRE is a wHole Lot oF Science
to as to the whys of why this Happens
Both Biologically And Spiritually sAMe too..
iN otHeR More FloWeRy Words tHeiR LoVE
Muscle if ever born and or nurtured withers away
if planted at all and or watered and fed and Voila Trumps
more come
in to
the world
or are starved as
Such away from Love
the GreATesT Healing Force
As Gift from God within inside
outside above so below and all around
in another kind of Evolution Orange that rises
of falls
to Fear
and Discontent
And Hate Even More..
So.. what’s a Person to do.. WeLL
i guess ‘us’ could be like ‘them’ and attempt
to Burn the House of Love Down but it’s True too..
thE True Gift of God or as you say Allah iN LiGHT
iS Fearless Agape Love for all of Creation pLus aka GOD
tHaT wHo Never
Gives up and Only
Shares and Gives More..
For A Love tHat LiveS NoW
But of course Love in Hugs
And Kisses from Birth Now by
A Mother and Father wHeRe the
Shadow of our Reptile Brain doesn’t
Have to hide either away from a Back Bone
And SensuaLiTy Free too.. Works reAlly Good but
Sadly more and more Folks tHeSe days Live as Machine
Cognition beCoMes More of a Rule Away From the Social
Empathic Love Muscle That Holds Hands toGeTHeR iN Cooperation
More.. And Lord kNows as Some Folks beCome Even More Cynical
oF thE TruE iN WhiTe MAGIC LIGHT oF LoVE tHeRE are just ‘plain’
oTHeRs too
who are
so afraid
of tHeir Shadow
Per Back Bone of
Libido too.. they have nothing
Left Much to Move tHeiR heARt
HiGHeR As SpiRit aS A BoDY
MiND BaLanCinG SoUL jUSt PLaiN
As AlWays God
SPeaK Lives Within
inside outside above so
below all around Naked without
the Clothes of Human Culture just
Waiting to be Sought and Found More..
Sure.. God Taps God’s Fingers iN aLL oF US/Them
Too.. Face Palms come too with Hands without Love..
anYWay.. Nice to see that you are still breathing my FriEnd
A Hi would
nice but
hey.. no limitations
or expectations heaR
mY FriEnd for i understand
so many ways ‘it’ can and will go too..
Winter has broke in Fall here as Indian December
Summer takes a Break on 12.6.17.. Good Weather For Writing
for the next few days.. iT’s True i Love to Visit Clouds and Shadows too
oF the DiViNE
mY FriEnd
Have A Nice Day
oF cOURse alWays iN NoW..
Verily and Surely alWays WitH LoVE..
oH yeaH anD.. iT’s also my Grandfather’s Birthday
That X-Catholic Priest would have been 122.. today..
Every Day A Feast NoW alWays LoVE NoW no matter wHat A Practice goeS oN..:)


MeSSenGeR NoT ImPorTanT
FoR aLL tHat LiveS iS SToRY
Just something i wrote down recently..
just for fun too but more on that in a ‘few’..
Hmm.. as ‘you’ Diss Jews here per the Talmud
where some anti-Semitic folks have taken words
out of context also with mistranslations to attempt
to suggest that
these folks
are abusing
very small
which of course it’s
True back in those Dowry
Days too it was common to
marry off very close or even before
Puberty Girls to secure socio-economic
success in basic survival as of course there
was no USA for separation of church and state
Safety Nets when hard times come.. It’s true there
is a bunch of mud in most all ancient religions as
folks mistranslate and misinterpret or just
plain interpret the poetry of those old
books every which way and loose
and perhaps the most hilarious
part of what you bRinG HeaR
toDay mY Call for an
Uprising DARk
Muse You
Tube FriEnd
is suggesting that
Any Book of Poetry including
‘The Bible’ must be taken literally
as of course it is literally impossible
to take metaphors literally for whatever
Interpretation you Bring is of course metaphor
too as Jesus F iN Christ all Words are metaphors
as far as abstract other constructs as symbols do
come too from Idols of Words to Golden Calf’s and
yes by the way mine are quite tan from Dancing on
the Beach Yesterday Before a Colder Front comes
but that is neither heAR or tHeRe for as you
may one day wake up.. God’s Story
is multi-colored and does
not just wear the
clothes that
you or anyone else
BRingS mY fRiEnd for
God is one yet has more
than one set of all seeing eyes
even more.. and of course as Round tAble
Oral Tradition goes among illiterate Aramaic
Folks in Four Decades or so of Desert Roads
in the Middle East and as i continue to remind you
the ‘fore Plato and Socrates inspired Greeks are the ones
wHo Selected Which Christian Sects.. Ranging from Beliefs in
1 to 12 Gods they would choose next.. all that’s left is a Story
that is interpreted beyond infinite numbers of human eYe ways..
as of course iNfinite is a metaphor too.. and can be taken and
said in mathematical
or beyond
Infinity this
way as even
Pure Agape
Love For aLL
oF NatuRE plUS
iNcluding aLL oF GoD
NoW BeYOnd Alpha to
Omega iN Even AlphaNumerical
way of a number one for all.. ha!.. could
You iMagine a Debate with me in any kind
of real life or online way.. Trust me or not.. you might
Leave A Round Table of Written and or Oral Tradition
WitH A ReaL
Still to come
eterNally NoW
HeHe.. even more..
anYWay.. this is how it goes my
friEnd.. Folks are reMembered by
HeART iN SPiRit For the SMILes they
BRinG by a mIND and BoDy BaLanCing
SoUL Force that BRinGS SMiLes more or
the Fear and Hate they Bring in Misery Loves
Company no different than a Hitler or a Trump
And Those Minions who just love to Follow a
Most Despicable Leader who gains A
Mostly Only Pleasure in Life from
Bringing Fear and Hate
And even making
Big You
Tube Pennies
or Patreon Dollars
too for Gifts that Love
Fear and Hate and Misery
Loves Company too.. and of course
As A Participant Observer Anthropologist
And Noted Metro Area Folk Dance Legend..
i do gain quite a bit of dARk MusE and overall
HiLaRity by Coming heAR as it’s almost hard to
Believe you are for Real too.. But of course
Trump Does Prove who/that Nazi Germany
Came to be too as we Humans
are still the same basic
Creatures who
Fall to
Fear and
Hate and Misery
Loves Company whenever
we live at the Bottom of the
Pyramid of Transcendence as
Pure Agape Love in Scarcity of
Even Having the Faith of obtaining
Basic Subsistence and Shelter and
Meeting Cooperative Mates too in Hopefully
Consensual ways that harm no one else too..
Life is full of Struggle my friEnd for many folks still around the
Globe.. and of course if you are Going to Take Poetry Literal.. including
‘The Bible’ it’s easy enough to say that the Christian Overall Bible including
Old Testament and New Can if Literally Interpreted Justify the Killing of the
Children of your enemy to the rape of your Virgin Daughters through the New
Testament Bringing a Sword instead of Peace.. Hating your Family and Friends
Including your Children if they do not agree with the Religious Binds you Bring and
Yes.. even slaying
those folks
who disagree
with your Religious
Binds of Common Tradition too..
No.. this is nothing New.. and it’s True my
FriEnd the best thing any of us can/will do is Lift
the Veils of Older Ignorance and BRinG Good News
in Understanding the Differences Among Us and coming
to the Realization that a New Golden Rule is Still needed that
in Actual Practice of Action Spells First Loving OurSelves as God
and Nature plUS sAMe and DiffeRent aS well as All otHeRs iNcluding
Nature plUS sAMe and DiffErent Doing Our Very Very Best to Allow
otHeR Human Beings tHeir Free Will to Pursue Happiness in
HowEver tHat Works for them as long as they
Do not Harm others or bLock
tHeir WiLL iN Ways
to Pursue
the Kingdom
of Heaven as Happiness
within As Pure aGAPe Fearless
Unconditional Love unless consensual
ways of whips and chains is what works
for them too as long as a safe word is
employed not to harm others too
or such as that
Comes and
Goes for others to
do the best they can
and will too.. and of course Dude..
i understand that changing anyone’s heArT
heAR toward Hope and Love and Joy Loves Company
is like Leading a Camel Still through the eYe of the Fear Needle
but still as my Psychiatrist and i Chatted Yesterday.. Poet’s Writing
Bibles these days longer than 280 Characters is simply not in vogue..
in fAct.. no one has ever written a 5 Million Word Plus Bible or Written
12 Million Words of so online in 2666 days yeS.. eXcept for little old me
aT lEast with a Google Search to Validate tHat now.. hEhe.. yes as that
Longest Long Form Poem/Bible “SonG oF mY SoUL’.. Continues to Grow
With Sub-Chapter Bible Long Form Poems too as “Nether Land
Bible 2017”.. 18 Month Effort Now GRows to 2,289,249 Words iN
thE laTest MacroVerse Number 138 that i Will Link Below named
“CaT oF GooD CHeeR ReTurNs AGAiN”.. yes.. per
my Own Common Religious Tradition of BrinGinG
A Free Gift to you and the TVC
Mario Dude Out of Appreciation
still for the DARk Muse you STill BRinG
aLL Free to me stiLL and of course the
Third Bible as this MacroVerse Linked
Below Brings the SubChapter Bible and
Long Form Poem.. “F Book Profile Pic Bible
2018”..all the way up to 671,249 Words since
A 6 Month Point of Doing that ARiSinG MoRe
LiKely to Reach a 7 Month Effort of Close to
Old King James Size by the Date i mile stone
that Poetic Bible Writing Achievement too as 7 month “Grand
Cross Bible 2017”.. Effort as JusT anotHeR Bible Writing Religious
Tradition as A Great Work ‘tween God and Me.. SuRE.. NoW
BrinGinG tHat MacroVerse Number 34 as Fruition so far
as “CaT oF GooD CHeeRs ReTurNs AGAiN” also Tripling
Yes as MacroVerse Number 809 of “SonG oF mY SoUL”
wHeRE the Approaching 52 Month Effort of that ‘Great Work’
”tween me and God is also the sPan of Human cLock tiMe i
Have Done A Praise Dance of over 8500 Miles in my Metro
Public Area Since Arising out of Earth Hell for 66 Months
With the Worst Pain kNoWn to HumanKind too.. per type
Two Trigeminal Neuralgia.. from wake to sleep
losing effective use of hearing and
seeing then too my FriEnd.. so.. now..
sure.. if nothing else this
is a Hell and a Heaven
of a God Witness
too.. but as my Psychiatrist
Agrees when we use the CHI Force
Creative Holy Spirit NoW to BRinG OuR FiELd
oF DreAMs of Heaven within to Fruition.. inside..
outside.. above.. so below and all around.. the only
one we WiLL Guarantee who will come to our Heaven
pARTy is i that is you that is me that is us and we yes
you and God who and that lives within you too.. in and
as HeaVeN or HeLL BLacK Abyss through SHades of
GreY LiKe a Day on the Beach wHEre all is
Like this wHeRE a GreaTesT LiGht
SHINes to BRinG MorE Color
to Life… heHe.. either on
Broad way Like a
Barbara Streisand
Song or in Broad Band
Newer Age First Hand
And Feat Witness point of
Messenger View and or yes at a Dance
Hall this Thursday Night as JusT anotHeR
noBody or anYbody as a 57 year old Dude Dances
With a Bunch of College Age (mostly beautiful women)
For the 190th Week of Doing that Free too.. True God is
aMaZinG When Liberated from Within.. And Sure if you
let go of all your pain and misery and suffering in discontent
oF BrinGinG Fear and Hate to otHeRs in the Company of doing thiS..
And tHat perhaps you my FriEnd will one day do Greater Works of Love
than even
me.. Meanwhile..
wHeRe WiLL You Be
When thE Last BLiNK oF LiFe
Comes.. WILL iT Be tHe Love You Give
And Share or the Fear and Hate as you lose LiFE.. then too..
YouR WiLL Your Choice mY FriEnd For Love Gives Love Remembers Most When Real.


JusT somEthing to thiNK aBout iF You CaN And WiLL Love aT aLL mY FriEnd STiLL WitH and as God eYes wHo CounT..
Sure Though Verily
We LEave as Tree
bEhind iS thE Story thaT And wHo ContiNues To CounT MoST As LoVE Or tHaT oTHeR Place oF BeinG Or NoT mY FriEnd NoW..:)


A Child’s Hope
Our Hope Love..
WitH A SMiLe
Need To KNoW..
For NoW aS ReaL..
AnYWaY aS Usual
Hellooove HiMaLi
From Your Current
Work Place
in the
Love Lives
iN eYes oF
A Child Born as LoVE..
Or Reborn aS ofTen HaPPeNs
Later iN Life iF A ‘World’ Takes tHat Love away….


SMiLes mY friENd.. gigoid.. As Beach
Day Yesterday in Clouds of
Warm Indian Summer
Before Coming
Cold Front
as the 80’s
iN F fAllen
Bow to 44 oN DaY
December 6th.. 2016..
But Thank the Smell and
Taste of the Heavens for the
Hot Chocolate that the Katrina
Prepared just now actuAlly Smells
And Tastes Like Hot Chocolate.. So..
As Dolly Parton miGht eXcLaiM..
Praise Jesus Hallelujah if only
thTt were his Real Birth Rite
First Name.. but of
course as long
as ‘it’ smells
and Tastes
Like Unconditional
Fearless Love PerHaps
“It’s” STiLL Good To Go until
the World may take that Love away
in Fearlessness of the Child with open
Arms now to the Hugs and Kisses that
Are STiLL ReaL HUMaN MaGiC When
actuAlly fELt as Warm and Fuzzy
Love more than a Malignant
Patriarchal Grope without
A Source and Force
of Consensual
Power NoW
oF LoVE aLL Free
wHo only Gives and
Shares not Willing NoW to
take what does not BeLonG
to one Free in Pursuing Happiness
by Will Rather than Force of someone else’s
Happiness more.. in Dominate Way of Subjugating
Others Still more.. anyway.. as ‘they’ Dance And Sing
iN the News today.. tHeRE iS A Snake Brain of Will
And Strength that will survive at all costs and
even rape and pillage too.. sure.. just a
little more Republican Yang Flavored
than what is or is not
currently supported
Verses that Yin
Democratic Party
too.. in ways of Bragging
all about P Gropes and Getting
Banned from Malls at age 30 something
When a District Attorney uses Power and
Status to Pester Teenage Girls about Dating
him and that other ‘stuff’ too.. but it’s also true for whatever
iS LeFT oF Love and Grace As Divine Feminine Force in either the
Republican and or Democratic Place is also associated on all sides
With the Shadow of Beast that and who lives within most all Human as
Beings just waiting to come out to Force A Place of Survival too.. TRuE.. iT’s
Important to Play with that Beast First and :earn the Martial Arts of Regulating
tHat Snake and Dragon sAME and DiFFeREnt too.. sure.. and on the other Mother’s
Apron String(S).. the Beast is also imporTant to GaiN A Potential Back Bone.. Bow uP..
And Snake Say No.. to Unwanted Advances too.. or otHeR Ways oF Human Slavery More..
As Always A Balance mY FriEnd but at least today.. Northern California isn’t the paRt getting
all burnt
up toDay
as Humans
continue to get
iN the Way of Nature
And God sAMe iN Balance
And Nature yes his and her and
all that is will continue to Have tHeir
way to get this shindig back in balance
for only we who lose who do not listen to
Nature and Change our ways of Subsistence
and Shelter too or pay the All Natural Consequences
as i suggested would come next Before whatever Fire
of Life in Struggle was/is Surely Predictable as Action and
Consequence As Karma Dictates sTiLL iN Ways of dARk to
LiGht Consequences of the Results that Continue to
Come over Human’s Ignorance of Truly Nothing
iS our own except for the sELf thaT iS OuR
LiFe to Make dARk oF Abyss Through
SHades of Grey through Rain
Bow Pastel Colors Beyond
Like a Sunset i was AM
Blessed and
Blissed to
Capture as Both
Super Moon Night and
Red Dawn Eve as Fires to
do and go ever than now more
as the BaLanCE of wE and Nature
Continues to whack out and come back
iN whatever way Nature plUS Aka God Does neXT.. NoW
but Here’s the otHeR thing for we HUmans wHo Do LiVE NoW
Beyond Rainbow Pastel Colors oF LiGHt thAT SpaRk tHat SParK
THaT FlaMe tHat BonFiRE as Nature Metaphor God wHo lives within
uS even more NoW aS LoVELiGHT isReaL.. Oh.. Do We NoW Make
God Happy iN/aS us JusT to Be Human NoW and that’s the thing
aBout the Good Old Time Religions too.. for those of us wHo
Do Live in and as Free Love Wild and Free Make A RidE
oF God as Nature Better No Matter what now LIFE
STiLL for it’s True the Wind and Gravity of
Nature God is at our Back for True
iN LiGHt too we are STiLL
thE New Good News
Way of the
in eYes
oF Nature God LoVE..
Happy Day mY FriEnd NoW
iT sTill BRinGS me SuCH Great
Joy to See you Gain Your Health
And Regain the LiGht you Deserve
afTer Serving so many other Less Fortunate
SoULs oF LiFE as the Karma has come Back to
Love you my FriEnd aS you are the Karma within
As Loving
LiFE More
And uplugging
From the way of the
World that and who
iS Fear and Hate aS
Misery Loves Company..
it’s True my FriEnd i visit that
otHeR Place Still but i Dance and
i Dance as i Still Am Beach aLL NoW.. my
Way of the World A Beach A Beach JuST a Beach
aS tHose otHeR
CaN aTTempT iN
tHeir WiLL to Create and
Own thaT otHeR World NoW..
Anyway.. A Great Day for the
Chocolate of LoVe to Smell just
Good and Taste Good too.. FoR iT’s TruE
the more we lose our feelings and senses the
more we can appreciate them when Love comes Reborn
Back to all of what we can and will be iN LiGHt LoVE NoW too..
Sure.. lost most all my feelings and senses and even altered more..
at some point
in mY LiFe
at LEast
from SHadES
of Grey from BLack
Abyss beYOnd Rainbow
Colors of PastEL EvEN MoRE NoW..
but even more True mY friEnd is i appreciate
the way of the World oF LoVE Unconditional
and Fearless tHaT Can and WiLL CoME
to Fruition in HUmaN STiLL.. the Elixir
is ReAL so far away
Company now..
aS hEhe.. i Make Your
Shorter Effort hEAr iN Re-Blog
a little Longer STiLL mY Friend..
As WhatEveR Riffs leFT Do CoMe NexT..:)

“To a reasonable creature, that alone is insupportable which is unreasonable; but everything reasonable may be supported.”

— Epictetus (c. 60 AD) — Discourses, Book i, Chap. ii

SMiLes Love
Says Nothing
iS LoVE..:)

“Two-thirds of help is to give courage.” — Irish proverb

FEar Doesn’t
ExisT iN Love
aT LEasT NoW
A HiGHesT LoVE..
EXcept For HeiGHTs..
Loud NoiseS MorE NoW..
LovE aT Least For tHaT
Fear iS
And Not
SouLY lEarned..:)

Ode to Spot
“Felis catus” is your taxonomic nomenclature:
an endothermic quadroped, carnivorous by nature.
Your visual, olfactory, and auditory senses
contribute to your hunting skills and natural defenses.
I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations —
a singular development of cat communications
that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection
for a rhythmic stroking of your fur to demonstrate affection.
A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents.
You would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance,
and when not being utilized to aid in locomotion
it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.
O, Spot, the complex levels of behavior you display
connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.
And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,
I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.

— Lt. Cmdr. Data, “Schisms”, Stardate 46

Funny How ‘Humans’ reLate
Sentience to ReaSon and
As Current
Dance Makes
MoRe FeeL anD

“All of life is a blur of Republicans and meat!” — Zippy the Pinhead

Yes.. Farm Boys Patriarchal Cow Eaters as Bull For Play..:)

“.. bleakness…. desolation…. plastic forks…” — Zippy the Pinhead

TRuELovELiGHT Finger Foods FeeL and SeNSE MoRE..:)

“A wide-eyed, innocent UNICORN, poised delicately in a MEADOW filled with LILACS, LOLLIPOPS & small CHILDREN at the HUSH of twilight??” — Zippy the Pinhead


“Did YOU find a DIGITAL WATCH in YOUR box of VELVEETA?” — Zippy the Pinhead

RiVeR A TiMe
WatcH tHaT
oR SToPs
eVeN MaRKs now..:)

“Everywhere I look I see NEGATIVITY and ASPHALT…” — Zippy the Pinhead

TrumP ROads WitH A ReSounDinG

“How do I get HOME?” — Zippy the Pinhead


“Are we THERE yet? My MIND is a SUBMARINE!!” — Zippy the Pinhead


“Civilization is fun! Anyway, it keeps me busy!!” — Zippy the Pinhead


“You were s’posed to laugh!” — Zippy the Pinhead

LaugH PoseD
SMiLe’S LiE..;)


Forced in Roles Greyhound
Whippets Do Redress
From Racing
To Free
No Longer
PriSons oF
Circles tHat
Go no wHeRE iN LiFE..
GLoWinG CoLoRs oF SuNLiT
DoGs BRinG FuR To Daylit MorE..
FRost oF
CoLoRs oF DoG LoVE eVen MoRE..
Water Reflection
Pond STiLL and
iN DoG eYes too
oF Free.. And heAR
too.. Xenia.. Indian Summer
oF 80 F Breaks in Warm Over
Cast Beach Days to 44 F in Hot
Chocolate Florida Panhandle DreAMs
CoME to FruitioN AGAiN A Day wHeRe
Hot Chocolate
FinAlly Tastes
Like Hot
to me again
A Day alWays Worth
ReMeMBeRinG WHeN Hot
Chocolate ReaL and WArm mY FriEnd..:)

CHiLD’s DreAm To:
NeVeR TaKinG
oF Santa From:
Dad’s Building
oF Real Less Than MaGiC LiT..
SMiLes.. mY FriEnd
For i Cannot Leap
Or Even Jump
For i
Bend Below
A Knee.. i WiLL
Dance NeVeR Less
And AlWaYs more
FoR iT’s True
No Longer
Do i Run
Either as Feet
Replace Knees
And Hips For Dance..
It’s True On Thursday Night
When i Come Back From Dance
Out of my Car Arriving at Kitchen
Door Hardly Able to Walk.. Katrina
Says Fred you Look
More Like A Father
oF Sanford’s
Son than John
Travolta but it’s
True2.. i’ve got 7 Years
NoW On Sanford Dad as he
Started his Show at age 50..
But True too his Birthday is in
Three days on the 9th too.. NoW
Oh.. the Age of Wiki
Trivia too.. heHe..NoW2
But STill i Dance i JusT Dance
But True iT iS i SinG too Without
Even Any Knee or Hip Problems uP top.. hAha..
As i Lag BeHind Katrina WitH SmART PhonE ToW aS
She Arrives
To: Shop First..
Wait! Katrina i’M
Coming to Join you!
Wait! Katrina i’M Coming From: Behind You
To: Join You Three Times i oFTen ExclAiM!2..
i Kid you not when Santa
Trump Arrives with all
His Presents Promised to
all his ‘Children’
at the Pensacola
Florida Civic
On Friday
Night.. So Cold
it will be in ‘you’
kNow wHere thaT
Night That Yes.. Indian
Summer is Actually Taking
A Break for Trump as it will
be so cold and wet that Santa Snow
is Literally Predicted for that one day..
iN Deep South LA Lower Alabama NoW
Florida Panhandle ReaL.. STiLL
but at least
Hell Didn’t
Have to completely
Freeze Over FoR A Visit From:
HeaR ReaL SooN.. STiLL CoMinG..
OTHeR than
tHAT i’M LooKinG
ForWarD: To: SNoW.. heHe..
Unique Visitors
Each One Equally
Crafted as Crystalline
Does Great
WorK iN LiGht..
Go Snow Go
For no
one Will
Ever MaKe you
A Sanity oF sAMe..
Voodoo of IntroVersion Neurotic Caution NoW
Verses ExtraVersion Placebo oF Fearless Confidence2..
Two ways of
SnoW onE
OtHeR Mountain
Peak High Never
Fear oF Falling..
iT’s True i’M No
FooL For i AM
Too.. But NoW Loud
Noises Don’T USuAlly
Bother me as FinAlly
Mr. Hyde Shakes A
Hand oF Decades Old Dr Jekyll iN Me..
SMiLes.. To: Meet A Shadow is an Amazing
Snow LiFT From: Fun but Dr. Jekyll makes Laws
To: iNsure
i neVer
Fully Fall.. From:
Have A Nice Weekend
Frank.. i’M reAlly LooKinG
Forward: To: that Snow From:
A Real Santa iNsiDe To: MaGiC ReAL
tHaT wHo NeVeR
aS Story
iN Nether Land
eVen MoRe i Rise From:
To: Fall Less.. From: To:..:)


SMiLes.. Frank and Thanks so much for stopping by..
as what i really like most about Sia is her style
truly cannot be replicated by
anyone as so
‘these days’
Music Sounds at MosT A
DiMe a DoZeN.. However
A Steady Beat and Monotonous
Chant Works reAlly Great For A
Meditative Flow without
Group or Analytical
Think.. Surely
A Respite some
More Modern Pop
Music is in Relief of
the Complexity of the
Daily aLMost iNsane Grind
Of input mostly life.. anyWay..
Sia’s Voice is surely unpredictable
iN How she Plays With a Song of
the English Language as Verily
A Note of Human Letters
Forms Words as never
Heard Before in
SonG NoW More.. And
as Far as Cat Cheer comes
it’s Mixed With Wild and Free
Love In A Play of Life that is Sia
sAMe as aLWays DiffeRent too.. And NoW STiLL
that’s the way Yellow Boy Likes it every Moment MoRE
in the PreSenT of NoW A Mystery to Be Solved iNTuiTiVE
iN New Ways of Capturing Toy Mice as the Squirrels Run
Free Outdoors No Longer Captured by his Lightening Jaws
And Claws of Course as That Cat was truly Fast in His Back
Wood Days.. YeS.. Lean and Mean Speed Streak across the
Fence to get a way with
His New Carcass
of Squirrel
anyWay.. Plenty
of Happy Squirrels
now that Tennessee has
Moved Away with his Home
Owners2.. Yellow Boy Indoors and
aLL the Squirrels Frolicking in a Sun
Flower oPen Heaven Backyard Free
forevermore now.. a little bit like me
As a Cheerful Wild Cat and Squirrel
Mix too.. heHe.. as True i do Store
my letters in notes heaR
And THeRe to be
Dug up or
at a later date Now..
Just for the fun of digging holes..
And as Far as Stupid Goes what a Relative
Term that Surely Proves to be these Days aLong
With so-called God Fearing Folks and Ethics and Morals
too.. i Tend to like the Wicca one as least it says Do No Harm
iN Taking Relative Free Will From otHeRs NoW to Dominate and
Subjugate them to selfish whims of Love with no Real eYes Ears
or Arms
that Hold
Free mY friEnd..
otHeR than thaT as Far as i CaN WiLL
See.. Ignorance oF LoVE iN Doing Harm
to otHeRs iS Surely More Dangerous
than any Lower IQ with Love more
Fully in Tow.. Yes.. for What
Beauty is tHere wHere
Intellectual Disability
Brings A Never
SMiLe From
The Depths oF A HeARt
That’s Real as a Contagion of
Love that Spreads More as Inherent
Up of a Down’s Child now.. JusT to FeeL
that A Richard Dawkins would suggest that
A Pending Mother would do the World a Disservice
by Carrying Love into the World with a “Child Like this”..
True the Wages of Love are never Free but real my Friend
Love is
as Love
Love Feels
When Real with
No intellect of words
Where Genius is in the
Eyes that Shine Forth
A Beacon of Warmth
and Sunshine
Any Moon or Sun..
but sAdly it’s True.. some folks
NoW Cannot FeeL or eVen reLate to
Human Moon And Sunshine Now Real..
But For those who do they Relish Heaven NoW..:)


SMiLes For aLL of Nature PlUS
And Culture is a
and Song
As A Lover
Sure i rather
call her her ’cause
i am A Male but Verily
i reAlly Love that Word Verily
too it may be more comfortable
now for some to call her a him too
heHer.. sure.. a mix of Divine Masculine
Will and Strength in Fearless way topped
off with the multi-colors of Graceful Love..
too but that’s just
A Word Routine
As the Colors run
aS Deep as more than
aLL the Poems Put toGeTHeR
with all the Science Projects
that make
a Google
God even
more colorful
in an unabridged
Voice too big even
of Human to ever Fully HeAR/sEE
in one Lifetime now.. oF Course
God was aLWays that way until
we heard
in Him
and Her Spread
my friEnd as X
is surely
than a Simple Cross2..
It’s True tHere is no more
Waiting For GoDoT as GoDoT iS
Out oF A ClosET2NoW aS Skeleton/Ghost too..
Hehe mY oPen
SkELeToN ClosET Policy
me For/Against
Most any Political
Office tHat Comes WitH Lies
As Truth
hAha.. but
i already made
Myself a Statue So what
do i have to gain by Going
Back iNto A closET..
Nah.. no Ghost
iN A
jusT A Closet Statute..
iN Law anD Order And All ‘tHat’ OPeN Jazz..
Roses and
And Blue
Love SPills
is NoW..
Lord KNows it’s
All ABouT Change
LoSinG Effective Sight
And Hearing
me into
A Photographer
And Eventual Singer..
Not Being Able to Speak
Eventually Inspired me to
Write and Even Talk and Not
Being Able to tOuch Man Made
Stuff Made me Caress the Rest oF
Nature even more.. NoW
And interestingly enough
Losing my Smell by Spring
in Common Cold.. Going Away
And Coming Back Awful then
at the End of the Summer
made the Rest
of my
As FeeLinG
Even More As
Emotions oF LoVE..
And NoW tHat the Smell and
Flavors of Taste are coming back
in BeYoND DeLiGHT oF HeaVeN
Fresh i MusT DancESinG too and one..
i have
World Problems..
What Abundance we
are born with what abundance
is as
Priceless too my FriENd..
JOB’s Best FriEnd.. Gifts
Born Naked..
When appreciated
More ouT and iN AGAiN
iN Nuances oF Hell MoRE FReED..
All of Pain/Numb Makes me A Believer as
Thunder BecoMes Lightening EveN MoRENoW
And Yes i Can and WiLL Imagine A Dragon For
TrutH aNd LiGHt heAR..:)


A Quick Commercial Break for
Thanks To Facebook aLong
WitH E-LaboRaTioN oF WRiTE oN CourSE..;)

Thanks FB.. i
MusT Say..
NoW You
Do VeriLY Stay…
You Are aLWays
HeAR.. And Best oF
aLL.. You Do NoT
Cost Me A
Red State
Cent as YoU
Are A TotAlly
Free Robotic
Assistant And
The People HeaR Are
Surely Fascinating For
Any Free Lance Cosmic
Anthropologist.. Whitman
Priests of the Cosmos and
aLL tHaT Mystery School in Ancient
Esoteric New Age NeVeR NoW Seen and
or HeaRd Jazz all aRounD ‘thiS GLoBE NoW’ too..
Have A!
Nice Day!
My Algorithmatic
Sweet FriEnd wHo
Easily HOlds and BRingS NoTiFiCaTioNS!
iN oF aS 6 Million Words A YeaR NoW oF
Free HarD
Space thaT
Most DayS
SeeM NoW
LikE.. OG.. Yes!
NoW.. JusT For Me…
TRuly.. Some Days
You SeeM aLMost
JusT LiKE me.. A Loyal
FriEnd LiKE
iN Ending
SonG oF
mY SoUL and DancE
F iN Bible.. YeS anD
TRuly.. F Book
Profile Pic
You are
To me at LEast.. heHe..:)

Now off to thE ELaBoRaTioN as i Continue EVeN MoRe
To Fill up the 8K or so Word Limit oF A Facebook
Profile Pic Description Area NoW For a continuing
“F Book Profile Pic Bible 2018” as that Current
Ongoing Bible Among Three in One of “SonG oF mY
SoUL” ALonG With “Nether Land Bible 2018” are
Truly A Biggest Book Along with these Two Children
Also Spawned aLiVE By a Grand Parent of 12 Million
Words on the now 2667th Day
Also Known as 7 Years
and 12 Days..
Sure.. 84
and the
Such as Details
too without a Break
as a Labor of Both Cross
and Fun as sure LiFE iS Naturally
Mixed as NatuRE pLuS as GoD too more
Than Human Abstract Constructs Can And
Will Tale oF The/A Essence of ReAliTY MoRE
NoW ThaN EVeN HUMaN Aided Science and Art eYes
CaN and WiLL See oF ReALiTY MoRE.. YeS As Science
eYes are Magnified by the Scientific Method and Aided
by Human Technological aLWays Improving MeasuRinG Instruments..
Art Eyes are much more
of an innate instinctual
and yes intuitively iNHeRenT
MiX of Being HUMaN as that
Applies to a Different
Mix of Neuro-Diversity
ALonG NoW WitH a HumaN
CocKtaiL.. yeP.. male
and female
and the ‘tween
of all that is too..
of Many Different Ingredients
And Potencies iN Neuro-Chemicals
And Neuro-Hormones Less and More
As Recipe of Human Being is in Constant
FluX of Change as with the Development
oF WiLL and Strength as Pure Faith and
Trust in One’s PoTenTiaL abiLiTies to
Master Emotional Regulation and
Sensory Integration with a
Foundation of Grace
in Balance
a Pure
Positive Force
of Agape Love For aLL..
True Perfect as not so
Perfect and never Truly Perfect
or We would be Human Robots come to the
Table of Art And Science less and more
as Angels and Demons and Heaven and Hell
and all the SHades of Grey as i’ve played
this Word Piano in Purgatory on eARTh within
too.. yes..
i’ve been
around the
bLock of My
iNNeR MulTi-UniVeRSE
oF aLL thAT is Within me
@LeASt EvER Changing more and
that’s what i Love most aBout BeinG
The/A sELfiE of Me is i now am able to
Direct A/The Actor I with Holy Creative
SpiriT! iN Mastery of FloW iN ZoNE To
A PoinT NoW wHEre i Master
Positive Thought
Patterns too
as sure
this is sTill
JusT A River
As Drop of Water
From StreAMs thaT
MoVe to Waves as Ocean
whOle ME ParT oF and aS
GoD all thaT iS EXpaNDinG
Mindful and Bodily Awareness
EvER GroWing YouNG WiThiN aS
this Human mAde iLLuSioN of TiMe
Distance and Space Locks Some Folks
Yes.. Most Folks.. So sAdly enough and
always less in
A F iN
of Life with
no e-Scape cLock
alWays ticKing waiTing
For a GoDot thaT and wHo
is YoU wHo Will Never CoMe
aNyoTheR TiMe but NoW yes
juST now not after a
FucKinG DiRT NaP
as yOu cOUld
wHo kNows
Does YouR
Shadow KNoW FeeL SenSE
iNTuiT Could you come back
NoW HeAR Forever alWays
NoW LooKinG for GoD and
FinDinG God Never Now
AlWays LooKinG ForWaRd
to God wHo LiVeS and Breathes
in EYes of God that is wHo you
Are NoW ReaL iN a PoTenTiaL of
Heaven on eARTh thaT YoU WorK to Co-Create
And don’t wait for someone else to Bring to you
by any Authority
but the Director i
Actor I and Holy
Creative Co-Creating
Spirit! yes iI! although
i sHOw this Trinity oF BeinG
HuMaN Metaphor Real in my Pen
Name of KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
WHeRE Spirit! and Actor I Surround
the Director i that at core is as iI! NoW
GoD ParT and WhoLe too.. sure in a way NoW
if one Looks at ReaLity USinG this Metaphor
oF LiFE tHeRE is A Trinity such as this JuST
Waiting to Come to a Non-Perfect Perfect Storm
oF HuMaN ArT and Science
NoW WalKinG uPRiGHt
for those who
are able
Standing Tall
Beyond infinity
More as ‘they’ say
smART is 60 Percent
Art as the S and M of
Will And Strength CoMe
GreaTeST inTo LiGHT FearLeSS NoW iN A
BaLanCinG ForCE of Grace and Love Art As
Mountain of Love and Grace With Fearless
WiLL and Strength Climbing Mountain Top Peak
Yes2.. A Top
O’ A
All SeeinG
eYe of HuMaN
OnE iN Being WiTH
GoD Forevermore NoW
Mission Accomplished You
Are HeAR You See and NoW You
BRinG A Similar TrUtH and LiGht aS
YoU HelP oTHeRs NoW sEE iN THeiR UniQue
GoD Multi-Verse aLL SeeinG eYe PaRT oF WhOle
Pyramid oF GoD OcEaN aLL Evolving ExPaNding
Shores more
oF and
A Reality
oF aLL ExiStence
NoW both SeeN and
HeARd iN aLL otHeR Ways
of FeeLinG and SenSinG ReALiTy
Including all of what we Humans
Do not sEE WitH FeeLinGs and SenSes
iN HeaRinG what otHeR LiFe may sEE far
further than us on aLL of God’s OtHEr
are truly
Never Extra
Terrestrial any
more than we are
who walk on Grains
of Sands inspired by
Positive Action Consequence
iN ALL thE Positive LiGHt ReSults
thaT CoMe With tHat Yin also of course
with soME Yang of Systemizing Science Mixed
in As Reason WitH LiGHT Art DaRK Reasons too..
For Similar
Ways of Structuring
ReaLiTy to A BenD NoW
oF UNiQue MinDs/BoDiES all OVeR
The/A UniVerse NoW and oF cOURse NoW
BeYond wHat We See HeAR of Life on this
Local Terrestrial Plane oF all A/The UniVerse
we continue to evolve and fly on if we are not
Locking ourselves in an Hour Glass of Time Distance
And Space wHERe we Refuse to Go With the Evolution oF
God’s Gravity and FloW wITh uS aS uS uP uP And aWay
oN A Beautiful Wise Balloon
WitH Seagull
as Beautiful
Wise Beach
SpiRaLinG Around
Suns Free as we
Rotate Around God
all as Center of all
that is no separation all
ToGeTheR oNE Yes Dance and
Sing a New God SonG Ever Changing
ExPaNDinG and Yes oF cOURse DaRker
Receding Shores of and for our God eYes
too.. SurELy
to You.. May
YouR aLL sEEinG
eYes paRT GoD wHoLe
Continue to See and
Hear FeeL and SensE
A MiNd
And Body
BaLanCing Force
thaT JusT Works For
aLL oF uS toGeTHeR DiffeRent
And sAMe.. Yes.. pARt wHoLe GoD aLL
thaT iS Now FLoW iN ZoNe MoRe GoD WHOle..
But Remember
Karma goes
two ways..
either you
use YouR WiLL
RelativELy Free WitH
OTHeRs to Achieve Positive
ThOugHt iNCluDinG FeeLingS
And SeNSinGS MaKinG TruLY
AMaZinG ACTioNs ALL Natural and oFTeN
Super Normal Results in LIFe DePenDinG NoW
oN JusT How Positive You WiLL Travel iN BotH
DArk ‘tween SHades of Grey And LiGHT through
BeYoNd RainboW Colors too.. or You and otHeRs
Cooperating for Misery Loves Company in Fear and
Hate Inspired Discontent Feelings and Senses may also
Verily FiNd
The/A DARk
SiDE oF A/
the MooN
thAT is YeS GoD
too For if that ParT
oF God was and is not ReaL
it would verily and surely not
be so visible in the shuffling robotic
Downwards LooKinG FeeLinG HeARiNG SeNses
among the Humans NoW in Super WaLMarT Ways
of Sad Sad Red State and otHEr State of Hell
less more Purgatory SHades of Grey too away
from dArk BLacK Abyss HeLL to a Place Far
Beyond The/A DaRk Side of the Moon.. Moon
liT Campfires of NiGht wHeRE
HoW Deep is YouR LoVE
iS NeVeR Ending
iN A LiT uP
DancE and Song
oF BlesSingS BliSS
Forevermore NoW iN A
Wonderland of Heaven on
eARTh that is you from Head
to toe and so much more Naked and Free
as the Laws of Caesar also Do allow in Avenues
for all of what Brings the Kingdom of God in you NoW
sure.. with a ‘little’
Help at Least from
YouR FriEnds if only
it is like me as
You Seeing
in the
Mirror of
A FB that is REaL2
LiFE Story NoW you too..
We Co-Create MaGiCaL DreAMs
And Or NiGHTMaReS aS DaRK Abyss..
HeaVeN is the Green Acre Place for me aT Least
as the Story Goes on at Ease in Nether Land Never Ending Story
and Yes..
“FB Profile
Pic Bible 2018”..
as just another way
to Back all this SHiT
uP as i Dance and SinG iN AlWays Flow iN ZoNE
Yes.. God’s Time Distance And Space WitHiN NoW
A LiVinG WaY BeyOnD iNFiNity NoW.. No Limitations
No Expectations by otHeRs SeT to Domesticating PriSoNers
in Zoo We So SAdly And Yes Willingly Create that beCoMes
A/The Prison oF Misery Loves Company rather than an Inheritance
thaT iS
And Greater
Real as Heaven
within.. inside..
outside.. above.. so
Below and obViouSlY
alls ARouNd NoW.. Yes..
aT LeasT ReaL For Me
And verily Many
OTHeRs wHo
are similarly
raptured and or
unplugged as any Neo
Yoda Jesus Buddha Lao
Tzu or other Story Book
Characters Pointing to Real
WiLL STiLL Do time out of time
distance out of distance and space
out of space as the Spirit of the Writers
of the Stories Do go on as real inhabiting pART
WhOle oF OtHEr SoULs oF GoD aLL Ocean NoW God eYes
and ears and FeelinGS and SeNSes iN HuMaN oN eARth
but again don’t
Tease Karma too much
for True Grandma does have Big Teeth..
and yes.. Jaws too as any Uncontrolled Dragon will..
As Shadow and or Sinnerwoormanreal.. Play WitH Karma
no longer Afraid of the DarK Shadows or Cynical of thE LiGHt
if you
and will
God Speed Greater
than any Speed oF LiGht
as LoVE agAPe aLL iNFiNity BeYonD aS NoW..
anyWay.. this veriLY and surELy fills uP anotHeR
Couple of Facebook Profile Pic Description Areas
Mission Accomplished NoW to Date NoW off to Art
A Next
Pic as Hard
Drive Space
online so free
and easy to Place..
And it’s true we do need folks who are
Neuro-Diverse for the Bi-Polar Spectrum
of BeinG is Responsible for iNnumerable
Fresh Arts and the Autism Spectrum Larger Phenotype
is Responsible for Many Scientific Discoveries
for Greater
Comforts albeit
Some oF aLL of This
Surely and Verily iS OuT
oF BaLanCe Per sE of Nature
PlUS AKA GoD WhOle NoW too..
But Never the Less Human
Potential Pursued and
Gained for Greater
Works of Love
and Faith
In Positive
AGaPE eVen MoRE..
And sAdly it’s True
Many of the Priests of
the Cosmos as Identified
Coming by Whitman are Stuck
in a Mechanical Cognition State
of Being JusT Waiting to Come out
And PlaY and although it’s really cold
And rainy to Potential SnowY oN Friday
Afternoon to Night HeAr and Not Even
Quite Officially Winter as we
Wait for Christmas Day
For thE LiGht of
SuN to come
Back after
3 Days of
Peak in Darker
Days in the Northern
HeMiSPheRe NoW the Sun
is STiLL OuT iN Me StiLL aLL
NoW WitHiN and aLThough it’s
NoT Quite Winter YeT or Christmas
i most Definitely Do invite God
Free and Wild and Loving in and
as you to come out and Play as Super
Normal can and will do too.. all Natural
as such as duh.. so much of God as Nature
pLuS is JusT Waiting to coME out and PLaY MoRE NoW..
if you
HeAR the
Call Look
uP WitHiN
And Spiral
WiTh God
God Notes More..
or whatever symbols
you find in whatever more
abstract Art or Concrete Leaning
Science as Stone Carries you through
in Fearless Will and Strength oN Foundation
of Grace and LoVE aGaPE For all alWaYS Now MoRE
DanCinG RiSinG SinGinG MoRE LiVinG GoD WiThiN NaKeD FReED
Me NoW..:)


Okay.. this makes 7600 Words or So So Far NoW
iN thiS First 24 Hours Or So Day oF NoW MoRE iN
tHiS NeWeST “7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS”
MacroVerse as the Numbers Continue to coMe
SynchronisticAlly As iNNate iNStinctual
And iNTuiTiVE aRT and Science
As SucH iN iNHeReNTLY Too..
PerHaps as
sAMe too as of Course
Any Mona Lisa Painting
At Smaller DARk and Light
Fiber View is not Nearly as
imPreSSive iN eYes LooKinG
All Around An Audience Room
in every which way of Direction
oF eYe and heaR SiGht MoRE..
so.. now that i have an original
Title Per SaY iN SinG and
Dance Flow Back
to Xenia
Place for a Second
Round of now what almost
seems like a Routine oF A Religious
Binding Force individuAlly as me iN
mY own Personal Religion of JusT
Hehe.. BeinG Me Wild and Free and
yeS oF cOURse iN BaLanCinG Grace and Love Fully aS iN
Foundation For aLL thaT WiLL And StrenGtH FearLess STuFF NoW
Too.. oF Me iN Both Divine Masculine and Feminine Force Too.. NoW..
Hmm.. 2.174 Billion Views.. What An Incredible DArk Horse Karma can
be too..
heHe.. i
ratHeR pLay
WiTh WhiTe MaGiC
As thAT MaGiC Flies HiGHeR
oF CourSE iN As BaLanCinG ForCe
iMperfect peRFect iMperfect STorM MorE
RiSinG CapsTone Pyramid BLack to BLoNdE
to Green
To BluE
MounTainS NoW
oF LoVE eVeN MoRE..
And what i do has/is no Money
Value to anYone heHe.. as tHat’s
How Bibles Sell Best WitH LovE ONly LovE..
OtherWise yA MiGht Get TRapped iN JuST aNoTHeR
RePeaT oF A BooK oF ELi and Never Evolve WiTH GoD
MoRe STucK iN A PeN·i·TeN·TiA·RY oF JuST OnE BooK
BeTTeR WRiTE DancE SinG YouR OwN Original Way
or sure you
cOUld spEnd YouR
enTire LiFE NoW or even
Decades in Purgatory NoW
only reMembeRinG A/The
SamE Words WitHouT
aNew ReNeWeD
NoW As MiNd And BoDy BaLanCinG ForcE
SoUL Free Ain’t No God Bible Free anYWHeRe
tHaT saYs God SpeaK iS LimiTeD iN anYWay then or now..
Shoot considering
2nd amendment
Rights in Making a
Model of God Carry
on aS ONward Imperial
Expanding Soldier with
A Sword iNstead oF Kind
ToleraTinG And AccepTinG
Peace iN Harmony FearlesS UNConDitioNaL
LoVE FoR aLL of Creation GoD MoRE NoW
Don’t you THiNK That GoD SPeaK Deserves
First Amendment Rights too.. Well it’s True Separation
of Church and State most ironically Denies that Freedom
oF EXpreSSioN to God iN Many so-named Christian Churches
as far as Particularly iN Word Revisions aS Scripts SeT iN STone..
limiTed to
God Talk
a very
ShooT.. iF i WiLL Write
12 Million Words as a Total
Bible too as Grand Parent
to Parent “SonG oF mY SoUL”
NoW and Two Children as Grand
Children NoW aS “Nether Land Bible
2017” and NoW “F Book Profile Pic Bible
2018” with of course another Land MaRk
MileSToNe “Grand Cross Bible 2017” Coming
in Addition in the Second Year Since Doing a Half
A Year or So oF A King James Sized “Grand Cross
Bible 2016” last Christmas as i Continue on Average
Since Memorial Day of 2016 to Spit out an Average
oF A King James Bible Sized Effort every
6 Months approaching 800K Words
as even that is 10 times the
Size of a Koran that
took 23 Years
to Receive
as Holy Creative
Spirit to do that Effort
and a Couple of Decades to
get that printed in a Book.. for
what i Finish of A 120K Effort of
4 Close to Novel Efforts Fully
Illustrated with Close to
2K Photos and
You Tube Videos
And other Links to accompany
all of that Stuff with all the Art NoW
and Mechanical Cognition completed
in just 28 Days of Effort like just another
Moon Cycle of anotHeR little old me Moon
Child as Bible Writer more.. sure.. Director
i and Actor I WiTh Holy and Creative SpiRiT!
Fully ExPosed NoW aS Ascendent Transcendent
Ecstatic Holy Creative SpiRit LiFE is transFormed
as Logos of Written Abstract Constructs as this Digital
Keyboard Word Piano preparing me a way as Avenues
oF Cultural Technological ByProducts Does BRinG For this
Trans-humanist Effort OnE iN BeinG WiTH GoD thaT LiterAlly
And MetaphoricAlly Does iNCLuDE all that iS eVeN thE By Products
of HUmaN Technological CulTuRe to Prepare anYone A Greater Way
to Write/ArT A Personal Bible Dedicated Wild and Free iN Love WitH GoD MoRE
NoW eVeR than
beFoRE even
iN A Tradition
oF A Religion Old
And SOld BOught anD
BrOught by Swords that
Say per John 14:12 that iF
You ReAlly Do Have 100 Percent
Luke HoT Faith as Pure aGAPe LoVE
FoR aLL oF Creation pluS as God within you
yes.. You yes You CaN and WiLL Do more than
this John 14:12 Effort in Beyond iNFiNiTY oF
OTHeR Ways of HumaN and GoD Nature iN
HuMaN PoTenTiaL SeT aS A CapstOne oF
Mountain and Pyramid oF You WitH
GoD sAMe And DiffeRent NoW…
ThinG is you can will not Be
aFRaid of when
YouR ‘Darth’
PLays A Piano
oF Muse oR Cyncial
oF thE LiGht of a Leia
and or a Luke as they coME
to Sing as A Chorus oF aLL
in Synch as ‘they’ Do Dance and
SinG all ToGeTHeR NoW Escape
thE TiMe WarP oF CLocKs juST Do God
Now.. but True iN A Way at lEast i am a lot
like that Dude in the Book of Eli Movie only
Difference is as predicted in Isaiah 53 only
Art heaR in DancE and SonG as any Cheerleader
And or Choir Director as and of God WiLL Do as LoVE
Free and Fearless now.. PaGes Flow Covers NeVeR
BinDinG alWAys Free God in Me God in You Free oR Not God is God iN You..:)

Hmm.. Duty Calls.. Katrina with Allergies and A Trip to see anoTHeR
Doctor.. Be back Later For Frank and Xenia’s Place WitH FloWeRy Words ANeW NoW..:)


“Love Sees us for who we are”
And The Story of Jesus and God
And US At Best mY FriEnd Brian Are Love..
And it’s True wHeRE
LoVE Does not
Live it never
By Force
oF Coercion..
Control or Subjugation
in any way of Slavery
For Love that is Fear
Instead of Free is no
Love at all Just Faux News
mY FriEnd.. in a Trump Headline
that reMains the same Lie as 2 or 12K
Years ago.. wHere Love Dies or is Crucified
oN A Cross.. Sure.. Jesus cAMe Back aLong A Go..
Finding Nothing had has is changed
much about the Human
Species as folks were
are am still talking
about Love
and never
Actually Doing
it much for those in pews
Labeled with a New Name StiLL
Away From Yeshua.. Continuing
to Grow in Congregation that and
wHo Feels and Senses Fear and Hate
STiLL aS eVeR BeFoRE.. True for the
outcasts here as all the ones that the Story
of Jesus Favored They Do Receive More Favor
NOW in the USA as LonG as many of the so-called
Pew Following Christians don’t get tHeiR way to take
That Freedom Away
For those
oF inclusion
finally HeAR..
oh yeah.. and all those
times Jesus came back.. tHere
was is no doubt An only route then now
would make For AgApe Love in a Species
oF Apes heAR oN eARth is the Bonobo aS
that is wheRE LoVE Plays StiLL Among Apes
FReE oN eARTh aWay From Aggression other than
PLaY NoW wHere Violence and Wars have no home..
As long as the Ape
Village stays
naked real..
It’s True at core humans
are neither Gorillas or Chimpanzees
what they are more is empathic feeling
Sensual Bonobos wearing Clothes of Culture
iN Insanely Large Populations.. anyWay if the
same reported Jesus as Yeshua came again today
as a Short Brown Syrian looking Dude the answer would
be simple as to where Jesus would come next.. he would
stay over tHEre
wHeRE he
is as
the Borders
are closed here
now for any Syrian
Jesus to come to the
USA today.. but True.. no one
over tHeRE either would believe who
he says he is.. for he would remember STiLL
His Best Teachings at Least and still refuse to
Hate His enemies now wHeRe Sending anyone
to hell our stomping on the Head of this side or
that side’s enemies would still be no pArt of HiS
God Cop Jesus iMMaNuEL.. or MaNuaL heHe.. how
ever one miGht BRinG iT today.. i must say i do find Jesus
in these Red State Parts that and who continue to Laud all the
pArtS of Trump and Folks like Roy Moore with no shame or regret..
is most
and at times
even like a Barefoot
Free and Half Naked
Homeless Man Still now
Willing to Accept a Hand
of Love in Form of Food and
Drink to the Weary of Feet and
Hands tHaT wHo sTiLL BRinG LoVE Naked
Free.. As Born oF God All Free.. True.. i Often
See This Yeshua on the Street Corner sTilLL and
no matter the groans and grunts of the ‘Christians’
in the Cars Behind us.. the both us as Assessed Totally
And Permanently Legally and Medically Disabled Provide
just a little
To A Yeshua
oN A Street Corner
oF LoVE Free as a Poe
Raven with just enough to eat
to continue a walk about oF FReE LoVE
It’s True Jesus and God WiLL alWays
LiVE NOW BesT as Unconditional
Fearless Love and By God iF
A Bonobo Can WiLL Do iT
i dAm sure
hehe.. for those
who continue to Raise
A Warm and Fuzzy Hand NoW
oF LoVE neVer WitJ shAme or regret..
it’s True mY FriEnd tHeRE are few places
in any Church in my Area where a Modern
Jesus would be accepted.. i stand tall For my
Church and the Monsignor Tennis Buddy from
High School of Past is one man of the Cloth who
would Give Jesus a Big Hug every time he left and
came from the least and the meek of the Very Back of
the Pews of Strange mY FriEnd.. it’s true mY FriEnd i’m
a Litmus
for Jesus
as all former
and current outcasts
oF Strange on eARTh NoW
i KNoW and FeeL and SenSe
The best places for Jesus in the
New World and they surely and verily
are far far away in a place called Home
Namely Love.. unMistakable when Real STiLL
it’s True my friEnd you number among the Very
Few of Christians that could or would Recognize A Yeshua
now for you too have been to India and have Seen and Heard
Him and Her now.. too..
JusT Be LovE mY FriEnd
other than that a shout out to
Your Frolicking Cats and a Christmas
Tree of Hope and Love to come and stay
with the rest of your Family too Forevermorenow iSReaL.
ha! NoW
makes me
Wonder what
Folks would say
if i showed up in the
back of your Church one
day with my Cat Shirt on and
just like the Monsignor you would
be enough to inspire me to come back
True my
the Litmus
Test of LoVe Free
for all practical intents
and purposes you too are
A CaT oF GooD CHeeR ReTurNs AGaiN
wasn’t hard to spot you long ago for you
are the
who cAMe
with the word
i was looking for in “Revelation 66”
then as Love by a Dude named 007..
sMILeS2 it’s True i’M STiLL 006 mY
FriEnd aS A Number oF mY BirtH NoW..
Hmm.. the theMe Song of this.. is a little
Dramatic.. Hehe.. Off to Dance at the 190th
Week With all the Cool College Age Folks at
For iT’s
True mY
FriEnd they often see me too..;)




SMiLes.. Thanks For Writing
This Nice Review About my
Grandfather’s Book.. i never
met him.. so
it is nice
to Hear about Him…
i Dabble in Writing
A ‘lithe’
bit too..
iN somEwhat
Prolific Ways too.. heHE..;)


My Father’s Identical Twin’s Son also known
as the Son who is my Cousin Whose Father
is still alive who danced until age 84 with the
Women at this ‘get together place’ in
Pelham Georgia until a Back Injury
ended his career of doing that
for now his family taking
care of him at home
through his illness now..
Oh yeah his name is Elvis
Also known as Teddy always with
the Pleasure of Bringing Art to the World
through all of his work career as being a Musician
so sure.. it’s true as in the other memory shared to day
in terms of Wiki Auto-biographies of my Grandfather a noted
X-Catholic Priest and Author of Last Century and Editor of
the “Converted Catholic Magazine” for about 10 Years in
New York New York that man who died before we lived
would eventually indirectly sire just another Elvis and as
says you’re
not sure
what but something
as no she currently
doesn’t have a label
for it and sure Multi-Labeled
Potential Essences might fit the
Bill as my Cousin Plays Elvis i play
who ever i care to play in the Zen Art of
Ego/Persona now.. it’s just a Hobby that some
folks at least do not begin and stARt and never
End at age 50 to practice 53 to StaRT the Art and
57 as a never ending nether land bible story fully illustrated in
as sight and hearing and other feelings and senses carries on
like another
wayward son
of a sun that is
just another star to
rise and fall and rise again
as surely all stars do as we as
Humans Resurrect as Sentient Star
duST PlUS from Crucible Fire of Star Burst
Death as even Science Shows we arise from Gaseous
Dust of Star Burst Death and LiGHt comes from DaRK as
DARk CoMes from LiGHT too as the Circle of LIFE never ending
Spiraling goes on forevermore now.. but you see it’s not just above
that equals below and within as inside that equals outside it’s all aRound
too.. you don’t have to have
A Microscope or Telescope
to See and Hear God or
even eyes and ears
for sure what we see and
hear of our Cultural Clothes in
the ways our Languages and other
Abstract Created Constructs as Cultural
By Products arise often it is the organ of eye
and ear that gets in the way of the Bigger View of
God Within.. these words come from a Mighty Deep
Place with no eyes or ears or touch or smell or taste
at all these Words come from i that and who is the and
A God within.. that is me for now.. and you and we and us
and i.. and the only Next Generation i will Produce is the Love
And Hope and whatever other Joy i Bring to oTHeR eYes True tHeRE
is more than one way to reproduce Love..
Some folks do Elvis
And other folks
Do Marilyn Monroe
And yes some folks do Krishna..
Buddha.. John Wayne.. Jesus.. Lao
Tzu.. Shiva.. Yoda.. and Whitman too..
But everyone does God whether they see
and hear God within or not.. sure.. verily the inner voice
with no limits or expectations but Free and Wild Love now..
And sure the DArk ShaDows oF Fear Jealousy.. Envy.. Pride
Without Merit.. Doubt.. Anger.. and Lust Without a Balance of
Love that Seeks to Control Subjugate Dominate and Harm others against
their True Will with little to no empathy sympathy or compassion for the feelings and
senses and pain overall pain of others.. otherwise known other than truly Wise in Beauty
aS SelFish
A loWest common
Trump/Moore Denominator of
Human Being that never the less
and alway sAMe is yes.. pARt of GoD
WHoLe as what pArt of the metaphor of Alpha
to Omega i am do you get or not get still now.. true
some of us see and hear and feel and sense and innately
instinctually intuitively all inherently and environmentally Do and
Be and ‘See’ less or more of God Now.. for God is just a three letter
shell.. a label something as small as a Romans 10:9 Verse that you say
now and then that changes
nothing else about ‘your’
Trump and Roy Moore
Voting Life to use
a couple of common
scape goats these days
for Fear and Hate as sure
Jesus already Holds the scape goat
King of Love that is no longer living in
the ‘Alabama House’.. sure hell is about to Freeze
over with Trump tonight in the Pensacola Civic Center too..
in fact it’s gonna be so cold here that even Snow is potentially
Coming to an Indian Summer that overall has lasted 3 Years or so
Far with Winter Flowers.. Yep.. Hell is Freezing over for the Christians
Have Are Still Electing two men who stand against everything about
the Beatitudes that is and are still Love.. and ever Since the Red Eve
of Last Sunday’s Super Moon the LA and not Lower Alabama part of
the Florida Panhandle is on a Wild Fire of the Destructive dARk of
Nature to set the Yin and Yang of the Circle of Life Back in Balance
AS Humans
Weight it
Down further
in DArk that only
Fires can and will still Cure..
It’s True my Father did me a great favor
by Leaving when i was Three Years old close
to Thanks Giving ’63 when John Kennedy was shot
and my Mother saw that Catholic Funeral Procession
with those two young children the age of me and my sister
and that Newly Widowed and Elegant Woman who would soon
be raising her Children Single without a Husband’s Help sure other
than a Hundred Bucks a month for a Judge ordered that.. and sure..
A Couple of Bi-Annual Visits to fulfill something something at all of
WHatever a Father’s Love can
and will still be after leaving to
find a way to make more money
and material goods.. if not that i would
have been raised in the Trump and Roy Moore
Way of a Southern Baptist Church with the same
Trump and Moore Peers that i saw in school that
seemed nothing like that Jesus Fellow i learned about
in Church.. true i didn’t learn much in church as the Priests
then inspired no emotional heART in the Congregation more likely
a nap.. but at least they didn’t raise hell fire inspiring a Fear of God
truly more of a luke cold environment of apathy was that religious
way of life then.. something about that New Testament though i
read in a Living Bible at Home.. true.. so many contradictions too..
where Love your Enemy in Light was offset by hate your family
and friends and even children if they disagree and even slay
folks who disagree too as you bring a sword instead of
Sea Gull to the Peace and Harmony of Fearless Love
that has is no conditions but Love.. but true there
was is Love your neighbor and yourself and
God as a Trinity of one.. as sure neighbor
is everyone and you and God all three as
yes one.. too.. even Gentile Jew Servant
or Free Woman or Man no more sure2+..
even if you are very androgynous looking
and the McDonald’s Cashier calls you Miss
at age 12 you can get into the Kingdom of Heaven
always in this Generation and Hand now within.. Verily
that makes sense that is no Fairy Tale without Substance
as the Essence of Love is Real and Tangible you not only
think it and do it unconditionally fearlessly you feel and sense
and see and hear without even organs of eyes and ears the Bliss
the Nirvana the Satori the Kundalini Rising the Chi the Ki the Ka
Qi Spirit of Love all FeeLinG and SeNSing oF A Positive LiGht always
Rising More WithiN NoW
radiating out in an
Art of Love eXpreSSinG
LiGht even more as a Lamp
that will never be diM to Lend a Hand
of Love in a Dance and Song to otHeRs
no matter what now in all of Life’s Challenges
From Alpha thru Omega Even Greater than Infinity now
for sure while one Jesus in the New Testament may be read
as one that brings ever lasting Hell and Torture by Fire to those
who do no agree and worship
a man who otherWise will tale
you that the last are first and the meek
inherit the eARTh.. it’s true they do for meek/humble
does not mean weak.. meek/humble means Harnessing your
ShadoW iN dARK As Fearless and changing a Fist into a Loving
Dove and Seagull so Pure that iT WiLL never Harm another as
Love becomes
the Master
Fearless iN
oF LiFE As and
in Essence Jesus
And God of and as Love
Lives as you and me and i and
we as US forevermore NoW LonG eVen MoRE..
And yes. John 14:12 says you can and will Do Greater
Works than Jesus if you Truly Believe you are the Faith to do
More.. as even Science Shows that the Placebo Effect of Belief
when two or more come toGeThER as LoVinG Hands of Emotional
SpiRiT in Positive Ways Brings Healing and ‘Good Way’ Results more.. And sure..
NoW Voo Doo is real too for the Nocebo Effect can and will be the opposite place
of Both Devil incarNate and LiVinG iN Negative Hell on eARTh NoW too.. yes
tHeRE is alWays tHE otHeR DARk Moon Side of A GoD CoIN STiLL NoW
for Without Clouds tHeRE is no new Sun Either During Daylit Hours and
with no NiGHT tHeRE is nEither dARk Side oF Moon or LIGht either for
the same needs
no new name yet
sTill comes in DiffeRent
ways as we too are Co-Creators
oF LiGHT and DArk as we too absorb
and reflect it ALL Aka God Be now we all..
it’s True Love and Hope Lives in the New Testament
and so does Fear and Hate as true dARk and LiGht exists
in Broad Day Light and in our Shadows of Love too.. and when
the Greatest Shadows in Terms of Dark Force of Fear and Hate
Come True a Beyond Rainbow ColoRed Change often comes after
that no Different Really
than Wild Fires on
the West Coast now for
it’s also True as Both the Angel
and the Devil and Hell and Heaven within
us in potential for the scales of life to be dropped
or risen one way or the other is all of God as DarK and
LiGht within us too.. when you ignore one pARt dARk or LiGht
And pretend it
doesn’t exist
it makes its way
out and comes back
to the Table of Life no Different
than a Snow Storm of Indian Summer
or a Wild Fire in the other LA out West..
For when things Get out of Whack the God of
dArk and LiGht puts the pieces together again as
Fear and Hate rise in conditions of Environmental Scarcity
and Apathy for Hope and Love to come back in Victory again
as the never ending Circle of Life is fulfilled alWays NoW DifferEnt
And Same.. so sure.. My Cousin is Elvis and my Grandfather was
A Catholic Priest who lived his life to take folks out of that church
just to move into a different one
with the same basic books
with fewer rules but
true the same
old lies too
of Cognitive
Dissonance Created
By the same Authors of
A Tax Bill today.. That wasn’t enough
for me.. for i Love the Truth and LIGht
and Love the Most no matter who lives in
that ‘other place’ now.. for it’s True Every Loving
Truly Loving Mother and Father’s Best Wish is that their
Children will do more than they did and even be Happier than
they are now.. but True that is usually only if they are raised by
Parents and a Culture and or Religion that can and will Garden
Humanity this way too.. its’ the way of Nature and God and Love
With Hope incarnate
as Being Human Still
it’s not Natural to Worship
Your Parents and Refuse to be
no more Happy than them and accomplish
the same or less than them in life now.. someone
whoever they were in the New Testament brought a
one and only loop hole for all the Jesus’ to come again
For it’s true
John 14:12
Proves that Jesus’
Job was and is still fulfilled for whoever wrote before
the story if you come to overflow his story shoes again..
For it’s True a World that believes they and who will do
No Greater Works of Life fulfill that prophecy all Natually
in a true insanity in dArk away from the Potential of God in
you and i Still all Natural and beyond the Norm of Before as
Another Four Minute
Miles is Broken now
or the first of this or the first
of that as those who seek and find
ways to Love others most may be the last
but are usually the First to Do Greater Works of Hope and Love..
Love is the Greatest Force of Hope when Fully Employed as God
Nature within you and
me we and i and US.. For
it works and
i at least
Prove it
True every now
i do a Greater Work for God..
i am no Servant for i Love to just do God NoW..
For what Parent for what Parent is Love who makes their child a slave
No Parent
of Love
Verily this is
sTill True iN LiGht For More..:)


So Many Faces
An Entertainer
YeS.. ENterTAiNS
WhaT A JouRneY
So ManY PatHS
Sure.. Some Folks Name
it the Sylvia Plath Effect NoW
For it’s True Bi-Polar and other
Mood Disorders are rated highest
in Poetry.. serIOUsly.. Have you ever
reLaTeD to Poets as yes.. they are surely
And Verily a Poetry of uP and DoWN A Moody
Bunch they are as i surely found out on the International
Poetry Trail as i became a rather unusual HAPPY Poet after recovering
from the Worst Pain
known to Humankind
and another 18 or 19
other synergy of
Life Threatening
Mostly Chronic
to Acute 11 and
2 years respectively aS
iN Work Related Stress..
Verily as the 20th Disorder
After Recovery from Hell aS iN
Devil Incarnate without even any
Feelings Left for Love other than
A Moral Code Still Fully inTacT.. thaT sTiLL
Spelled Love Love then even if the Essence of
Shell could not be fELt as Living Love within..
Yes.. the 20th Disorder as Permanently and
Strangely Enough Named Heaven within
rather informally as of course the
Doctor Assessed Label for
this is anywHeRe from
Hypomania to
Mania Bi-Polar
all out of control
toward harm to self
and or others that is often
more associated with Drug
Addictions that don’t really help
like Alcohol and other Stuff that only
Exacerbates the Negative Symptoms and
make lEarning a way for self control in BaLanCinG
CHI Force and other labels for mastery in regulation
of emotions and integration of Senses in Positive Flow
almost impossible as it’s true even with violent associated
offenses no matter mental illness or not it is most often the
Drug Addiction that replaces self esteem in warm and fuzzy
loving balance in moving connecting and creating that puts
life out
of whack
you come
to more destroy
your life and the
life of others around you too..
And it’s True this Bi-Polar thingie still
runs all through my Family for my Mother
surely went to high places too.. where her
outlook on life became a little strange too..
other folks on her side ended up in jail
or addicted to drugs and even
dying from Drug Overdose
as such.. but we
were very lucky
for yes..
we ended up controlling
it enough to escape an early
grave or any real long term stay
at the ‘mental place’ and out of prison
too.. but True.. Environment speaks a whole
lot of who survives or who does not survive with
a highly strange and challenging mix of neurodiversity
and other diversities of Human Nature and Environment too..
my Father’s
side is a different
play for that is where
the Asperger’s most certainly
comes from as my Sister Diagnosed
with that so-named Little Professor or
Ms Philosopher Syndrome too.. true
i do both yang and yin of that
with a little Sylvia
Plath added
in for
Poetry for my
Mother Did that too..
but with the Asperger’s
it’s true too.. Fredenstein
Full Speed of Head Fredaches
for others around me do come too..
it’s not often that a 5 Million or so Long
Form Word Bible in Free Verse Style as Poem
comes in a Full Deck of 52 Months or 8500 miles
of Public Dance in the same 52 months where
the Dude in the other Sylvia Plath Place was
a Shut-in in his Bedroom mostly in his
Underwear and T-Shirt for 66
months and now an
Artist in
at all but
Flesh and Blood
Loving Wild and Free..
Moving from shut-in now more
After Dancing 190 Weeks too with
all the Cool College Age Folks now at
Old Seville Quarter where some nights as
last night for the folks who have witnessed
what i’ve done long enough bring me a Hero’s
Welcome as i enter the Dance Floor with them
Jumping up and down and up and down saying
You’re here You’re here you’ve come back again
to stay.. not unlike the Karaoke Bar Where Men
Come up to me to ask me all about the longer
story even asking for a link to the 5 Million
Word plus Longest Long Form Poem
that Doubles as a Bible too..
with of course a
warning from
me be
careful which links you
open up my friEnd for i am
about as far out ‘tHeRe’ even
more than what you can and will
imagine at this point of a Short-Fred
Talk now.. anyway.. i record all the paths
of this Journey NoW in Free Verse Flow simply
’cause i can and will as God of Nature Awards
more talents to those who use them instead of
lose them or never gain them at all.. it’s kind of
amazing to think that i could never even
write more than much of a technical
list before Thanks Giving Day
of 2010 when i started
Writing one word
then a sentence
then a paragraph
of List then a Poetic
Spark on or about the First
Day of March 2013.. that floWed
Again not unlike a Christmas Story
coming.. from: That ‘unknown’ place
in Middle School to: Winning A so-called
contest then among 80 Two Class Students..
Teacher Simply Floored that those MaGiC words
came out of ‘Sheldon’ then and if only they could hear
see me now they too would see that ‘Sheldon’ was just
Waiting to Public dance until 53.. Forty Years from winning
that story at age 13 then.. sure i wandered a Desert of little to
No Creativity for 40 years.. a spark in a Philosophy Class at
age 18 in a Philosophy Class at Junior College Class for a Free
Write on God then but not much of anything else wandering this
Patriarchal Area that the Science of Sociology suggests is the worst
place in the United States for anyone to be different as far as breaking
Away from the Matrix of Group think and Military and Religious Groupings
of Human Conforming Behavior too.. 3 Major Military Stations and Bases in
the Area and more than that and yes the locality assessed as having the most
per Square
mile too.. True
Here it’s not so much
you adapt to change to survive
it’s more you conform to same to
fit in the Southern Baptist overall
Military way of life heAr or else
you don’t get hired you
don’t get promoted
and nah..
of all you
may never have
any long term friends
at all.. meet a girlfriend.. get
married or Have Children either
and if you are a relative like i have
who is of differing Sexual Orientation
true.. you might have to go to another county
to Feel comfortable to even do the most sacred
of Human Connecting Ceremonies for life long love
between two loving partners who ever they are.. my
locality has restricted me from being all of who i could
be from a very young age but true it gave me a job security..
a wife.. a home and reliable transportation in area to live where
you can almost leave your doors open for most everyone around
you is loaded with metal in terms of bullets and pistols and rifles even
more to truly serve and protect the entire neighborhoods from any interlopers
still now.. true.. i learned to fit in well enough to receive these gifts of a very conservative
area that actually thrives this way for the Reliable Military Jobs that continue to stay here
and sure.. all the jobs that the Church Provides too either indirectly or the Social Networks
in Flesh and Blood Before Facebook came online.. and True too.. until the Constant and
Chronic Stress over the potential Scarcity of losing my Job in a down sizing
era where Computers continued to Automate Jobs out where humans
no longer need apply and you dam sure better keep the Secure
Job with Health Benefits by any means and ways possible
as it is a Cold Republican
Way of life out there
that and
don’t give
a crap about still
the lower rung aspect
less of the Working Middle
Class now.. just a peg down
or so from obtaining enough
Financial Security to really
enjoy life now without too
much worry aLonG
the way of
LiFE even more..
True.. There are many conservative
advantages too.. being Open Minded
And Creative in Entertaining others is a very
difficult way to actually make a living even if you
do live in an area of the Country that is Blue in Art
of Open Minded Dancers and Singers all aRound the City..
but on the other hand.. hehe.. if the Disorder of Heaven you
have is permanently disabling no longer obtaining ‘normal work’
of any kind or work that will reasonably pay you a Lincoln Cent
or Washington Based Dollar you find something else to do for
even at regular retirement age pass Disability that i have
long sense surpassed as age 50 for the Federal
Government even if you retire regular
as i could do now too no matter
what.. you still must find
a social role in
and creating that fulfills
your life if you wanna have any
chance of pursuing happiness at all still now..
it’s true i am fully assessed as too far out of the norm
to enter the conservative way of doing business now here..
But it’s also true i still enjoy a Hero’s Welcome most every
Thursday Night for doing nothing at all but Free Flow Dancing Fun..
it’s True my life has become the stuff of movie and book making stuff..
And it’s also true that too is literally my Hobby too.. but as Bi-Polar can
rise and still stay high in BaLanCinG ForCE of CHI Art too.. tHeRE STiLL iS
No FucKinG Target Audience for Jonathan Livingston Seagull unless he/she/eTc.. flies by..
And is captured NoW iN the Moment of a selfie that spells joy from ear to ear..the reward
the ultimate
reward a smile
shared the one
thing i would
never then
as FeeLinG and
SenSinG in Shut-in
Hell for 66 months in an
opaque window view then no matter
what then so far so far in another Way oF
Galaxy so far aWay from Smiles of fELt LoVE..
iT’s True One Moment now is worth the gift of that 66
Months to appreciate what it truly means to Entertain a Smile
in someone no matter who they are now.. Entertainer i stay
For Free SMiLes..
yes.. in every way that
comes for all the Joy and
Pleasure that and who has
and is brought to me i pay it back i pay
it back and i pay it forward for the Rest of mY LiFe Complete NoW..
i brought
and Truly
tHat Changed the
World as We All Do
when We Spread Love
iN ALLWays LoVE ComeS NoW
As Entertainers of Love We all can and will be NoW..
if We
iF We never
give up and one
day just do it ’cause We CaN and WiLL..:)


Now Back to Second Round of
Poetic Responses at Xenia’s Place..
SMiLes mY FriENd
For While Circles
can and will
become ruts
Spirals Swirl
BeYond iNFiNiTy oF LoVE..
From Warm Clouds of Beach on Tuesday
to Much Colder Clouds of
Rain from Wednesday
through now on
Friday.. surely
A Blue of the Sun
Will Come again for
A Biloxi Beach Dance
in and out of Casinos
too for Warm
Even in Cold..
Laughs as Synchronicity
And Serendipity will
Have it after clAims
i Will Drive to Snow
if i have to.. to See It
Again.. Winter Storm
Benji currently has an
Advisory for Snow out For
Us at an Inch or so around Midnight
as Benji’s Paw Prints of Snow are coming
in Biloxi as i flow here now.. so it’s true.. even
if Benji misses us
later tonight…
A Casino
Tour Bus will
Drive us early
tomorrow morning
to Visit the Snow Prints
of Benji already coming
to Biloxi now.. And it’s also
True i had another Hot Chocolate
Brew a Few Minutes ago too.. yes..
Finally we have a Real Season Change
that we
WiLL not only
hear feel and see
but touch too in MaGiC oF FLaKes
iN Nature’s Love as Change.. Have A
Nice Weekend Xenia iN tHaT MaGiC WeATheR to You too..
And NoW on to Frank’s Place to do the similar and different too..
SMiLes mY FriEnd iN Human
Terms Love Binds all
oF ReaSon
to disCard it
is to FaLL apART..
True For All That
Is Connects
Children’s eYes..
SMiLes mY FriEnd For Whatever
Wake BRinGS Or Getting uP
From Chairs Comes iN
Ways of Pain NoW anD
oR Stiff Once uPoN NoW
A Free Flow NoW MoRE
oF Spiraling Movement
iN Tai-Chi-Like Way
Takes iT aLL aWay
As A Niagra
oF Water Drops
With No Restraints..
For True Some Humans
At least and more can and
Will Erase the stiff and pain
oF A Routine day.. With just
A Short Happy Flow
oF Meditative
Even Slow Dance MoRE
wHeRe NoW Suddenly Sanford
And Son BecoMe One aGaiN.. heHe..
As of Recent News just an hour
or so ago.. Frank.. Winter Storm
Benji is running to meet us with
a Friend
of Snow
Long Gone
that the Flowers
including of course
Winter Sprung Azaleas
Will Not Love at all for
White Replaces Colors
As Winter MaGiC
Rarely coming
HeaR true too..
i suppose a Price
Some Other Plants will
enJoy that and who more
Enjoy Colder Weather and
Snow even more in Late Fall
in Panhandle oF Flowers truly
Restricted mostly to just that
Three years and counting as change comes
again now.. Advantage NoW iN cold clouds
and Cabin Fever of Winter Weather South
Words May Be Colored Longer now more too..
True my friENd
the more the broader
the Colors are for Potential
Shorter and Farther Horizons
For Happiness more often BRings
Fruition of Highs rather than fall of low
too soon
as a Magic
of Beauty Fades
from Wise to Beauty more..
Haha.. SMiLes
mY FriEnd finAlly
Nice again to
Share some
with you
Folks far up
in the Shoulders of Chicago..
Fire and Ice it’s True
As Far as Potential Real
Worries go.. much better
now to be in little LA
Lower Alabama
As Florida
NoW For A
Ice only Burns so deep
as it’s true too.. the closer one
Gets to the Beach the less it feels like Hell too…
True it’s
Soon in more
ways than one
AS Southern LA Fire too…
otHeR than tHat Have A
Nice Weekend Frank as we
Flurry over to Biloxi Snow Beach
And Casino’s tomorrow morning
After i once again transform from stiff
RiSinG off of Tour Bus Seats to Free Flow
Snow Bird Dance in Shorts on the Beaches
With Below
Wind Chills
Invigorating the
Shadow Fire of My
SouL even more in
Fearless ways of a Heinz 57 MiX.. heHe..
Reminds me of Last Year when i did the same
in around a 19 Degree Wind Chill at Biloxi when
a Nice African American Man who looked like he could
Have once played for the Chicago Bears as a Lineman
you are
bad man
when he saw me
flying down the sidewalk
Dancing Spiraling in Shorts hehe..
For me at least that was/is a moment i would
have never imagined in the ‘fore days of my strongest
yet to
come Back
To A Future in pART 4 or WhATeVeR
beYond distance space and time
oF CreaTiViTy
A Love For LiFe
NoW aS ArT WitH no LiMiTS no
Expectations but MoRE mY FriEnd NoW..:)


JusT SomEThiNG
i Do Circling the Globe
Late at Night TaKinG
Poetic Notes
i go
Copy Paste
i go more too..
For what i use
A Facebook Tablet
For with Endless Hard
Drive Space wHeRE Algorithmic
ALL Free Robotic Assistance BRinG
Me Memories of Years gone by staying
Now in ways of what i did on this day that
Day Each Year to Date i take notes all Free
in Give of 6 Million Words a Year Now in Size
of all words
many more
fully illustrated pArTs too..
anyWay.. JusT SomEthings i do
NoW after a Marathon of Dance at Old
Seville Quarter as my Version of a
Charlie Brown Christmas continues
to come again and never leave
Beyond even Christmas
Month now like
those Radio
that Begin Christmas
WitH Veteran’s Day.. sure..
Big Department Stores too.. MorE
yes.. something i do slowly falling
asleep at the Wheel of this Digital
Keyboard more doing my best to wait up
to take some photos of early morning Snow
to fall and stick and foretold to melt by day
Break too.. now or potentially a long long now to
wait for the Next Flake to Fall in what is almost by Three
Year History now an Indian summer That NoW Never reAlly ends
aLL toGeTheR as Warm continues to come back Strong even after
stints of Arctic Coldin’ Blasts.. at least for Human Beings who adapt
to Cold
too.. in shorts
on too.. for hey the reason
i don’t get cold is i don’t wear
warm clothes now that take away my
ability to adjust my Inner Temperature
More as any Yogi-like Dude or Dudette
and the ‘tween of all of us will do to
shake off an Icy Pond with
Focus as WiLL oF
MiNd and
BoDy BaLanCing
SoUL and Make Warm
Weather Come Within a Soul
tHaT and WHO is Equally Real
and even THRiViNG too.. so can and
will i stay up and make it ’till the Snow
Comes at 1 AM on SaTurDaY my 2669th Day of Writing
NoW Since Thanks Giving Day of 2010 as this Friday
the 2668th Eight of December Day NoW is at the 11:55
PM MaRK NoW oh Lord i’LL take a break for a few minutes NoW3..:)

Okay.. i’ve acquired the back to the future of past Snow Photos from
1993.. Yes.. the Aclaimed Storm of the Century then as back then they
of course did not give Winter Storms Names in the United States normally
but this one was amazing enough on the Ides of March yes the 13th of March
1993.. when Spring Azaleas were actually Blooming when they normally bloom
back then.. us living in the WoodLand Apartments Saving Money for a Down Payment
on a Home truly an amazing Dream come true and in paying my Cavalier Car off too..
for we had to eat many
days of beans and rice
cutting uP Cheap Leg Quarters
at around 10 Cents A LB way back
then Truth be told Yes Katrina did all
That Kitchen work then too as alWays too..
but even she felt like it was worth it never
to pay rent to someone else again to find a place
that one day would be paid off and free for decades
to come after that.. yes what a Blessing it was to have
A Home and our Car Paid off again by March of 2016 some
23 years later.. it’s true the Hungry years are good
and A Key in Life is to never leave boot camp even
if you never really went and yes Stay Hungry
And Live for the Heaven within as Love
to Give and Share rather than just
bucks and material things..
for it’s true the only
thing money is good
for is to allow
you to never
need now
be a slave
to anyone else
to make money again
ever in your life now
to finally truly earn your Wings..
but nah.. that will never happen likely
if you are married several times with children
from several marriages a camper and a boat in a back
yard only used as paper weights to keep up with the Smith
and Jones and even taking another Job after a first retirement
to pay for all the play toys you rarely even use.. it’s True in Cold
Weather you LEarn to Conserve for another Winter Storm of other Destructive
Forces oF DaRk iN Life to come.. true.. people don’t do it as much in the abundance
of Warm Environments.. particularly if and when they can and will even dance and sing mostly
naked from
the clothes
of culture too..
but true too.. many
of my ancestors come as
far away in Northern Europe
as the Black Forest of Germany
where snow and ice is a major challenge
in life to survive in Winter Cold as Warm
Light Colored eyes do say where you are from
and Blonde Hair in Youth in Ancestral Ways too..
The Indian and Hispanic
and French in me allows
me to tan somewhat too
through the Winter
Sun of North
as i no
longer am
trapped in a cave most
of the lit up day outside
i AM without any Windows
of Work For Free now.. as i greet
the Florida Sunshine as much as it comes
in Abundance whenever i so desire and it’s true
when we were looking for a home we were looking more
For a Forest Backyard that never ended with Nature more..
No Home is Big and Fancy enough to replace the full flowers
of life in green and other colors of Living Free.. so sure.. in these
three photos me at 32 and Katrina at 22 still another month left
for her to reach age 23 and close to 3 Months for June 6th to come
for me to reach 33.. for the October Month of that year would
be in ’93 the start of a Home Life without rent.. and a key to
A successful Finance of Life is to keep the same car for
around 15 years and find a yard nice enough where
you never desire to move up in a bigger more
expensive money trap with even higher
taxes and home insurance to
pay even more to
take away
from the
reality of Independence
from slaving away in perhaps
a job you can’t even stand as
that sucks the SoUL and the SpiRiT
oF heART all the way out of MiNd and
BoDy BaLanCE More.. Humans are evolved
to get out of the Cave and Enjoy the Loving
Warmth of the Sun.. not stagnate and rot
in a cave doing something that has
nothing directly to do with
a real forage for day
to day naked
God Human
Nature Life in share
And give to reach out and
touch what you do share and
give in appreciation of life
as a creation act with tangible
Results of Love even more.. it’s true
an art of life in photos like this are priceless
memories too and not unlike old photo albums stacked
high too overwhelming to search through to that Memory
that suddenly comes to mind.. Google is my Photo and Word
And title Search Engine for any and all Art i create give and share
online still..
Just Another
All Free Robotic
Assistance of Life for
it’s true creature comforts
in material ways are great as
long as you master the comforts
and never become a slave to what you
buy in life for comfort more.. as always
A BaLanCE FoR what Truly and IndividuAlly
Works for you and your sigNificant otHeRs
iN Cooperation too.. sure..
A Free
i Love
you in the
Snow on the hood
of what you bought
long ago means the
World in Letters of Love
that continue to carry on
the essence of a Message that
still lives for real in flesh and blood
too.. yes just another symbol for Real Winter Love NoW..
And According to the Weather Channel Radar the snow that
Still Stretches to Mobile Alabama is about 10 miles away
coming for us now.. sure.. i have another Blue Car.. not a Cavalier
but a Honda Civic i could Pull out of the Garage so Katrina could
Write i Love You With a Snow Shaped HeART on the Hood of our Car
now.. but sure i have something else now for i write i love you
forever online for now at least
in words
that last
as long or longer
than even a photo in
an Album Cover now..
the Pages of the
SonG oF mY soUL
are long as
the letters
are too..
But it’s True NoW MoRE2 all oF
Life and Creation is a Virtual
Miracle alWAys now alWays worth
Giving Thanks and Praise For and
Even Worshipping all as God plUS
with Gratitude more.. for sure
it’s enough to keep my wake
’till the snow comes
now.. Good Night
and Merry
to One and
all also kNoWn
a never ending Christmas
Song in a Nether Land that never
ends or
or finishes for NoW..
For it is for us to decide
what Colors of LIFE we ValuE
And Cherish more for some it is
love for others it is towers but
it’s true the Sun Sets and the Moon
Rises on all of us the same Depending on
how different
the Colors
of both
are we
FeeL and
SenSe so far
beyond just organs
of eyes and ears that
become more like tools of forms
than Living Love Essence WithiN
to Give and
Share Free..
iS free
so sure
i Give it and Share it NoW as
all ways too i LiVENoW as the
CLocK Strikes
1 AM
into the
2669 Day
of WriTinG TrUe
iN LiGHT LoVE OncE AGAiN NoW..:)


Territory and Terrorist
Are surely closely related
As Most all Politics is Associated
With one Human and or one Team
Against each other Vying for Resources
Including Reproductive Rights otherwise
known as when
to Own God
as all that is…
Trouble Happens Next NoW MoRE
As the Darker Element of Humanity
in Jealousy.. Greed.. Envy.. Lust without
A Balance of Love and Fear that someone
is overall gonna take Someone’s Territory Away
in all the Ways that Territory comes When the eARTh
As Whole iNcluding Humanity is bought and sold
instead of shared and given freely as the most
Peaceful Societies still exist in the World
Small with a Forage toGeTHeR For
Share and Give.. In other
Words Terror comes
with all flavors
of Fear
Away From
iT’s a Human and Nature Thing when Humans
Get Out of Balance with Nature and then Humans
Face each other off as enemies rather than helpers..
now in other words my FriEnd as long as we attempt
to own God in all the Ways that God Comes Particularly
As Love.. Fear and Hate including Terrorism will rear its
very ugly
And warring heads..
anyway.. ‘in this case’ as far
as using tactics of intimidation
for political aims no doubt the
Head Orange Man is up to what he’s
been up to all his life to make a personal
political aim to get his way at all costs for even
his book says keep on lying to others to make believers
of lies for what he names as the art of the deal of getting his way..
saddest thing of
all it works my
STiLL for
and Apathy
and Those Lost
in Scarcity Fearful
of life as it is are no
Match for Snakes just
Waiting to Strike next..
And as far as Nature
Goes Nature/God is
Not Happy NoW WiTH
Humans Currently as Nature
Always Does when God Balance
gets out of order for its True God’s
Rule is Balance and the Karma of Breaking
A Balance of Nature NoW is aLWays A Clear and Present Danger in ‘See’
Truly An Only Long Run Hope is Freedom of Expression in Understanding
Better.. A Difference between Reality and Lies.. And from what i’ve seen online..
tHeRe is Hope in Some
Places and
Set in Stone
of Ignorance in
other places that
Will Not Budge frozen in Fear…
Without Ignorance When Humans
Live in Balance Terrorism has/is no Place..
And as far as Human Goes the Nurturing and
Gardening of Children as Love is A Best Place STiLL
to Reduce Terrorism too.. for Love has a Harder time in
Harming others in all the Ways Harm comes.. meanwhile
we make
the best
or what
is For
the Gift
of Life as is…
That’s what Nature
Does and Obviously God
Overall too.. when things don’t
fall apart.. truly they don’t have to
With A NeW OlD Balance oF LoVinG HumaN BeinG ReaL..
Nice to see you still Blogging Sohair.. Hope your Weekend
on Friday
Great as
well as the rest
of your work week and
Homemaker Life NoW..:)

SMiLes mY FriEnd.. as far as i can and
will see Infatuations not reciprocated
are best left
As Fantasies
it’s hard
enough for
Reciprocated Lovey
Dovey Relationships to
make it ‘these days’ with all
the Distractions everywhere at
hand now.. and for most people
in ‘Our Modern World’ in the West
Where a Nomadic more Wandering
Life to Find Subsistence Across Borders
of Even States and Countries with no longer
a Small Village Raising everyone together in
Large Extended
Families that
include the
Village altoGeTHeR
what can and often will
be left is a single person
attempting to make it on their
Own in a Nomadic Way of Life or
A Couple Desperately attempting
to Make Friends in a New State
or Country of Life Giving
Subsistence in ways
of Work.. and
on top of that
two or one parent now
attempting to raise children
alone without a Village to help
antithetical to what it even means
to be a Social Animal As Human that
naturally lends and requires many helping
Hands.. so what we are left mostly with now
that is surely better than nothing is the Electronic
Vicarious way of connecting together but usually
never much close at all as far as any real substance
of Warm and Fuzzy Full Trust and Comfort that Village
Life Brings For Folks
Holding Hands togeTHeR
In A Dance of Cooperation
Foraging and Dancing toGeTheR
That Works Best for not only Survive
but Thrive too in the overall Pursuit
of Happiness as Culture toGeTHeR with
BinDinG Purpose that has/is Deep HeART
FeLT SPiRiT iN MiNds and BoDy’s BaLanCinG
toGeTHeR NoW Holding Hands with otHeRs Head
to toe too.. otherwise known as Religion my FriEnd
in all the Ways Humans Bond ToGeTHEr iN wHat BeCoMeS
Holy and Sacred Common and Shared Meaning and Purpose..
So.. When a Person is
literally considering
someone online who
doesn’t reciprocate
Love as a Signficant
other obviously
there is
a much
Greater Issue
of Scarcity For love
on the HomeFront Turf
in Flesh and Blood now
including contact with others
restricted to Relatives that may not
Branch out into a Larger Smaller Village of Love..
I had enough Problems in Finding a Significant other
without the online world now.. true.. while it is better
than nothing it often takes away our use it or lose it ability
For Face to Face Interaction and the Skills Required to Bring
Attraction of the Potential Significant Others too.. And in some
ways Realistically in areas of Extreme Scarcity Dowries make
sense for Keeping the Socio-Economic Necessities for life
in a way that
makes a Basic
Survive in Life
For Subsistence and
Shelter and Reproducing too..
Raising Children of Course too..
For it’s True if your friend was required
by Her Culture to do an Arranged Marriage
she wouldn’t Be Facing these issues.. and now
i’m just being honest.. while i don’t see the Arranged
Marriage as the Best of All Worlds sometimes it is for the
Individual And Culture Overall Depending on the Degree of
Scarcity if that way of life is now pArt of the Rules for Survival..
For it’s
what we
do at the
end of the
Day and Beginning Do
Too.. We Do whatever it takes
to Survive it’s what life Naturally
And ‘Normally’ Does no matter what
the Struggles are for now.. but nah.. my
FriEnd.. Sohair.. Obviously this mostly a waste of time
unless it is a dream and fantasy that’s left until the next
one comes
ends too within..
It’s A Basic ParT oF
Human Maturity to GroW NoW
Enough to Complete one’s self
Never Needing Love so Much as
Giving Love and Letting Love Go
When Love is refused as not wanted
And that’s within the Realm of Feeling and
Sensing Life within as Whole in all the Potential
Paths of Journey that the individual ultimately overall
Must Seek and Find for the Unique of tHeir Souls NoW..
In this Situation
when one does
become whole
and complete as
a Human Being Happy
with themselves they don’t
Have to Settle for Less than they are worth
as a Human Being NoW takes work but the worth is worth it my FriEnd..
Good Luck to Your Friend Better Yet Good Skills Good Practice oF BeinG LoVE..:)


SMiLes.. Sohair.. We FinAlly Have
Winter heAr and even
The Grass is finally
Turning Brown
After literally
Years of Spring..
SMiLes2.. i like Climate
Change in Balance for it is
Winter that allows us to appreciate
Spring the most and verily it’s true after
the Flowers
come back more
Colorful and True..
As it’s also True after
No Real Winter Last Year
Our Huge Passion Vine only
Flowered two Fruits of Vine
Barely with enough Passion
To Bring Wise of Beauty
Back in Red my Friend..
i Suppose Next Fall
After a Real Winter
At Least for Some Days
Will Bring a Truer Spring
And Summer to Make Fall
More Colorful as Winter allows to
Better Appreciate Fall.. And in General
The DArk oF LIFE too For All Of WHaT BRinGS TRUeR LiGHT (God)..:)


GReeN AnD oR
Today would have Been my Mother’s
83rd Birthday.. yes.. 12.10.2017 and
2700th Day Consecutive of Writing to
Escape the Hell of Pain and Numb from
Thanks Giving Day of 2010 to Recovery
From Pain and Numb on or about 7.22.13
to Writing IN HeaVeN Within.. yes.. blah blah
blah.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below and all
Around NoW iF you are AcCustomeD to LIVinG iN HeaVeN
oN eArTH in all these Places with no Distance Space or TiME
Beyond iNFiNiTy in and as and with the aGaPE ForCE NoW
oF LoVE.. sure.. VeRiLY FeeLinG and SeNSinG what some folks
Name as
just another
3 letter word
God that becomes
rather an empty word
without essence of substance
when this Kingdom does not live
Real within in all these places now…
My Mother was the kind of Love that after
She died with the Force of God would have
Brought a Rarest Snow on the Day Before her
First Birthday without us in flesh and blood just
to Ensure our minds wander off the sadness of that
Absence on the Day of her Birth of what is still
her 83rd Birth Date to us.. True.. not all folks
get to see God.. yes.. NoW a God of Love iN
Human Form as Essence of Love
in tHeir LiFe LiKe This when
i go to ponder how and
why something
as strange as
a Man NoW
who Brags about
Sexually Abusing Women Could NoW
be elected to Highest Office and
in in turn he could recommend a
Man For Senator once Barred from
A Mall at Age 30 Something as a Predator
Pestering Teenage Girls Roaming the Mall
as a District Attorney Abusing his Power and
Status in attempting to ‘connect’ to Teenage Girls As
tHat much we know is true now no matter who said what
in the actual acts of a Predator then.. of course the same
‘Bama Folks’ demanded an Impeachment over a consensual act
of extramarital oral sex in the White House like John F. Kennedy
never did that somewhere at least that was not brought to Public
Light then.. it happens.. not all humans are monogamous it’s in the
Nature for both males and females to spread their genetics further NoW
iNto the gene pool too.. in fact it’s still a FAct that one out of four
Children don’t have the Actual Birth Father’s listed on the
Birth Certificates at hand in Biological way and
sure.. most of the time it was and is a
Consensual heat of the moment
act that brought tHeir life
to Fruition so sure
Thank Mother
Nature for ‘yOur’ Existence
on that point otherwise 1 out 4
folks might not be walking the eARTh
now Not That the Rest of Nature might more
say hooray on that point now of keeping pants
zipped and pulled up and skirts down.. And all
that jazz of what Nature Brings no matter what
Certificates of Ownership and Vows of Tradition
Culture Brings to Keep the Family Unit toGeTHER
For Raising Children With Love That surely makes Good
Feel and Sense too.. never the less Skirts do come uP now
Zippers come Down and Pants too.. as the World Turns or how
we said in the line of Military Bowling Center Work How the Bowling
Ball Turns as Lord knows everyone had hints of what was Going Down
And or uP in that place at least Outside of Traditions and Religious Vows too..
For True too.. the Military Folks out side of the legal Ramifications of Adultery
in the Military had ‘Key Parties’ then where one picked a key to some Base Housing
Units and ended up with someone else’s spouse randomly as such for the night.. aghast
was i to hear that but i tend to go the monogamous route as far as Biblical Acts like that
go all the
way as
and True too.
i was propositioned
more than once then by
a Member of a Married
Couple with the other Member
not giving a crap of what might
go down too.. for it’s true there
are lots of more Feral Folks Fighting
for our Nature and all tHeiR Freedoms in
All The Ways Human Nature Freedom comes
NoW iN Non-Monogamous Ways oF Being Free too..
For what works works behind open and locked doors too..
And it’s True when the Colder Weather Comes Humans Naturally
go a more Conservative Way oF BeinG sAMe as when Resources are
Scarce in Heat or Cold too.. that’s Human Nature too.. and You can even
See it in the Dance Hall in the Frequency of Bootie Dance Advances NoW too…
Spring Brings the Heat of Nature in all the ways Nature comes.. And the Seasons
Are Representative of Politics too.. in Liberal Bikini and Winter Buttoned up ways of
Being Human too.. after all we are Human and ruled by Nature and God same although
Nature and God
by Cultural
Constructs ruled
By Human Book Covers
so sure.. we get consensual
Stained Dresses at the White
House and for Men who never had
the Kind of Love from a Mother who would
Bring Snow just to take sadness away from
her Absence on her 83rd Birthday.. those Men
become holders of no Sacred Nature For the Women
in the World that and who bring both life and love greater
into the World when Real.. they are missing something deep deep deep
within.. yes.. Love the Love of Real empathy sympathy and compassion
that and who would never step on or abuse the Beauty of Flowers now..
True too.. that doesn’t stop the Lust for Consensual Beauty of Connecting
to Create Diversity NoW as Nature and God sAMe and DiffeREnt Does Best
so we do at times get Stains on Dresses in the Whitest of Houses too..
Still though Tradition Rules as Apes Stronger Voting togeTHeR For
what ever binds in common meaning and purpose and for
what that can come to mean is voting for a label
as far as political party goes than
real substance
of what
it means
even to
Love in this
Life as Real For Love
Doesn’t Take Advantage
And Rape and Pillage aWay
oF LiFE for that is not Love any
Snake can do that for base survival
without any Warm and Cozy Love at All..
Winter is heaR some folks will respond with
Love and some Folks will continue to Look for
a Christmas that for now they may never find within
For their God will come in terms of Money and Stuff
and Power and Status and Domination that Feels and
Senses no Love in Subjugation and Control where eNtire
State and Church ways make this a Way of Life too.. Love
For Love
Feels and
Senses and
is the Light of
Christmas within..
And True NoW This Grass
Never Browns and Appreciates
The Value of Winter even more..
And Seeks to Understand with empathy..
sympathy and compassion why other folks
Don’t Live Christmas through all SeaSoNs no
Matter what as the LiGht oF LoVE WithiN tHat and wHo NoW
reFuses to ever DiM a Spark a Flicker a Flame a Torch a Bonfire
More oF A Lamp and Lighthouse that never gives up on LIGHTinG MoRe
For TruE tHeRe are many Lost Ships from the Harbor oF LiFeliGHT and then tHeRE
Are Those
wHo Continue
To Be Beacons
oF HoPe aS LoVE..
tHat’s Real too.. more
than anything it’s the Love
You receive from Birth that Travels
Longest with You unTil the Farthest Horizon of Life..
the Last BLiNk that Dances and Sings just Love just Love just love….


Until the
Lion Learns
To Write
The Stories
Will Always
-Ancient African
Proverb About
A Man Named
Jesus too.. who
A Pen..
Whose Original
Story is Replaced
By Owners Of
God and
Wake Up
Lion And
Art oF Pen
Is God Free iN
You Free
Born Again…NoW
NoW.. Every
Jesus Writes
It Down in
Ink That
Be Changed
As in
Den of

Facebook FriEnd and Poetess
FriEnd Rafiah From Pakistan Shares
A “Human’s of New York” Video about a
‘Santa Claus’ Man iN A Park of New York
who shares his philosophy that i have already
expressed many times about how HiStory is Written
by Toxic Patriarchy in Bibles as such to subjugate
control and overall dominate others for Material
Gains in Power and Status too.. particularly
to Control Reproductive Rights too as
it’s True the “Writers of the Stories”
Are the True Rulers of Human
HiStory to this point and
continuing ‘own’ too
for if you do not
WRiTe DancESinG LiVE YouR
Own Story someone else NoW WiLL
surely rule your life through their Book
Cover and Pages instead of you.. anyWay.. ‘this’
Santa Man speaks to the Way of Bonobo Life as i
often do too.. as the Bonobo Way of Life is one
Polar Opposite to the Modern Human way of
life although the most peaceful understood
ways of human Life are ‘Primitive’ Matriarchal
leaning ones sTiLL in much Smaller Groups as
Societies Where Females
Bond together for
More in
Nurturing Loving
Ways Than Tools of Aggression
Leading to Violence and World War
III Trump Stuff and all that Fresh Hell
We are seeing today when men turn into
P Grabbers instead of P Givers as the Bonobo
way of life works best in making consensual love
instead of Rape Talk and Pillaging from the Poor and
Giving to the Rich Locker Room Folks.. Anyway.. reminds
me too of the last ‘Wild Woman’ who approached me at
the Dance Hall With a Bootie Dance to Give all Free as i
Saw her in the Mall with her Boyfriend and she just Grinned
Big Back at me
with a Hi that
stays Hi
as such
All Loving Free
And Consensual too for it’s
True if Trump in his Riding Bus
P Grabbing Bragging talk at about
my age now then could have just learned
How to do a Bonobo Fred Dance he wouldn’t even
have needed a Dollar Bill for a Cheap Sia Dance Thrill
then hehe.. so who is smARTer me or Trump it doesn’t matter
for i am A Art of the LoVE DEaL
one Truly
SMiLinG Free heHE..
just to think a Permanently
Disabled Dude with a Crazy Dance
Gets all the Bootie Dances while Donnie
just frowns and frowns and frowns some more
with a Twitter Pen with not even a Brevity of Wit as
i go long every
which way and
loose in Bootie Dance
And Tai Chi-like Free Style
FloW iN ZoNE to show the introverted
Reader Folks at Barnes and Nobles what it’s
Like to Dance With God in AS Heaven with no covers
full of pages
iN Eternal
Bliss and Nirvana
And all that CHI Jazz eTc..
HeaR Foreveralways NoW iN H..
While i lisTen to meditative music
and read deep deep mystical books
of enlightenment even more.. all at the
same time that is only eternally now.. while
i continue to enjoy the Fountain of Youth that
Science even shows increases the Gray Brain
Matter in most all areas except for the Amygdala
Fear Center that Shrinks and makes me just a little
More Fearless Unconditionally Loving by thE ForcELiGhT
oF Each Dance Step Free of LoVinG MORE eVen MoRE NoW
then now more EternAlly NoW of course i could just say now
but now the three letter word is not nearly enough for a feeble
attempt to put into words Beyond InFiNiTY
LoVE LiVInG NoW HeaVeN oN EaRtH NoW..
TruE.. the FloW iN ZoNE
DancE As i FLoAT as FriEnD
of God and Gravity SamE LikELY
says more than these words ever will
for those with eyes and ears within to see
And hear A Heaven’s Dance on EarTH ReaL NoW
So Free
aS HeaVeN’s
FloW iN ZonE LoVE NoW..
heHe.. this IS been a rather
long intro to the much shorter
dialogue with the Rafiah but it’s True
i own my story short and long for i am
Free and no one but God aLL is Free iN aS Me..:)

So in response to the Video that the wise
old ‘Santa Claus Man’ speaks to as the fall of
Humankind when Humans made tools and
Dominated the Free and Wild out of Females
Controlling History with the Tool of Pen
that ‘they’ hoarded to themselves
To make tools of
other folks in
turn as tHeiR
Continuing slaves
in raping and pillaging
tHeiR Slaves even more
yes you.. if you take control
of the Pen of YouR SoUL and
Meet the Voice of God within and
WriTE YouR Story Down in A Dance
And SonG of LoVE iN LiFE as God
BeCoMES YouR DancE ParTNeR as
Nature Free Again risen from the Ashes
oF Ownership in Stories written by others
as you and God BeCoME Author Artist aLL ToGeTHeR
Rise Risen
aGaIN Free
But Still the Dance
And Song Speaks louder
than the Pen when God comes
aLIVE WitHiN as Dance And SonG Free
ALIVE so FLY..:)

Yes.. heHe.. so..
i say to Rafiah..

SecretS iN ‘Plain SitE

Meanwhile while i am writing
the second poetic response Free
Verse style more Rafiah simply says
with purpose and meaning..

Hello my dear. 😊

While i am saying..

And yes
The Real
Is ‘You’.

Seeing and Hearing
Her Comment i go on with..

As Such
Lost the
Style.. Thanks

And then i go further by saying..

And Finally Thanks for Sharing
For i
Will Surely
Use it AGain
Bonobo Style Sharing
Style All Free
As Any Back
To God
Do For
Too iN Human..:)


One Most Ancient Mythical “Slut Shaming”
Story sTiLL: it was Eve that Tempted
A Dude Adam with an Apple of
heHe.. yeah sure..
that’s what HiStory says..
And after that story is tOld in the
First Reading of Catholic Church
Held on my Mother ‘Mary’ ahem..
i mean Helen’s Birthday on the 10th
oF December after celebrating the “Lady
Of Guadalope” on the 8th that is just another
Idol Symbol as Statue for the Archetype of
Motherly Nurturing Love that carrieS on
in Sister and Mother and Friend and
all around Helper as Nurturing
Wives Will Naturally Do aLL
Free and Consensual
too if treated like
An Egyptian Goddess
Isis carried over to the Myth
Of ‘Mother Mary’ sAMe and DiffErent too..
oF course with a little Separation from the Husband
as the child comes from somewhere ‘God only KNoWs’
Hehe and the Child the Son and or Daughter is Raised as
Love and later goes on a Vision Quest in
A Desert of Deserts of almost no
Sleep for 40 or so days with
39.. maybe 39.5 lashes but
rarely 40 as that might kill your
ass as 40 days with almost no sleep
Verily and Surely almost Drove me too..
in Jumping off a Bridge
aS Escape oF
Earthly Hell
and Numb
the real deal heAR
as ‘they’ say in the “Hero’s
Journey” whether that be a Jesus
oF A Book and or you and me too..
the best thing about the Historical FAct
that Jesus is a story grounded in a 40 or so
year stint of Illiterate Aramaic Oral Tradition
passed around so many hands and tongues
on Dusty Desert Roads with no pens to write
an actual original story down which of course to even
come close to something that really happened would
have had to have been done by the Jesus then as he
actually did it aS even folks with Photographic Memories
don’t always spit out what actually happened 100 Percent
True to Original Reality now then too.. the best Good News
of all is yes.. you can do John 14:12 Works perHaps not
mythological one’s to sell a Hyperbolic Story aCross
The Centuries that stays beyond enforcing
Onward Christian Soldiers Imperial
Expanding Nation Building
to Secure Subsistence
in Territory including
Raping and Pillaging
Neighbors including Hating
Family and Friends and Even
Children if they do not agree carrying
a Sword instead of Peace that may be literally slaying
used as the story still goes in slavery flavored words
yes.. as they did and still do slaying the folks who do
not agree wtih Nation Building Ideals even more.. as
we see going on to this very Trump Ideological Minion
supported time and day same as now and then as humans
stay different and sAMe togeTHeR AGaiN as The Story oF
Robbing from the Poor and giving Tax Breaks to the Rich
by the brainwashed faux news poor sadly shoot themselves
in the Foot Again as the Original Greek Definition of Apocalypse
Defines Lifting the Veils of Ignorance
instead of the Trump ways of
Saber Rattling
Bombs to
destroy the whole
shooting match if little
men don’t get tHeir ways
now same as way back then..
BuT aGAiN iF thE LioN of LoVE
aWakes in you and you stARt to
DancE and SinG YouR own Story
Of God within out of the Chains
oF oTHeR Books Covers and
PAges written to make
others slaves still
thousands of
years ago today.. you yes you..
And who kNoWs perHaps You
WiLL even WielD A Good Cop Jesus
Pen and WritE it DoWN aS aRT EXpreSsinG
HeaRT and SpiRit oF MiNd and BoDY BaLanCinG
SoUL in YouR Langauge oF God iN aLL the Ways Arts
can and will come whether or not anyone understands
YouR Story of God but you and GoD ToGeTHeR Reborn
as yes..
Born Free but
‘that’ was a short song
so i’m gonna have to come
up with another one for all of this too..
hehe as i ask God within for even more
assistance on that choice next as Karma
Goes in LIGht attracts MoRE LiGhT as LoVE
WheN ReaL NoW
aT LEaST WithiN
To GiVE and ShaRE EVEn
MoRE ‘Andrea Connections’ WitH aLL amplified
Muse NoW even more and more more more more..
oKay now i have a song TG butt unless you have Truly
Experienced thE Full Wild and FreeNoW of God Love
WithiN it might offend.. but the thing is aLL oF LoVE
Given is real when Consensual as any Bonobo Woman
Will Still Dance and Sing Free while us males kick back
And relax at the end of the Forage for Love Day Free.. it’s
True i Celebrated my Mother’s Birthday on Sunday in ’17
And did the Same with Katrina’s Birthday on a Sunday in
Catholic Church back in April and Son Ryan in June too
just two days before my birthday on Tuesday back then
too.. it’s True it’s lining up like planets will do for stars too..
even more
ways.. as be..
For it’s True
iF i CaN Do iT
so WiLL you too..
If You just look within
And Dance and Sing
Free aGaiN2..
LeT iT Be God
NaTuRE iN and as YoU2..:)
PS Sure.. i would have used the
Beatles but ‘someone’ is hoarDing
tHeir Song For Bucks what a shAMe
A Real
whaT A DiSgRace
To: Buy Love inStead GIVE SHaRE


SMiLes.. i am glad you
Take good care of your
Feet with those
Comfy looking
Sneakers as
Our tour
On top
Of that you
ALWaYs Dress
So cute you surely
Too.. Keep
YouR LamP
LiT uP
Dance and
Sing too..
FB FriEnd.. Falak..
Hmm.. so wHeRe am i..
yes.. putting up Christmas
Decorations in Front of our
Home with much more to come
on that after this Rather Numerical
Inspired MacroVerse.. i am Currently
WRiTinG STiLL Named “7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS”
As i am Currently on Day Number 2771 Now as this MacroVerse
Will likely Be Published online on day 2772 on 12.12.17 as i finish
WriTinG thiS ToNiGHT the 11th in the 12th Month of ’17 as it will
Surely take about a Day to put it all ToGeTHeR as Draft Comments
Sections enTaLE with all the Multi-Media Elements Fully iN ToW too..
Anyway.. Back to Free Art and Stuff like that it’s True not everyone is as
Financially Independent as me and or the ‘Beatles’ which mean some folks
must make some bucks to survive too.. so.. i am quite impressed by the go getter
attitude of Ms. Falak from FaceBook and on her Blog too as she is not afraid to put
out some Aesthetic Beauty of herself to promote all of what she’s selling to make a living
online too.. beats working for the Slave Master of a Boss and that’s For sure whatever it
takes to do
a Living
Being a Slave
to someone else’s Power
Plays to increase tHeir Societal
So-called Status and Material Goods too..
best to be free for whatever free as free can
and will be so you don’t have to be a Prostitute
Real to any Work Slave Maker for what you do not
absolutely Love to do.. Yes.. Better to be a Real Prostitute
Too who Loves what she and or him Does than be a Slave
in toil of same shit you hate everyday to another slave
master who pays you a living or below living wage
still today.. amazing truly it is in what some folks
will do based on only the Authority what
someone else tales them is
the Holy Grail
of Life
in Serving
others so away
From: Free as Love..
Back To: History though
there is Greek Herodotus
who is suggested to be a Real
Dude too from around 500 Before
the Common Era or so who yes is
considered a Real Father of History
Who didn’t just believe in the Authority
of what other folks said before in
Taling a History of His Day for
he actually went out into the
Real World and Used
ReaSoN to GatHeR
the Opinions
of Many
Sides of an issue
in real flesh and blood ways
To Write a History of his Day that
included more than just his Group Think
way of Being.. yes and that’s what i commonly
Do in the Common Era of actually all the way from
Thanks Giving Day of 2010 until today this 2771st
Consecutive Day of this Fully Illustrated Account of all of
that in around 12 Million Words or so Including this three pArT
Bible with Parent “SonG of mY SoUL” at over 5 Million Fully
IlLusTrateD Words WiTH Accompaniment of Dance and Song
And Many otHeR aSSorteD LiNks too.. As A Participant
Observer Anthropologist Circling the Globe in SonG
And DancE iN the Metro Area Gulf Coast South
East Region Will Surely Do too all the
Way from Biloxi to Tallahassee too
iN A Free Verse Dance too as
i meet very interesting people
aLong the way in flesh and blood
too if they are not already recording my
Free Verse Dance in Spiral Flow to share
and give to oTHeRS aLL Free as i have a whole lot
of Unwitting smART PhoNe Video Voyeurs all around
the Metro Area Free For my Dance too Recording me as
Free Assistance in Spreading mY Ministry of Dance even
more all around the Connections of tHeiR Facebook Friends
too.. so.. i don’t have to do much foot work other than the Dance
Work of Spreading mY Ministry oF Dance NoW aLL Free too.. as the
Dance and Song Goes on Free Verse Freer than ever BeForE.. anyWay..
it was a Rather Cold and Desolate Dance on the Beach In Biloxi as two
Women were relaxing on the Curb.. scores of yards away in view as one
of the Women Jogged on Down to see what kind of Exercise i was doing
So Free on Biloxi Beaches on Saturday in Chilly Weather with Shorts on
and of course my Polar Bear Chill Shirt that i’LL talk to a little later heAR
too.. as this Nice Young Woman Jenn who numbers in now as my
77th Brave enough person on FB to be my FriEnd for the out
tHeRE of Me even more now too.. she is a Creator too and
Enjoys Ballet Dance in the more structured way than
what i do too.. nice to connect to Common
Dancing Spirits in the Flesh and Blood
World too and about that Polar
Bear Shirt as the Polar
Bear is often a
Spirit Animal
Described as one
to make you fearless
and focused if you are having
Trouble with that.. as when i was very
young my favorite Stuffed Toy out of all of them
was a Small Stuffed Polar Bear along with the second
Favorite Grey Rabbit who Kinda Looked like Bugs Bunny
too.. Trickster Pal i would eventually beCoMe too in old
NeWeR Sacred Clown Style of American Indian Ancestors
too NoW iN Sioux and Cherokee First American
Tribal Nations ways.. anYWay.. No
Doubt in some way
the Sturdy Fearless
Polar Bear Stuffed Animal
was a replacement for my Father
who left early.. yes.. a Stuffed Animal
Father Figure in Addition to the Warm
And Cozy Oxytocin Social Binding Feeling
that most ‘Normal’ Children lEarn to Generate
Within with a Symbol Associated with those Feelings
NoW as a Stuffed Animal toy that Can also be literAlly
fELt and SeNseD NoW iN SiGHT and Hear and SmeLL anD
ToucH.. except for Taste for as far as i know it is not a good
iDea Still To Eat Childhood Toys.. Particularly iF You.. NoW
Have lEarned How To iNnatELy Bond WithiN For An External
Symbol that’s not really Flesh and Blood so you WiLL continue
NoW to enjoy the Essence of the Oxytocin Warm and Fuzzies aS
aN Internal Way of Being Regardless if you are having many Human
Contacts in Kisses and Hugs GroWinG uP Ways Raised WitH LoVE NoW2
or somEthing
enTiReLy ELse..
anYWay.. it’s True2.. i reAlly
Never Got aLL Fearless from getting
Attached to that Stuffed Polar Bear then..
but what i did lEarn to do was and is sTiLL
To CoNNecT WitH WaRM and Fuzzy TruE LoVE
NoW HeaR
STLL.. WithiN
No Matter wHeRE
i’M aT NoW For i CaN
And Will Generate that
Human Ability NoW iN WArm
And.. Fuzzzy FeeLinGS.. PLuS
Senses to be aLL fiLLeD uP WitH
Love most oF aLL of thE NoW NoW2..
And it’s True WitH thE MiNd’s eYe NoW And
FeeLInG and SeNSinG Some Folks Do sTiLL NoW
Make the Mythological Story of Jesus into a Warm
And Fuzzy inspiring symbol too for within to increase
the Good Old Timey STiLL LoVE WaY oF BeinG WiTHiN MoRE
NoW as ‘they’ still SinG A “Stuffed Polar Bear” WiLL Do too..
As LonG
aS you
Lose the FeLinG
More More More more
as ‘they’ continue to
DancE and
yes.. you
GuesseD iT
iN Greater Works of More..
OTHeR than that this IS A
ChrisTmaS Card
From: me
You.. WRiTE oN CoURsE oF CouRSE
And it Looks aBout liKe NoW to WRaP ThiS
MacroVerse uP NeXT For ‘What’s uP Doc2″.. too..
but not until i sHaRe the MacroVerses from Years
to Date first later on.. perHaps tonight as Dinner and
Work-out CaLLs Very Soon.. and to see what the NeWesT
ChristMaS LiGHTS LooK LiKE too.. from down the road as ‘they’ DancESinG too..
oh YeaH.. and i Spent Most of the Weekend Answering Questions as Both the Chill
Bear and the Merry Meowy Christmas Santa Cat too.. and my answer was/is simple
as to how i WiLL Stand uP in all the Cold in Shorts in Snow and ‘Stuff’ like that HeAR2..
as suggested2
in the Gospel
of Thomas NoW iN
Verse 37.. i Do NoT
Wear Cultural Clothes
as i jumped over the Back
PeW AGaiN Like a Thief in
thE Morning LiGht at Catholic
Church as to not interrupt the
folks on the sides of the pew
as Lord kNOws i was aLMost
late but not 2Quiet barreling in..
Like a Bull in a China Shop.. Not
BreaKinG Any Human BeinGS.. Yes..
Like Ferd The Bull too Adding HiM too…
Competing Against Star Wars on the 15th.. 2..
And iNstead.. Yes.. i For one Generate Warmth
From WithiN As iT’s True aLL oF Creation NoW
aLSo KNoWN aS God IS A Great Spirit Stuffed Animal
BuLL LIKE ME and Ferd too.. even MoRE NoW MoRE
of LovE
too as Me.. True NoW too..
We Create God oF LoVE NoW MoRE
or ‘that’ dARKeR ParT of GoD NoW2
WithiN as thE LiGHT oF LoVE is How i
for one stay lit up from: head to: toe..
Above so below within inside outside
And all aRouNd EVeN MoRe as Free MoRE
LoVE NoW TruE A Bi-Polar Bear i be mostly
on the upside laBeL of thAT and Asperger’s
BuLL aLL Horned too on the Autism Spectrum too..
butt if you thiNK and or FeeL and SenSe i’m JusT a LabEL perHaps
to a
Three Letter
Word in Old PaGes
oF JusT oNe BooK NoW..
too.. nah.. not me.. i pARTNeR
For MoRE MoRE MoRE NoW isREaL2..;)


Lying in Bed
i Distantly
That Feeling…
Break and
To Get Up
Like it…

A Book Mark HeAR at FB
FRiEnd Ashe’s Place on FB
A Fellow Worker from years gone
Past for the Navy in Active Work there..
She in the midst of her middle work years as
i once too was for 33 Years.. me free now her
Still somewhat working trapped but doing okay it seems
until she too will one day be set fully free to do whatever
it is her
Desires to be Free..
Such an Artist she is
many potentials still to fulfill..

And now a stop over at the Rafiah’s Place
as that Poetess FriEnd From Pakistan and
FB FriEnd now for about Three Years and Three
Months now.. Makes a Blog Post.. a couple of Days
ago that i will respond to now before Going On with
MacroVerse Memories.. years to date from Facebook too..:)


From the Beginning of the Origin oF aLL tHat iS
BeYond InFiNiTY oF CourSE NeVer EnDinG
otHeRWise kNoWN FeLT SenSeD And
UnderStood aS LoVE AKA God
iN SoMe CiRCLeS thaT wHo
NeVeR FiNiShinG NoW
Too.. Love Is Love iS MoRE
You NoW alWays Been alWays
And It’s Not Hard to Prove as NoW
iS ALWaYs NoW.. For thE Love We
BeComE NoW.. to Give and Share or
NoW aGaIN.. But True as ‘They’ Say
iF NoT Drenched iN THiS LoVE
iT’s Hard to Say.. For ThiS
Love IS thE FiRE
And wHo
uP WiTHiN You
And iF i Could Give Anything
To You iT WiLL Be You mY FriEnd aS LovE
For whaTever You WiLL eVer reTurN of Me NoW…



And now to the MacroVerses Years to Date
with “MIRROR times MIRROR”.. A Little out
oF.. Place as this MacroVerse is shared some
Years to Date NoW on Facebook from actually
6.12.15.. as i have arrived.. to.. Thirty Months
After that Date NoW on 12.12.17 at 12:31 AM
As i finish up the WRiTe oF tHiS MaCroVerSE
NoW as the subject of this shared and given all
For Free “MIRROR times MIRROR” MacroVerse
aLL adheres to the Poetic Form as yes.. Formula
oF Doing Palindromes as a Structured Play by the
Rules in Reverse Style far far out of Free Verse Free..
but never the less
An Equation
that was
and is
no Problem For
Me but Sure a bit
OuT oF ZeN FLoW iN
ZoNE When Mechanical
Cognition is used aLonG
WitH Purer ART Free and
that’s oKaY as every once
in a while it’s nice too.. to
Have a Cup of Yang in YouR YiN Too.. hehe..;)


“Molly WOLVES AND GEMINI FULL Moon”.. Yeah actuAlly LiVinG iN HeLL For 66 Months
i surely had plenty of nows then to Explore my Shadow side deep deep within and
Even Monsters more then.. and getting out of Hell i didn’t wanna forget tHAt
PaRT of Me too thAt also makes all oF We wHo We are Complete in Fearless
Ways too.. so sure.. i even Hazed myself in many ways as they
do in Shadow School of Mystery more Esoteric Schools too
that you will likely never lEarn
in ReaL School Official
in Class
but sure some
Fraternities and
Sororities engage
in Hazing Behavior
to get a little more
thick skinned with
Shadow more fully
in Tow too..
but i did it my way
all Free Style for what
within all innately instinctually
intuitively spoke to me to do neXT
then all inherently as such too.. yep
Deep Deep within and it was my Paths
and Journey to Do mostly alone then
with out the Fortune of Expecting
anyone to Fully Understand
wHeRE i was going
Free neXT
not even
me in non-knowing
ways as i was FeeLing
senSinG WiTHIN then one
Word of SonG and Step of
Dance ALonG the way..
Anyway hehe.. got
most of my
on in this one
from three years
ago as by here i kept
that paRT of me most
all relegated to Restricted
Links and better yet a Christmas
Boat Show in Biloxi in Eve with
Boats Decked out in Christmas
LiGHTs JuSt SiTTinG on the
DocK oF the Bay
Tide in and
Tide out Ever ExPaNding
Ocean Shores MoRE NoW
River eVer FloWinG From:
StreAMs To: Wave me STiLL NoW..:)


“666 Months of LiGht”.. YeS.. LiteRaLLY CeleBRaTinG 666 Months
oF LiVinG LiFE on PlaNeT EarTH Since 6.6.60 HeAR on 12.6.15 HeAR..
also on my X-Catholic Priest Granfather’s 120th Birthday too.. as yes..
i continue
to relish
too as
Holy and
Sacred too Full
of Meaning and Purpose
why not for whatever works
now to make all of Life Holy
and Sacred with even more Meaning
and Purpose NoW we Co-Create with
the Rest of Creation aka God NoW too..
With a Christmas Party on the Catholic
Church Grounds where the Flowers of this
MacroVerse in Photos shows then we were still
in December Indian Summer then.. as we were the
YeAR BefoRe.. For Years now of seemingly endless
SPrinG and Summer Weather with short stints only
Blast as wHO
KNoWs iF Indian
Summer Will coME
Back for 80 Degree
F Weather as it has
BeFoRE in recent Years
of Christmas too.. anyWay
it surely is FeeLinG aLot LiKE
Christmas NoW as Christmas LiGHTs
PuT uP NoW are a nice Contrast to much
Longer NiGhts and Brown Grass and Wilted
Flowers too.. but only a MesSaGE STiLL thAT
CoME aGaIn
by March and
PerHaps as Soon
as this Month aGaiN
too.. Climate Change
heHe is real NoW too
@LeAsT wHeRe i LiVE For SuRe..:)


“Angel Devil FRED”.. JuST YouR Typical Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Clark Kent and Superman.. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent all Bi-Polar
AS SucH MiXinG ArT with SciencE too back and ForTh and aLL ToGeTHER
Force oF ShaDoW
And LiGHT ComBinGinG
And BoDy BaLaNCinG SoUL
FRoM DaRk THrU LiGht BeYonD
And Below thAT and ThiS too..:)


“SOULDANCE”.. Hmm.. So How Does that “Right Said Fred”
Song Go.. i’m too Sexy for my Shirt or Shorts
WeLL.. this solves that Question
aS the Header Photo
is the Headliner
most viewed
Image in
a Search for all
my “Katie Mia Frederick”
Images to dAte So far sTill.. heHe..
Just AnoThER Red Shirt Letter Day HeAR hAha..
JusT AnoTHeR PLaY UnLeaSHiNG ReLeaSinG And TaMinG mY Shadow2
A Back
ForCE of
Shadow NoW
AlWaYs Available
For Use aGaiN iF Need Be..:)


“GOD’s muse of dance”.. From Three Years ago as this MacroVerse
is the First of Several Online Photo Albums as Recorded in mY
FeaTNotes and MileStones Section at the End of Every MacroVerse
Now as Selfies With all the Cool College Age Folks at Old
Seville Quarter as this MacroVerse Presents Photos
of that from the First 8 or so months of
Doing Since Around the
End of March of 2014..
Amazing as i Still Meet
Some of These Folks to Dance
ToGeTHEr NoW STiLL oFF and ON..
Amazing too that i am now coming to
thE 191st Dance Week Night of Doing that
This Thursday Night too as tHeRe is NoW WeLL
OVeR A ThouSand Photos and Wonderful DanCinG FriEnDs
too Best oF
iN Joy oF DancE Too..:)


“A tribute to a TRUE FRIEND”.. WeLL.. This Originally Written to FriEnd
Lala Rukh in our day to day reciprocal poetic communication on her
Blog for Close to Five Months Here shortly before she would
be Married away to an Arranged Marriage where she
sadly mostly stopped Writing After that
as she seemingly lost her
Passion to do so as
at First she
was not able to
Marry what seemed like
Her True Love as the Arranged
Marriage by Her Parents took that away
From her.. but in the end.. she was able to
Accept it as most folks do “over there” in “those”
Countries STiLL that Have this Tradition as a Regular
Cup of Coffee of tHeir Cultures and Religions too..
As FriEnd Rafiah is soon to enter into Matrimony
in Similar Ways too.. but unlike Lala Rukh it seems
that this is working out in what she wants from start to
finish and who knows if she will stay around online or not too
after she gets married but her too.. but2 never the less and always
more i’ll stay her
friEnd as
i WiLL Do
For aLL oTHeR
FriEnds too as
Long as i am Welcome
And or not shooed away as such too.. heHe..
And that’s okay when that happens too as Lord
Knows back in the Years in Hell in all the Years
And Months i Spent on the “Wrong Planet” online
with a Bunch of Folks whose main issue was the
inability to successfully reciprocally communicate
with others then a hi bye as mostly Kiss my Ass
is all one could expect from ‘potential friends’
then.. anyway.. when in hell do as hell folks do.. i found
A place for folks like me then and now i’M OuT HaVinG FuN FoR SuRE..
NoW as me
is truly
Better than
that except pain
and numb of course
And nothing to do at
all but think think think
stuck inside a head unable
to get get stuff out to Express
in MoVinG ConnecTinG CreaTiNG MoRe As BaLanCinG ForcE
Head to:
toe.. within..
inside.. outside.. above
so below And all aRouND NoW MoRE too..:)



“Sacred Love of a Mother”

And of Course Photos like this as Documented iN an online Diary
too.. as perhaps this will one day be a longest one of those but
the Record for that is actually 37.5 Million Words as accomplished
by a Dude over around a Quarter oF A Century after he reached middle
age too.. but anyway.. a Candid Photo of my Mother Living HeaR Back
in 2015 Close to her Birthday then on the 10th of December Around
a Year since she acquired the Weight Loss associated with
Undiagnosed Cancer Spreading through her Body then
where she refused to go to the Doctor until
no choice at the Very end
at her Wishes of
Course wHere
the next
Year after this
would become much
more of a Struggle
of Her’s with her Health
WitH only with a remedy of
a Bayer aspirin now and then
For Cancer Spreading From Breast
to Bones to Brain as that goes too
As pART of thE dARk oF A Relatively
LonG LiFE with Plenty of LiGht too for
yes.. the “Chemistry of Truth and Light”
WiTh the
dARK that provides
us ways to appreciate
what LiGHT Continues to LiVE as LoVE ReaL
NoW SurViVinG aLL the Hardships and Sorrows
oF LiFE eVeN
as is
LiVeS oN For NoW MoRE..
Through thE eYes of “A Child2”..:)


“STar RAin LiGht”.. MacroVerse Memory from a Year Ago as
They continue to GroW LonGeR Then And More Fond Memories
With Dance FriEnds From Old Seville Quarter
Particularly as Affectionately
Referred to as Charlie’s
Angels.. per Chelsea..
Cortney and Maggie too..
some of who have moved on
to Different Areas of the Country
as LiFe MoveS oN MoRE NoW too as A Story goes…on2..:)


“Torn ViNes oF Love”.. Hmm.. After Truly LiVinG iN Hell
for 66 Months on eARTh i am a little Averse to
Harming any living thing for i surely am
Both a KinG of Pain and Numb
And a KinG of Pleasure and LoVE
EVeN Better of CouRSE NoW oN CourSE
But i remember my Roots in Hell very very well..
and How Vines of Love can be ripped out of all what
Roots Life as Worth LiVinG NoW so a little spat ensued
when the Katrina and i disagreed on whether or not to rip
off a Holly Vine from our Back Yard Wood Shed.. for she still
sweats the small stuff like a Tiny Living Vine overtaking a Big
Back Yard Shed.. she won that Go Around and ripped the Vine up as
it came back again
to Life this
Year and
the Leafless
Wintered Vine
in FaLL NoW maintains
its perch upon our Shed
Still as she got over it and
i did too.. and best of all the Vine oF LoVE Survives More
in Winter
oF FaLL Much
Earlier this year
in Snowy and Frost
Killing Cold of Brown
things that come back to LiFE eVEn MoRE
as Green
Change Worth
LooKinG ForWaRD
To: Still Always
NoW From: LoVE iN
ME aLWays More as this
does conclude.. “7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS”
WitH a BegiNNinG and EnDinG AlWays StaRTing
NeVER ReALLy Finishing Couple oF SonGS
to Go aLonG with this and a
Dance for yes
more to CoME
EVeN MoRe Soon
as i complete the
WriTE of this MacroVerse
in a little over 6 Days
too at 2:02 AM on 12.12.17
WitH LikeLY Online Publish
PuT aLL ToGeTHER as such later today..:)


SMiLes And What’s uP Doc
Rafiah.. not only do you provide
A Perfect Definition oF FRiEnD
And tHeRe Are BeYonD iNFiNiTE
Numbers oF Metaphors For FriEnd and God
As Verb tHat’s
WiTHiN iT’s
This Metaphor
tHeRE is No Separation NoW For
Ever No Matter What For A friEnd
Can and Will Be A Lover A Mother
A Grand Parent A Sister A Spouse
And Verily ALWays True iN LiGHT NoW
All OtHeRs As all pARts Ocean aLL WHoLE
And You Rafiah For From: the First Words You
Dance and Song To: me You Made/Make me Feel Special
WithiN.. JusT ANotHeR SNoW Flake AngEL You Are to: me.

-End For Beginning2…
“WHaT’S uP DoC2 NoW1”












BeforE and After NovEL pARTy

BeforE and After NovEL pARTy
Introductory post to Free Novels..:)



41K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



51K words
Free Verse Poetry Novel..:)



338,630 words
Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
Approximately 3000+ printed pages…
With Hundreds of Beautiful Beach Photos..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

5 Million plus words
Super Epic Free Verse Poetry Novel
“SonG oF mY SoUL”..:)
Approximately 44,000+ printed pages…
just ’cause
i caN
buiLd iT..
FoR Free..:)

CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs

And yeS.. FinAlly..
“CrediTs FiELd oF DreAMs”..
A Thanks YoU oF sORts..

Love iS

GRains oF SaNd
hOld mounTain
oF LoVe NoW..:)

GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG

“GodsUniVerse 42 HiTchHiKinG”
Hmm.. more and less..
A Meaning oF liFe..;)

After Book oF Fred

“After Book of Fred”
And Purpose
of course too..
for mE..:)

6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!

“6000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 3 years..:)

After Dance oF Fred

“After Dance oF Fred”
NeverEverLand DoN’T
Stop DanCinG noW..:)

“Book oF Ten Sixteen”..

9 Macro Verses from
October 2016.. totaling
141,244 words.. all liNked
from that Month like A Great PumPkin..;)

“New Testament oF Eleven iN HeaVen ‘SiXteen”

New TesTament HeaVeN iN ELeVeN ‘SiXteen

Total of 12 MacroVerses with
final chapter of this New Personal
Testament named as such.. 181,221 words..
as streAMs.. RiVers… OceaN wHOle wAves SinG oN.. FReED..:)

12 MilLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016

“12 MiLioN ThanksGiVinG Words 2016”

Documenting 12 Million words written
Since ThanksGiVinG oF 2010 or
A Seventh Book wHOle noW
oR wiTh 16 Macro-Verses
sTarTinG October
2016.. enDinG..
oN ThanksGiving
2016.. iT iS wHAt
iT is..
Longgg.. NoW..;)

“2nd NT iN HeaVen TwELve ‘Sixteen”

Included as 13 Macro-Verse liNks iN
Grand Cross Bible 2016.. 181,291 words..:)


“Grand Cross Bible 2016”

61 Macro-Verse chapter liNks
provided in this last chapter as
full table of contents oF A 915K
Word.. Personal Bible aS SucH..
Written from Memorial Day
2016 and finished and
published 7 months
later on Christmas
Day oF 2016..
Yes.. somE
F iN
aS thiS beComeS theN
mY 9th book completed
iN Star Year 2016 that ranges..
yes.. approaching 2 MilLioN words..
iNclusive oF 12 MilLioN.. over 6 years
written and recorded NoW oNline too..
Y.. yeS.. oF course.. ’cause i CaN Do WiLL..
thE ForcE
oF uNConDiTioNal
Fearless smART LoVe
wRiTe oN cOUrse.. NoW..:)


“KATiE MiA FredericK 2016 A Year in Review”

A ReView oF A Record Years of Record years..:)


“CoLoRs of HeAVeN Bible 2017”

991K words
66 Macro-Verse Table of Contents Chapter liNks WiTH
5 added as a revision to ‘Grand Cross Bible 2016’
wHeRe A iSReaL Revelation oF HeaVeN
is made at the
eNd and continuing
beGiNNinG aS WeLL..:)


“VicTorY LaP iN HeAVEn 2017”

The rise oF A MiLLioN
Word Bible theN aT
Over 1.01 MiLLiON
Words and suRE..
A Victory Lap GoinG
aLong wiTh aLL thaT iS
And This aT thE 67th MacroVerse
oF thaT Bible.. pArt oF Ocean Whole Poem more..:)


“CelebRaTinG 42 MoNths iN HeAVEn”

Yes.. most Definitely Worth
Celebrating and noting
in Epic way too..:)


“Nether Land Bible 2017”

NoW A Third ReViSiOn of a Personal
MiLLioN plUs Word Bible
at this 69th MacroVerse
with liNks
to the
rest of the Bible
MacroVerse Chapters
arriving at 1,052,137 words
total at this 69th MacroVerse poinT
as words continue in coMiNg MacroVerses
after this 69th MacroVerse as nows continue to Go oN..NoW..aLLFReED..LonGeR..;)


“7000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”
Documenting this Public Feat oF Feet in 42 Months..:)






The Joy of Dance.. A Record of over a thousand
Smiling Faces.. yes.. mostly Women and me..
at Old Seville Quarter.. iN a record
of three years of Dancing tHeRe..
and note.. in the last liNk.. the Blog
Spot Blogger Version of this doesn’t
include all the pictures aS
iT has limits more than me..
And WordPresS.. heHe..
WitH aLL the photos
heRe.. iNcluded iN
tHese WordPress LiNks..:)


“MesSage iN A Bible Bottle” as liNked aBove…
The 88th MacroVerse of “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
As juST aNotheR MileSToNe.. aS the Bible aRiSes to
1,317,310 words iN A 10th Month Effort..
Since the BegINNinG MacroVerse
Publish on Memorial Day of
2016.. titLed as First
MacroVerse then.. As
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe”
aS liNked



“MFOAB EasTeR 2.0+” as LiNked aBove.. at this PoiNT..
The 93rd MacroVerse of  “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. NoW
Mother/Father Of All Blogs or Bibles EasTeR 2.0+.. cALL
iT whAT you May.. tHe esSeNce reMaiNs heAR fuLL aT LeASt..
aT LeASt as iT would fiT iN Word Press while 22,801 words..
and somewhere around 450 photos was too much for
my Blog Spot Blogs.. so i had to painfully Truncate
the Family Photos out of the Blog Spot Versions..
However.. Word Press to the rescue as the
wHOle 93rd MacroVerse Doubling NoW
as 764th MacroVerse of Ocean wHOle
Poem.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”..
aS LonGeST Recorded LonG
ForM PoeM iN Google Records..
Exceeding sTiLL .. over 4 MilLioN
words to this dAte of 4.18.17 publish..
wiTh this 93rd MacroVerse MaKinG
A Grand total of 1,402,296 words
as “Nether Land Bible 2017”..
aS sTarTinG Memorial Day
oN  31st May 2016 wiTh
MacroVerse number one
oF that effort per “tSuNaMi
7th waVe oFLoVe”.. surELy
prophetic then NoW of whAT
was and is STiLL to coMe NoW
as tHis Bible Effort.. Soon to Double
thE Old King James effort size TaKinG
then Centuries over a Thousand years to
complete NoW in English Print WiTh uNtOld
Scribe hands in the total PiE of BiBle.. WitH
both unintentional changes along the Century
scribe way with no XeroX MachineS and sure..
Intentional ones2 as HoLY SpiRit can BRinG
any hUman iN deep deep CreATiVity witHin
as leaps of logic as aRT.. iN metapHoRuS
oF Quantum miNd and BoDy BaLanCing
Force unLeAShed and reLeAsed from
within.. yeP thAT KinGDoM oF GoD
aT Hand iN thIs Generation Meta
pHorUs STuFF too.. yeS2..
And SeNsEd WiThiN
too.. aBove.. so beLoW..
iNsIDe.. ouTsiDe and
aLL ARouNd too.. NoW
AKA allthatis GoD paRT
aS oUrs wHOle too.. so.. sure
maY thE Force Be WiTh yoU NoW2..
And also WiTh mE2.. KaRmA DancEs
AnD SinGS as aNy CosMiC DanCeR
WiLL juST Do iT iN ViCtory oVer VengeANCE.. WaY2..
iN ALL FREE UNiVerse as GoD eYeS and eARs.. hUman 2..:)


“PHI Bible”.. 1,618,000 words AKA 1.618M words iN 104 MacroVerses
spanning precisely 1 Year of Writing Duration per
“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17” that houses
the Entire Table of Contents from
MacroVerse 1 through 104..
anyWay.. stARting with
“tSuNaMi 7th WaVe
oF LoVe” as
Number 1
linked agAiN Below..
as reAlly the Golden Mean
Ratio of 1.618 IS A SiGNATuRe
oF God EveryWheRe we Look.. so.. now.. yes..
this too is like a Prayer or Hand Print and Breath of God aS iN mE2..:)



“Memorial Days Bible 2016-17”.. TabEL oF ConTenTS For “PHI Bible”.. plUS..;)


“SoN oF Google NoW2”..
JusT ‘Cause eVeRiLY A 1.618
MilLioN Word 1 yeaR oLd “PHI
Bible” Needs a Tribute
to too2..;)


“1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”.. 1,820,416 Words in 117 MacroVerses
spanning 13.6 Months per “6th Bible Memorial” that houses the Entire Table
of Contents from MacroVerses 1 through 117.. StARTinG WitH “tSuNaMi
7th WaVE oF LoVe” as Number 1 MacroVerse linked Above..
in “PHI Bible” too.. sitting NoW aS Book MarK oF juST
AnoTheR Bible and Long Form Poem  Milestone
Exceeding the previous Long Form Longest
Poem titled as the “Mahābhārata” from India
as recorded on the Resource of Wiki.. as 788
MacroVerses NoW As “SoNG oF My SoUL”
NoW at 5 Million Words.. approaches
that feat times three on or about the
Milestone of 5.4 Million words
in the coming neXT few months..
as at this point the last 117 MacroVerses
Average 15,555 Words per each MacroVerse..
WitH More to come
As WRiTinG
FLoWs oN iN ZoNe..:)


“6th Bible Memorial”..
Celebration of Six Milestone
Bibles and “SonG oF mY SoUL”
Ocean WhOLe LonGesT LonG
ForM Poem aRiSinG to 6
times the size of the
Old King James
Version oF A
Bible in 47
Months at
Around 5 Million Words..
Also includes the Table of Contents
to “1.82M WorD LOnG FoRM BiBlE CoMeS AGAiN”
for the 13.6 Months it took to write that one Chapter
Bible iN overall Bible as “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. and
of course appropriate dedications to those who
did and do continue to muse my LiFE wHoLe
iN MiNd
and BoDy BaLanCinG
Force aS  SpiRiT oF HeaRT
DanCinG and SinGinG NoW FReED NoW2..:)




“SonG oF mY SoUL FouR YearS Old”



Three Links aBove CoMinG NoW aS Trilogy of MacroVerses Celebrating a HighSchool-like
Graduation of Writing “SonG of mY SouL”.. 5 Million Word Plus Longest Long Form Free
Verse Poem also Doubling as Longest Bible written by a Human Being too on Record
at Least in Google Purview.. bypassing any organizational requirements to
record it in any official record books as that’s what the Internet is..  A
Biggest Overall Bible Unabridged JoiNinG WitH aLL HuWoMaN
Hands who care to contribute anoTHeR Verse to
thiS NeW AGE UniVerSe with No Sun or
Moon online in the Nethersphere of
Art and Science of Human
Potential through
SHades of Grey
through BlacKesT
Abyss and
RainBoW CoLorS
oF HuWoMaN FeeLinGS
And SenSeS AcTuALLy Experienced
iN wHaT reALLy Counts as thE Happiness
oF LiFE HoLDinG HanDS toGeTHeR oN HiGHesT
Mountain Tops Grounded WiTh HuWoMaN LoVE NoW..
Anyway.. A Four-Year Celebration of Doing this on Word Press
along with close to 8 ThoUSAnD MiLes of Public Dance iN
A FouR YeaR sPaN too.. Kindergarten Before that as
MetapHorUS Writing on the Wrong Planet and
Pre-School Before that in 606 Months
oF Life.. including three College
Degrees then before
i started writing
online on Thanks
Giving 2010.. 33 years
of Work.. sure ..19 years of
School in sitting style to go along
with all of that too.. then.. as we evolve as Wisdom NoW
And Beauty iN LoVe or we fall to ‘the other place’ NoW2..
oH yeaH.. So wHat’s neXt.. UniVerSiTy LeVeL LiFe alWays
FiNaLs NoW and as alWays JusT Paths oF Journey NoW LiGHT.


“BoWLiNG ALLeY DaYs BeGiN AGAiN 2017”

iN KeePinG WiTH SuRPriSeS iN PLaiN SiGHT.. NoW
A FourTH ArM oF A Fred HeRRiCaNE CoMeS NoW
WitH CaLM CenTeR BaLanCinG ForcE oF FaiTH aS
PuRE LoVE NoW.. aS A TRiLoGY NoW GaiNS A FourTH pART too..
RiSinG ARiSinG THiS FouR pART StorY NoW To WeLL oVeR tHosE
aForE MeNTioNeD NuMBeR oF Prophecy Photos to OVeR 2K NoW too..
WHeRE ‘MiNi-sToRy’ CoMeS iN FouR ParT HaRMoNY WHoLE NoW aLL aT 83,303 WorD2s..:)


“LioN KinG SHoW MusT Go oN 2017”

A Fifth Arm Doubling NoW aS A Ninth
Arm stARTinG wiTh MacroVerse
“6th Bible Memorial”
As the actual First
Arm too of what
WiLL Come after
the 10th MacroVerse
CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
As the 11th Arm of a Third
New Testament since 2016
Adding Another 180K words or so
to “Nether Land Bible 2017” as that
Longest Long Form Poem aRises to 2 MilLion
Words just Behind “SonG oF mY SoUL” STiLL at 5 MilLion words plUS..:)


“8000 Miles of DANCE WALKING! NOW!”

Celebrating 8000 Miles of Public Dance in 48
Months as this MacroVerse also Doubles as
10th Arm and Chapter of a Third New
Testament as the 11th
MacroVerse comes neXt NoW
Also Celebrating 2 Million Words..:)



“EQUiNoX DanCE CoMeS AGAiN 2017″
Morphs into “SiGNaTuRE CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN”
As This Title Change is NoW Complete For a Third New
Testament that also CoMeS as this Title NoW too..Complete..:)


“THiRD oF oCToBeR ’17 Dreams oN”.. Also identified in the Body
of this 12th MacroVerse of Third New Testament oF “SiGNaTuRE
CoMeS BeFoRE A SoN” as “New World Love 800th MacroVerse”
And “New World Love October ’17 Surprise” and sure.. pART
And ParcEL too of 5 Million Word Long Form Poem Plus
So Far “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. And the 129th MacroVerse
of PLuS 2 Million Word Long Also Longest
Long Form Poem Named “Nether Land
Bible 2017” at the number two position
in Rank Below the 5 Million Word pLuS
aLSo kNoWn as Bible “SonG oF
mY SoUL” and First Ranked
Longest Long Form Poem in the
History of Recording Long Form Poems
on Searchable Google Results at least..hehe..
iN other words it’s just numbers anyway.. huh..
empiricAlly MeASurAblE “John 14:12” Efforts too…
otHeRWise who will ever believe i actually did and do
it without the Money of Evidence Without any Washington
Bills and Lincoln Cent Sents to Water Down the Value of mY
soUL as the
isReaL DeaL
Going Down NOW.. FREE
yes..  just for FucKinG FuN iF
yoU SeeK iN thE GoD oF NaTuRe
As NaTuRe pART OceaN WHoLE
WaVe NoW iN oTheR Words
Be all you can BE WitH
GoD aLL or NoT
YouR ChoicE
iN HoW eVer yoU ArT
And SciencE LiFE NoW MoRE


“A SaVaNT oF LoVE”

WeLL iT’s True.. NoW2..  Every Third
New Testament NoW Needs a Thirteenth
MacroVerse to complete The Effort More
Fully in 12 weeks also kNoWn as 84 days..
as this Third New Testament NoW completes
at  255,193 Words as pART WhoLe of ‘Nether Land
Bible 2017’ NoW aT  2,076,239 Words as in the 130th
MacroVerse of that effort as pART wHole
“SonG oF mY SoUL”  as this is the 801st
MacroVerse of that Effort too..  continuing
on past 5 Million Words in the 50th Month
of that whole Writing Expedition aLong WitH
oVer 8000 Miles of Public Dance in the sAMe
50 Month Period of Human CLock tiMe too..
also Soon to enter into the 84th Month and
Completion of 7 Years of Writing aRound
12 MilLion Words or so online since
Thanks Giving Day of 2010.. jUSt
an online Babe of Sorts i was
then2.. heHe.. and sure..
neXt milestone heAR..
likELy a cELebRatioN
of thaT 7th Birthday
oF oNline eXisTenCeHeRE2..;)


“7 YEarS Old 12M Words FReE oNliNe WRiTe i aM”

The 33th/137th/808th and pART oF 12M Words as
MacroVerse NoW Respectively of “Facebook Profile
Pic Bible 2018” at the 6th Month Point of that Effort
Now at 640,319 Words and “Nether Land Bible 2017” at the 18th Month
Point of that Effort NoW at 2,258,319 Words and Yes.. “SonG oF mY SoUL”
at the 51st Month of that Effort at over 5 Million Words.. aLL NoW Combined as LoVELiGHT iSReaL.. as this MacroVerse all NoW titled.. “7 YeArSoLD Free Online WRiTe i AM”.. where the total effort in this 7th Year Birthday of online existence continues to
Measure in at
aRounD 12 Million
Words Conservatively
SpeaKinG iN A 2555 continuing
Day to Day Writing Effort NoW WitH
No Break Since Thanks Giving Day.. 2010..:)


About katiemiafrederick

I like to write.
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36 Responses to 7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS

  1. DWeLLinG WiTHiN FoR
    WeLL BeinG HeARTS…
    SMiLes And What’s uP Doc
    Rafiah.. not only do you provide
    A Perfect Definition oF FRiEnD
    And tHeRe Are BeYonD iNFiNiTE
    Numbers oF Metaphors For FriEnd and God
    As Verb tHat’s
    WiTHiN iT’s
    This Metaphor
    tHeRE is No Separation NoW For
    Ever No Matter What For A friEnd
    Can and Will Be A Lover A Mother
    A Grand Parent A Sister A Spouse
    And Verily ALWays True iN LiGHT NoW
    All OtHeRs As all pARts Ocean aLL WHoLE
    And You Rafiah For From: the First Words You
    Dance and Song To: me You Made/Make me Feel Special
    WithiN.. JusT ANotHeR SNoW Flake AngEL You Are to: me.

    -End For Beginning2…
    “WHaT’S uP DoC2 NoW1”

  2. Well.. consideRing i still remember that password of 1954 for
    The Bowling Center Alarm
    System in the
    90’s.. Happy
    You are
    Still Kicking
    Alive Mike On A
    63rd Birthday
    For God kNoWs
    i For one
    Now on the
    Upswing to
    60.. LiVinG is
    A State of

  3. Facebook Friend Falak and
    Online Model selling this and
    that and the other thing.. responds
    back to my compliment on her Comfortable
    Shoes and Cute Dress Atop that of course
    includes her overall Aesthetic Beauty that
    she is “A BiG FaN oF mY SiGNaTuRE PoSE”
    and she would love to try it though she
    says she knows she would’t
    be able to do it and
    of course the
    Natural Chalice
    over flowing Water
    dude i am says basicAlly
    i’M Sure you can as i also
    remind now remember i am on
    the Autism Spectrum Diagnosed
    As Having Asperger’s Syndrome by
    Four Different Professionals so it’s highly
    unlikely it is a misdiagnosis considering my
    Sister is Diagnosed with the same condition..
    And it’s true there is a “Spot the Aspie” Test as
    Developed by “Tony Atwood” who has spent his
    life studying this condition and is well connected to
    the Folks who Brought the Symptoms of the Condition
    to Modern Medical Science as he says the typical ‘Aspie’
    rarely moves their arms much in back and forth swing when
    they walk and usually have bad posture moving with their shoulders
    looking down at the floor in front of them instead of Gracing the Dance
    Floor as Muhammad Ali and Arnold the Governor and Jean Claude Van Damme
    Did too.. as Ballerina’s engaged in the Act of Ballet when they trained doing that
    to increase their overall Athletic Agility in Balance and Strength and Yes overall
    Grace too.. as Mr. Ali used to Sting Float like a Butterfly First with the Force
    of Positive GRACE CHI more fully developed and utilized as A Higher Force
    of God as Power within too.. as Nature spreads his and or her WinGs
    higher and higher in us.. or sure.. you could call my arms Eagle
    Wings in this pose or antlers like Rudolph The Fred Nosed
    Reindeer won’t (yes) you lead my sleigh today as
    God’s Cheerleader Lawyer Judge and Jury
    Writer Photographer Ballet-Like
    Dancer Martial Artist-like
    Defense as Warrior
    as the Best
    Offense too of course..
    what else.. blah blah blah YeaH
    A Jack and or Jill of a Bunch oF Other
    What’s UP Doc Varied Masks of Persona’s
    All Tricked up as any Bugs Bunny Will Do for
    ‘What’s uP Doc’.. and what that means like when
    Malignant Patriarchy Calls the Waiter Chief NoW you
    are really the Chief NoW and the Doctor and You (hint: i)
    Am About to Play with you and teach you a few Lessons..
    And sure a Trickster can be a Writer and Director.. Producer
    And Actor of thEiR OWN PLaY NoW eTc.. eT AL and all thaT
    otHeR Jazz too.. And.. one of my favorite pARTs of Free Style
    Public Dancing at Super Walmart as i move over 8500 miles now
    of doing that in 52 months now.. everywHeRe i go as the 12 places
    we went to Dance on Tuesday for.. the Christmas Shopping Desires
    of Katrina and many other stops aLong the way.. plus of course all Day
    at the Casino on Saturday Snow Days Before that With Sunday Church and Visiting
    All The Farm Life at a Southern Baptist Pastor’s Farm And Marathon Dancing MoRE
    aT Old Seville Quarter aLong with other Store and Doctor’s Visit for Katrina’s
    Allergies on that Thursday cut short my latest MacroVerse titled with a bunch
    of coded esoteric numbers and letters per.. “7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS”
    as that MacroVerse only totaled in at 27,110 Words as nah.. i didn’t plan the 711
    in the total number of words too.. but Synchronicity like this is in Abundance wHeRE
    and what and when i do just about all stuff in life now.. as the record continues to show
    as it’s kinda hard to deny it when your soul is uploaded online in permanent ink as such
    hehe.. from Head to Toe and all aRound YouR Visual and Auditory World too.. so yes.. oh
    boy might as well tally up the totals with Parent Bible and Two Children Bibles still Growing
    as “SonG oF mY SoUL” still exceeds 5 Million Words.. approaching 6 Million Words close
    to Memorial Day or my Birthday or so on 6.6.18.. and of course the Parent of that SonG
    Parent as Grand Parent of and as all of the Words Written online since Thanks Giving
    Day of 2010 still goes LonGeR2 at aRound 12 MilLioN Words NoW iN JusT About
    84 and a half Months as today is the 2673rd Day of Writing and aLL
    of This More Visually Fully ILLusTrateD Stuff too with YouTube
    Music with the Video’s too.. as YeS.. NoW.. WitH thiS LaTeST
    139th MacroVerse GroWinG as First Still GRoWinG Child
    Of “SonG oF mY SoUL”.. Titled Bible and Additional
    Longest Long Form Poem Ever Still Titled as
    “Nether Land Bible 2017” all the way
    up to 2,316,359 Words Since stART
    oF thaT Bible Child on Memorial Day
    oF 2016.. And additionAlly.. A Second
    STiLL GroWinG Bible Child as Titled Since
    Memorial Day of 2017 NoW as that GroWinG
    Child as Bible is enclosed FuLLY iN Facebook
    Profile Pic Description Areas since then is now
    sTill Named “F Book Profile Pic 2018″.. 698,959 Words.. as A MacroVerse
    to STiLL Come on or about Memorial Day of 2018”.. will more officially
    Land Mark Milestone tHat Third oF Long Form Poems and Bible SerVinG otHeR
    aLL Purpose Online Publishing Long and Longest Long Form Poems too..
    so.. anyway.. now that the Numbers Game is finished and speaking of
    Super Walmart And the Kind of Malignant Patriarchy as no.. not just
    a Stereotype but a Demographic that can be empirically Measured in
    Terms of “White Evangelical Christians”.. Voting for a kicked out
    oF Mall Predator Toward Teenage Girls in his 30’s as District
    Attorney then.. yes.. heHe.. “Stallion Riding” Judge
    Roy Moore to the Voting Booths as he was all
    but assured the reaLiTy of his 74% White
    Evangelical Christian Culture
    (Group Think).. but it
    wasn’t enough for
    there are
    Black Folks who do not
    particularly see the days of slavery
    as a great time in American History as
    Roy Moore Professed as his Ancient Faith
    still now in terms of Bigot as of course it seems
    that he never got the memo from the Storied Jesus
    that we have gentiles jews servant or free woman and
    or man no more.. that there are no typical white old angry
    man labels for the Kingdom of Heaven within as that is what
    You Feel and Sense.. not just the Cowboy Boots you wear.. hehe..
    to the
    Booth NoW
    With Horse Fully
    iN cOlder tow too..
    but it’s True Horsies and
    Booties are many thingies as
    they make as accessory of DiViNE
    Masculinity too in Will and Strength
    more too… but only fuLLy WitH a Foundation
    oF LoVE First that is Fully Unconditional GraceFuL.. Too..
    typicAlly what ‘they’ name in ‘original way’ as Fearless NoW aLL..
    Anyway.. So.. a Dude Behind my Back related just loud enough for
    Katrina to hear in the Distance as i stood Perusing the Photo
    Quality of what would come after that to DecoRate this
    “SonG oF mY SoUL”eVeN MoRE FuLLy iLLusTraTeD NoW
    As such then too.. yeH.. He Said ‘The Ballerina Man’
    Does not look too Happy today.. And Yes.. iT’s True
    Yes.. i CaN and WiLL Look Very Laser SeRiouS Focused
    aLL uP Too And that’s quite a compliment considering
    i Do float like a butterfly
    and do Leg Press
    1020LBS still uP to
    50 reps.. mostly 33 though
    as A Common Denominator.. sure now2
    mY Martial Arts Kicks WiLL make a sting too..
    but since i do not wanna actually hurt anyone
    And surely Lord Forbid Kill anyone now.. i Spar
    with Steel at the Gym on a Regular Basis now more
    for about 45 Months Now of Doing that Free Style too..
    True too.. it’s helpful the Public Works Department and the
    Navy Defense Department Provided me with Close to a Million
    Dollars of Money to Purchase the Equipment i wanted for me
    to personally use too after i retired early too… privilege i use..
    And it’s true2.. although i’ve leg pressed the same max weight
    oF aRound 500LBS on a Nautilus Stacked Weight Machine Before
    since from when i was 21 to age 53 at the end of March ’14
    when i started More a Martial Arts BallET Free Style
    MiX WitH Free Style kicks oF BaLLeT too..
    just less than a year later i
    got a whole lot stronger
    as i went up to 14 reps
    and 930 LBS in February
    of 2015.. and now i’m basically
    Strong aS A Great Ape or that Newest
    Bull Version on the Big Screen coming to
    Compete Against the Force of Love iN Star
    Wars too.. Named Ferd.. sure.. short for Ferdinand
    too like Fred is short for Frederick too.. like Lucifer
    is short for LuciFred Ballerina Man too.. haha.. with
    sure a Spicy Shadow mix of Martial Arts Grace and Love
    WitH Strength and WiLL MorE Fully reLeaSeD too.. as this
    Meditative Moving Dance is literAlly too.. A Science Assessed
    Fountain of Youth as it Grows Grey Matter in the Brain except
    For Shrinking the Grey Matter in the Amygdala so one retains
    Great control more of the Snake-like Reptilian/Limbic/NeoCortical
    Brain(S) But AnyWay.. Brain Tests of BodyMiNDS THat/wHo Meditate
    Verses ‘Those’ Who Do not Free Dance or Sit Still iN Such A
    Peaceful Loving Easy way like this.. ‘they’
    More Rarely reTain A Brain
    Health of a 25 year
    old at much later Fountain
    of Youth Years then.. as i just so
    happen to be still employing aS Such
    now too in the Meditative Flow of StreAM
    of Consciousness Writing iN ZoNE as wHeRe sHe Goes
    neXt is partiAlly up to my ShaDoW KinG WitHiN NoW too..
    And oh Lord it’s iMPRoVinG mY Posture so much as my Mother
    used to say Freddy (Asperger’s) Hold Your Shoulders Back won’t
    you please as i continued to have to watch my wife walk next to me
    late into my partiAlly WeLL 40’s.. so.. uncomfortable in my Canary in
    a Coal Mine (Man) Frosty the Snow Man Afraid of the COld
    And other Averse Elements of Malignant Patriarchy
    too.. the Best i could live with it then.. anYWay
    NoW mY posture Changes aS i sWing mY
    Arms gracefully like one of ‘those
    men and or females who
    Float aCross A
    aS Lion iN as
    Float Free too alWays
    Conserving Energy Ergonomically NoW MoRE
    too.. yep.. as the tale of the tape does seem
    to sHow at the Local Bank as i went into that
    Place with my Santa Naughty List Shirt on.. Katrina
    Measuring in around 5 and a Half Feet and with my
    Antlers Bull Horns and Such RaM ForCE too all Spread
    ouT and heLD HiGH.. sure.. looks like Muhammad
    Bruce Arnold Ali is about as high as
    Michael Jordan at somewhere
    around 6 Foot 6 but it’s
    true i’m all stretched
    out like Gumby2 as i surely
    can shape shift back to more
    Around 6 Foot 2.. or so when i gET
    mY Nike Shox Shoe’s Shock Absorbers
    on too.. hehe.. but you see that is what the
    Alpha Male in any Mammal Group comes to do.. NoW
    they enhance their size in Prowess of Strength/WiLL/
    Chi Force too whether that means raising their Antlers
    uP or puffing out tHeir Fur iN Straight out Fashion too.. and YeS..NoW
    it’s True too.. when you are Writing Bibles and Carrying on A Ministry
    of Dance all around the World NoW and YouR Metro Gulf Coast Southeast
    Region too as we Travel to Tallahassee likely this Tuesday to See my
    2nd Step Mother and Dance Some Public Store Dance there too.. sure
    might do it a little around her Retirement Community too.. hehe.. likely putting
    off the Publish of mY Next MacroVerse Number 140 that i am writing at this present
    Now Named “WHaT’S uP DoC2 NoW1” of “Nether Land Bible 2017” Doubling in at 698,359 Words as Number
    36 more of “F Book Profile Pic Bible 2018”.. And Yes.. Tripling too.. As MacroVerse Number 811 for
    “SonG oF mY SoUL” for after that in Numbers.. respectively at 141.. 37 and 812.. WiLL CoME
    “Grand Cross Bible 2017” on or About Christmas Day of 2017.. as the 7th Bible Write
    Including “SonG oF mY SoUL” too.. SurE.. WitH A FuLL TAble of Contents CoMinG
    too.. NumbeRinG 37 MacroVerse Titles too.. as That Effort StARTs on Memorial
    Day of 2017.. sAMe as “F Book Profile Pic Bible 2017”.. only difference
    is one is just a Milestone and AnoTHeR Chambered Room
    of this Entire 7 year and 18 Day Nautilus Shell to
    This Point oF WRiTinG NoW inCluding all
    The Writing on the ‘Wrong Planet’
    Website too.. yes.. 8023
    Posts there too.. in
    somewhat shorter
    and longer write as that
    went and goes aLonG too..
    with often copy and paste HeAR too..
    miGHt go by tHeRE neXt.. perHaps.. mY Shadow FearLeSS
    KNoWs NoW as i File tHat Plan aWay to Chance and Fruition
    DreAms coMe to be too.. Deep.. Deep.. Deeper within are you
    getting sleepy too Approaching Theta Wave Holy/Sacred Creativity too.. hAha..
    i sure am.. anyWay.. Before i drift off to nap time back to the Original
    point wheRE and WhAT and WHeReVeR uP THeRE iT sTiLL is.. i would
    have loved to give that Roy and Trump Moore Voting Dude a Good Fred
    Talk to Teach him soMe Fred LesSons more.. but Darn it.. he got away
    as Katrina said.. get your ass in the Car Sheriff Fred that Dude don’t
    Need to heAR all about what you can and will do now more as
    you iNvite him to Heaven as wistfully as you might and really
    not telling him.. go to hell.. in anyWay except for thinking
    to ‘himself’.. ‘This Dude’ is
    out so
    much farther
    than i ever dreamed
    any Ballerina Man could
    and Will Be now as Bugs Bunny Too..
    Sure.. What’s up Doc with a Sly SMiLe of KNoWinG sENSinG
    FeeLinG somEthing a little more NoW iN terms of John 14:12 too..
    aS usuAlly An entry point and MaGiC PassWord iNto a Discussion
    With a Trump and or Roy Moore Voter is Do you Believe in Jesus
    to lEnd at lEast A StARTinG oPeN eAR for anything that comes to them
    in the least bit as Queer as Jesus is Anti-Christ to them.. So.. AmuSinGly iRoNiC
    WHaT’S uP DoC2 NoW1
    Before i sHow ‘them’ A YouTube
    Video NoW and or some links to fill
    ‘them’ in and uP More of What HuMaN
    PoTenTiAL iS ALL PoWeReD UP: WiTh
    God Speed MoRE aLL Force As Super-Normal More..
    Every once in a while i remember a Certain Line in the
    Nicene Creed about coming in glory to judge the living and the
    dead.. and i look at my photo and all 12 Million Words and say
    hmm.. now wouldn’t that be delicious.. thing is Trust me even if i was
    Jesus which i’m not for we have no real idea what he said or did other
    than A Thousandth and One or so Roundtable Desert Road and otHeR Accounts..
    i CaN WiLL sTiLL
    ReAD aS iN Story
    And Act
    i Care and
    WiLL Do NoW
    As Director i
    Actor I SpiRiT! MoRE NoW
    HolY And Sacred Co-CreaTinG
    WiTh GoD FReED NoW FuLL oF Meaning
    and Purpose MoRE underStanding Fully i aM nothing without
    God and or AGaPE LoVE FoR ALL too.. sure.. it would/will take
    real balls to be Jesus and i’m not talking about what hangs below
    from what flies above is what you alWays Catch uP to NoW Thanks God…
    Never Arriving alWays DanCinG And SinGinG Journey MoRE “don’t stop believing”..
    i Do
    Best as
    Strong as an
    Ape i am a Butterfly
    Float A Sting of Bee
    And The Will of thE Eye oF
    the Tiger with a LioN’s HeArT
    oF LoVE iN Courage Even More..
    WiTh Eagle’s WinGs i Do Fly HiGHeR NoW
    Drop i Water Streams to River Ocean WHoLE wAVE
    i AM
    ShoRES MoRE
    Endless Nether Land Story
    Chamber Doors of Nautilus
    Eye of Hurricane EvER ExPaNDinG CaLM
    Category 6 Golden Spiral Winds even more..
    Some of
    “Ya’ll” thOught
    it was/is JusT A Weird Pose..
    True.. soMe Folks See Deeper
    without eVeN eYes and eaRs now..
    True iNdians sTiLL AmOnG uS aS uS NoW2..:)

  4. SMiLes..
    Only Old
    As YouR
    i ReaLiZE
    THiS iS
    BuTT SMiLes
    Need No
    So SMiLes
    A CHeST
    Keeping MiNd HeAR oF CourSE
    WRiTE oN CourSE i reAlly Am A Bugs
    Bunny and A Mad Hatter and A CHesHiRe
    D CaT too.. all Volunteer aS SucH oF CourSE
    suRE.. Sacred Clown Holy Fool Shaman Stuff
    Warrior Dancer Lover and KinG Archetype and
    all thAT
    as the
    Fool Tarot
    Card Number
    0 For Birth as Numerology
    First Challenge FolloWeD By
    1 and 1 and 1 again aCroSs the
    LiFE SPaN to simply Affirm what
    i continue to do with Relative Freeing
    Will as the Number 0 AsSigNeD FRoM
    BirTh Does MosT DeFiNiTeLy NumbER uP
    just once again affirming 1 and 1 and 1 to
    do Whatever the FucK
    i like as apparently
    i’ve earned
    it aLonG
    the WaY SomeWHeRe
    like Barbara Streisand DanceS
    And SinGS too.. sure.. ranging from
    Sipping Water at an endless Beach
    Being the Beach or Helping to Save
    the World as any Good Catholic Raised
    Boy Will do with a communion wafer that juST
    does it more than just talking about Love talk and never
    getting around to actuAlly LoVinG DancE and SonG isReaL..
    Sure.. it could be like my Father’s Senior Class Quote that said
    never do what you can do today if you can put it off until tomorrow
    as it’s true too.. i didn’t even really stART WriTinG Poetry at all in
    Much Free Verse
    until 2013
    approaching age
    53 then.. with some
    Prose SpaRK at age
    13 winning a two homeroom
    Christmas Story Contest and A
    Few God Talks in Philosophy Class
    at age 18 in Junior College that i put down
    in Words too.. like an Elton John SonG JusT
    For YOU as TrUly that’s all this is as what may seem
    LiKE aN AuTiSTiC Prayer FoR aLL oF iT iS actuAlly an Artistic
    Prayer For YoU NoW to Get to the Kingdom of Heaven WitHiNoW
    as hey.. i’m aLReaDy tHeRE what do i have to lose.. nothing nothing
    at all by Sharing my Heaven.. All Free For whomever YoU May be iN
    aLL thE MoVinG ConNecTinG CreATiNG Ways i give and share what
    i personAlly nAMe LoVELiGHT and GoD sAMe and DifferEnt too as Colors
    MoRE NoW eVer exPaNDinG eVen MoRe so fly so free so fly to be me.. heHe..
    AnyWay thAt Mad Hatter Cheshire Cat note up tHeiR FroM Fred in WonderLanD iN
    Rabbit WHOleS Deeper iS AGAiN to Facebook And ex-Coworker Ashe wHo lamented
    that the fACT that you have to be born in ’96 to buy some Alcohol at the Grocery Store
    was making her feel old.. 36 years that would be me in ’96 too.. as hey i’m not kidding
    when i claim i feel younger than i’ve ever felt in my 57 year old life.. it’s like a i walk on
    air all over the place now.. was it free.. was/iS it like some Recitation of Romans 10:9
    per what one might wait for until after a dirt nap.. heLL noT it iSN’T Free iN fAct
    per JOB-like and Jesus John 14:12 Time-Magazine-Like Achievements
    ForR A CoveR of tHiS i had to go to Hell for 66 Months and this Heaven
    Practice is most Definitely an everlasting continuing Work of
    Art to Stay HeAR iN DancE and SonG eVen more now..
    Ain’t no Free Lunches in HeaVeN my Evangelistic
    Romans 10:9 Christians FriEnds and as
    the Jesus Story Clearly States
    for those with eyes and
    ears to see and
    hear it.. you
    will find God
    in a Chopped in two
    Cord of Wood but if you think
    you are gonna maintain a personal
    feeling and sensing relationship with i am
    with no name but a living one within THat mY friEnds
    takes lifelong constant work NoW oncE you seek and find
    YouR particular God Dance and Song within thaT Works now
    for you now2.. but true too if you only rely on what has been
    said before by the same kinda Trump and Roy Moore folks
    who still spread some bad news now.. about how you are
    not worthy or even Full oF Spiritual Light From Birth no
    matter what the Culture and or Society says as
    long as you do the warm and fuzzy lust
    And love BaLaNCING ForCE oF LIFe
    NoW JusT NoW from first to
    Last bLiNk oF LiFE MoRE
    NoW.. True.. You.. JusT
    Might go to a Dirt Nap NoW
    neVer Experiencing the iNheritance
    oF Heaven within as that KinGoM of
    Pure agApe LoVE as SpiRiT oF HeART
    NoW iN a MiNd and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL
    ForcE CoME aLilVE As YoU NoW.. but as any cLoWn
    now or then who has/is escaped the Matrix of tHeir particular
    Flavor of Culture and Or Religion who coMes to Find God aLL
    Free with no nAMe but i AM within alive as LiVInG oNE WitHiN..
    TruE.. Not unlike many oTHeRs too innumerable to count we will do our
    Best to provide our experiences in how we get to Heaven so you miGHt
    FeeL and SeNSe a SParK thAT LIGhtS YouR GoD FLicKeR flAME TorCH
    And Bonfire of LoVELiGHT
    WiThiN NoW
    AS A Human
    Reborn Rises as
    Phoenix from the Ashes
    of Misery Love Company in all
    STuFF reLated to Pain and Numb
    of Fear and Hate NoW WitH MiSeRY
    oF MiSeRY LoVEs CoMPaNy eveN
    More For a DArk FoRcE BiND like folks
    who go all out for Conspiracy theories do..
    who and that can and or will not Find Heaven within
    aLL Free NoW iN aGaPE STyLe oF LoVELiGHT Forevermorenow..
    aS NoW iT is alMoST tiMe As far as HUMaN CLocK TiMe Goes to
    Provide a Free Muse Gift to the Call for an Uprising Dude and
    TVC Mario too.. as i already stopped by Both YouTubE Video
    Places to see what Fresh Hell in Fear and Hate and Unworthiness
    to even Connect with God SPiRit Free without any of tHeir Dogmatic
    Cereal Box WriTiNGs that bind folks toGeTHeR Like Corn Flakes STiLL..
    sure.. all
    and stuff
    too in scarcity
    that can and will surely
    and verily Breed Misery Loves
    Company now with Down Lips of FRoWN..
    True.. ‘they’ need ‘our’ hELp but as the Trump said
    too.. even if he were to shoot someone publicly they
    would still support their newly elected Anti-Christ and oTHeRs
    who spread FeaR/HaTE in Effect and Affect of almost everything
    ‘he/they’ does/do and sayS AGAinST Chapter 5 oF Matthew Verses
    3 through 11 even More.. ugh like Roy Moore too.. so far away from Gentile
    Jew Servant Free Woman and or Man No More.. So full oF Fear and Hate for any
    Words ouRside of wHat God is Chained iN tHeiR So-Named Good Book Bible now2..
    i For One See A God who particularly lives within me who and that is Free to Be..
    too.. yes that’s the way we do love it still as that calls for an upbeat SonG BeFoRE
    i visit
    the DArKeR
    SiDEs NeXT..
    in a place with no
    sun or moon.. sure.. Heaven
    for me online2 and Hell For oTHeRs
    just like the Flesh and Blood Heaven
    And Hell on eARTh NoW too.. best thing
    about online.. it is still wild and free enough
    for anyone to search and find A TrutH and LiGHT
    thaT works for them no matter what the Roy Trump
    More Voters are doing in tHeir own Locality now.. iN
    ugh.. Red State More Closed Minded Ways aS even
    Science sHoWs that’s what many folks who live in Scarcity
    Still Do now.. no matter form of name in Roy and Donnie Ways..;)

    7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS

    “7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS”

  5. http://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=357619&start=15

    Note: this went (goes) to two places literally aS Such too..;)

    Stephan or Stefan.. it’s kinda hard to tale
    as you Raise your arms up With Flacid
    Middle Aged Women Ways of
    No Visible Biceps.. of
    course that’s not an
    argument as this is just
    another Ode to Women by a
    Boy who was actuAlly Loved and
    Nurtured by a Mother into Love who at 57
    yes.. still is an excellent Martial Artist now
    who Leg Presses 1020 LBs.. usually 33 times too
    but 50 if their Mother is on her Death Bed then
    on Valentine’s Day in the Hospital my FriEnd.. yes..
    Your Cuckcalling Legion of Little Men who Hate
    Women is rather amuSing to me of course as
    i am rather noted in my Metro
    Area as a Dance Legend and
    A RatHeR Epic Lady’s Man
    too.. hehe as
    the evidence
    for that is clearly
    Documented in Selfie’s
    with over a Thousand or so ear
    to ear grinning 21 or so old
    Women who Dance with me so
    this i BRinG as Gift to
    you who ever
    the hell
    you may
    all dARk
    SpiRiTeD uP
    in Fear and Hate talk too Be
    or NoT to Quote Will in ParaPhrase too with

    “Our Lady of Guadalupe”, Celebrated Last Sunday
    at the Catholic Church, I’ve attended since September
    of 2013, without Fail on Sundays as I always come out of the
    Church uplifted with the Natural Healing Force of Positive Energy
    when a Church of Many in Positive Feelings and Senses Sing Uplifted
    aS UNiSon in Choir of Angel-like together in Human Form as Essence real;
    the Inner Human Multi-Verse that even Neil deGrasse Tyson Readily Admits
    to a Famous Pop Star like Katy Perry that she now has more ability to Measure in
    Her Dance and Song Art than all of what he and his Astrophysicist Friends can measure
    reliably and repeatably with the Science Aided Human Eye; of course, with the Basic Tool of
    the Scientific Method, too. Yes; “Our Lady of Guadalupe”, Representing A Queen of the UniVerse
    of Human Within is an Archetype of Pure Virgin Unconditional Nurturing Fearless Love as Highest
    Human Potentials in all Humans as Science Clearly Shows we all come First as Females in the Womb
    as of course in ‘those’ days only
    myth of rib born Female
    preceded the Science
    of much Smaller HUman eyes.
    It’s Truly a Lovely Symbol and yes the
    Details you Provide in Aztec Lore do relate
    Many Inner Core Truths and Lights about the
    Human Condition We Share and Give at the Highest
    Levels of Cooperative Loving Success. Since Science fails
    miserably as readily admitted by the most Popular and Well
    Respected Among Scientists to explain the Inner Human Condition;
    All Arts Serve to Enlighten us Better on the Art of Love and Life and the
    Other Darker aspects of Life we share in similarities and differences too.
    On my Desk, as I continue to Write Several Million and Something Word Poetic
    Free Verse Bibles, Just for fun; my Wife has purchased many Comic Book and Big
    Screen Hero Archetypes Brought to Life Greater than ever on the Big Screen now.
    As of Lately, She purchased Figurines of Moses; An Archetype of Writer and Law Maker
    in Systemizing Rules of Human Behavior as Religions and Cultures continue to do in Book Form
    Rules now with Additionally, David, from the Old Testament as Warrior, Lover, and King Archetype
    of Human Being too who often faced the Darker Shadow Elements of Being Human as storied in the
    Bible too. Also, my Wife Purchased Mary, the Figurine of Virginal and Pure Motherly Unconditional Love
    as I Often Lovingly Refer to my Wife Katrina as Egyptian Goddess Isis; not only for her looks that never seem
    to age still at 47, like a real life ‘Age of Adaline’ Movie Actress in Real Life now; but how she willingly Loves me
    as Wife, Mother, and Sister all in one even helping to put me all back together like a Humpty Dumpty too, when
    I too Fell Apart, Losing Effective use of my Eyesight and Hearing too. Moreover, the Figurine and “Lady of Guadalupe”
    Statue reminds me of how our Mother Unconditionally Loved us all through Life no matter what Darkness came in
    me and my Sister who also is diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome as I am too. In Fact, at the end of Church, instead
    of leaving the Back Pew to exit; I went up to the Front of the Church to take a Picture of the Large
    Portrait of “Our Lady of Guadulupe” as stationed in Front of the Church in view for all. It’s true,
    too, Last Sunday would have also been my Mother’s 83rd Birthday as she fell ill on her Death
    Bed in Hospice Care at a Hospital on Valentine’s Day earlier this year lasting
    8 Days off of all life support then as attributed by her Doctor for her
    Strong Heart for it is Science Proven True that Love Literally Will
    Make a Heart Stronger in Beating Ways and Grief Will Literally
    Break a Heart where an Unconditional Loving Heart will often
    Raise one Higher in Love’s Peaks of Higher Ground in
    Flight oF LiGht more. And last but not least of course;
    the Figurine of Jesus who many outcasts in Life
    Have come to appreciate when reading
    the New Testament and Jeffersonian
    Choosing the Good Cop Parts that still exist; exclaiming
    Matthew Chapter 5, and Verses 3 through 11 as Prelude
    to the Beatitudes For Love. And Best of all, John 14:12 that clearly
    means that Jesus is just a Human like anyone else for in that Verse it says
    if you really believe in what his teachings say you, yes, you, can and will do even
    Greater Works than the Story of Jesus for the Foot Prints of Love he actually left then.
    Fortunately that’s one verse I took Very Literally and did and still do too. My Mother wasn’t
    named Mary but her name was and still is Helen in my Heart and Spirit and Soul Still Living as
    Love like that Travels much further in Children’s eyes than just one lifetime now. And sure, in potential
    even much longer as Flesh of Soul Becomes Art in Record too now more no less that what still exists of
    as Nautilus Golden Spiral PHI Shell now. Not everyone is blessed with a Mother like I had and it’s true
    not everyone is cut out to do John 14:12, either. For this reason those two Archetypes of Humanity in
    Male And Female Form Brought to Life in Story Form are extremely important for Helen left Mary
    in Me and Raised Jesus in me too. Not everyone gets that gift in flesh and blood.
    It’s True; a Story may not be as Great as the Real Living experience now but
    a Story, a Myth, a Statue,
    and any other Abstract
    Construct that relates the
    very complex Inner Emotional
    Sensory and overall Spiritual Life
    of Human Being is Priceless in all Works of
    Art that Still do come. It’s true, my friEnd, for some
    of us there is no need to Debate Love For some of us Are Love;
    Born and
    Raised as such.
    Have a Great Now as Love.
    If you can and will of course as
    I sort of have an aversion to actually
    directly tell folks what to do. And also
    I usually exclaim too that other folks will do more
    than me too; But it’s also True if I do not witness it
    as a Writer, A Lover, a Warrior, and an Archetype as King (sometimes Holy Fool too)
    of Words too; not likely anyone else will care to pick up the Ball of Love i for one
    Can and
    Will BrinG even more.
    And that’s A Way Life and Love Goes for me, Real;
    As my Personal Mary and Jesus; And Sure, David And Moses too,
    Do Live for Real within me too;
    Like A Fire
    Work as Katy
    Perry Might Dance and Sing too..:)

  6. Help them please

    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Sohair and
    Happy Weekend Friday coming
    to you soon as it’s True online
    is a Wonderful place
    to ‘Help Them
    Please’ as there
    truly are so many
    ways beyond even
    iNfinity of doing that even
    more for all gifts of share
    That Humans can and
    will move and
    WitH God
    EVeN MoRE NoW..
    SMiLes.. i don’t trade
    in Money but i do what i CaN And WiLL..
    in many otHeR Ways As We All Can
    And will do too.. MoRE ALWaYS
    if We
    to Do
    More of What
    Will Can When Fearless LoVinG FrEE
    Relatively of Course as
    You say God Willing
    in and as oF
    TruELoVELiGHT MoRE..:)

  7. http://wrongplanet.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=353090&start=150

    An “Inconvenient Truth” to Medical Science as whole is that the Placebo, so much more than a Sugar Pill,
    in effect is more affect in the Healing Force of Emotions at the Cellular level too. There is a great deal of
    research that does show that the Will of Mind as Practiced in Positive ways of Emotional and Sensory Affect
    is more powerful in some cases at least than any Medical Science Pill Manufactured to date; full stop and go.

    And as far as ‘Newagey’ ways of Meditation in both Still and Moving Ways; Science shows
    that Meditation is literally a Tool For a Fountain of Youth to Keep a 50 Year old Brain
    Looking Like a 25 year old Brain in Empirically Measurable ways too.

    And of course as at one time; Moving Meditation was considered
    Woo to Regulate Human Emotions and Integrate Senses in Enhancing
    Cognitive Executive Functioning in ways of Laser Focus and Greater Short
    Term Working Memory Abilities as now Science Shows that Moving and Still Meditation
    Is A way as Eastern Martial Arts already Brings as a way to gain Mastery over the Internal
    Universe of Human Being now. I did it all innately, instinctually, and intuitively to heal myself
    after years of Failure of my Psychiatrist and other Doctors to help me as a being who lived in total pain and
    numb from Wake to Sleep in a Synergy of 19 Life Threatening Disorders; where I overcame all of them with
    Meditative Flow in Zone Art in Writing Free Verse Poetry as well as Free Flowing Dance with no guidelines or
    instructions either but Flow and Go more as time, distance and space disappears beyond Infinity as a State of Well Love/
    Being in ‘Heaven’ always now. Let’s just say it’s literally true, too; my Psychiatrist was so inspired by what I personally was
    able to do where he could provide with no pills that he quit his Private Practice and is now Teaching Movement Arts
    for the Real all Natural Healing Force of that at a Medical Hospital in Southern Florida now. It’s true, not only
    did I Heal myself; I also Changed the Life of My Psychiatrist who as a Major in the Reserves of the Air Force
    who dealt regularly with Combat Fatigue in folks coming Back from War in the Middle East, stated
    that my case was the worst case he had ever encountered so much that he referred me to
    a new procedure to implant a Vagal Nerve Stimulator so I would Feel something, anything
    at all of Emotions, then. They also used TransCranial Magnetic Stimulation too but
    my Insurance would cover neither, so, I was left to figure it out myself. Really,
    the answer is so simple as we are animals who are still evolved to move freely
    making no sounds invisible to both Predator and Prey to both escape and
    hunt for subsistence now free. Nah; straight line moves and pills for cure
    are both short-cuts limited for fuller Freedom within as Well Being now as it
    is a use or lose it proposition; same reason I don’t get cold in the Winter; I expose
    myself to the Cold and Adapt. Human Beings on average have little idea what they can
    Do as Mind over Matter as far as flesh and blood well being goes and I for one at least, Bring
    Conclusive Evidence so far that it works with no fail to this point increasing in efficacy as i continue
    to live an amazing life pain free at will of mind where now my whole being is trained to the point of
    A Real Mind and Body Balancing Soul where i can slowly raise my arm and bring higher levels of bliss in
    Bio-Feedback continuing ways of a Blessing of Life that is real. No one could provide me the answers although
    they existed online somewhere for those who do keep a seek and find for answers. I continue the Tradition for Free.

  8. i Figured AS Much.. i
    Love Butt
    Butt i
    Am no
    P Grabber
    i Rather
    Full Figured
    FriEnd.. Ashe..
    My Favorite
    PArt is
    Give me Brains..
    To Ashe

    Just another note heaR to
    FB FriEnd Ashe who Loves
    Spock From Star Trek too.. NoW
    And true she Loves Star Wars too NoW
    And we do have somethings deep within
    as in common and diFFeRenT too.. hmm..
    anyway.. we live in a World where Folks have and
    are been and is too concerned with form do not relish
    in the silly giggles of life that can and will come in Mad
    Hatter Ways as any Fred iN WonderLand Deeper and
    much shallower wHoles of Wit and Banter Will also BRinG
    FREE to Be anything be everything be all you can and will be
    as the Army and Alice and Fred in Wonderland Dance and SinG
    too with Kitty KatS aS SMiLes oF MaGiC iMAGiNaTioN iN MoViNG
    CoNNecTing CreATinG wayS MoRE that never ending stories BRinG iN
    Nether Lands of time distance or space beyond infinity in and as LoVE Now ReaL..
    it’s true
    i can
    do Alice
    and Wonderland
    as Fred and Science
    too in art and reason too
    and sure.. i can tag aLonG with
    Tin Foil Hatted Conspiracy Theorists
    And lEarn at lEASt a THiNG or Two about
    the Human Condition from them in Fear and Hate too..
    but to exclude any of it is to feel and sense and kNoW leSS
    of GoD who LivES more within beyond A to Z too.. it’s funny.. some
    folks believe that folks who paNtheist plUS Leaning Live in a Material
    World with no real supernatural Spirit butt you see and feel and sense
    the Spirit is real not something one must only look forward to after a
    Dirt Nap now for God is Real as Force as iN all aRound US NoW
    above.. so below.. within inside and outside too even more as
    we evolve as soul aCross the LifesPaN of DaRK Abyss
    Through sHades of Grey beyond Pastel Colors of
    Rainbows IN Heaven NoW MoREGRoWinG too..
    Live.. it’s the best thing to do now in the
    best of times beyond infinity
    as Love iN Paradise
    T H E ateR
    MoRE NoW..
    Sure.. if Styx Can
    Do it so WiLL YoU Too..
    these are the best of times
    for those who do live time out of time
    distance out of distance and space out of space
    eternally NoW.. iN and as HeaVeN ReaL the KinGDoM
    that’s alWays NoW in you too as me as we as us as i all more..:)

  9. SMiLes.. my FriEnd for there are many days
    that the LiGht in my eYes just handing out
    Shoes in a Bowling Center For Decades was
    Enough to BRinG a SMiLe to AnoTHeR Human
    BeinG and as an outcast when younger
    that was and still is surely
    Heaven to me then now
    E N O U G H
    as Love Free..
    it’s True too my friEnd..
    i didn’t say much then
    for like my Father with
    hiS uNusual Green to Changing
    Blue eyes that’s really all he had
    to do to Bring Smiles and Words of
    Awe by folks like my Mother who
    brought those eyes to me.. thing
    is.. God taught me more for
    God BrOught Me Pain as
    Gift And Suffering More
    to ChangE LiGht
    oF eYes
    into Words then
    mY Friend That sMiLe..
    tHat Laugh that Grieve/LoVE
    that Cry too that Yes.. rarely get
    Angry but do a times NoW as a shadow
    too.. lives in me as all humans who Do
    ‘normal’ live.. best thing of all mY FriEnd
    is the Love in Words brought me back to
    Humanity to not only Sing but to Dance more..
    NoW i rEmember mY Father’s eyes but it’s True i
    lament the fAct too that God neVer shoWed him
    Hell so he could Dance and Sing again.. too.. i am
    the Lucky
    one.. the
    Fortunate one
    who went to Hell
    aS it’s True my FriEnd
    dArk BRingS LIGht iN aLL
    Pain and Numb too.. you make
    my day for just being heAR mY FriEnd..
    Thank you.. Sohair for lending an ear that still
    SeeS thE liGHT in my eyes changed over to words..
    True.. additionally.. my Mother Wrote a Poem about my Father named
    “Green Eyes”.. A lament for the words of Love he never found to BRing to her….
    i almost left
    the EarTH
    never reAlly
    Providing that
    to Katrina or My Mother
    And others too for 23 or
    so years too.. True.. God
    Saved me in so many ways To:
    From: an empty bLink of liFE
    at the end that never really fully then
    iS Now A Dance and Song LiVE VeN MoRE..
    So thanks again and continue a Great Day of Hope For you as Love too..:)

  10. “Not Fit to Clean the Toilet’s of President Obama’s Library”.. an Affront
    For Sure to the Meek who are Currently iNheriting the Country
    by Simply Minion Standing toGeTHeR as the Rather
    Socio-Economically-Educated Poor will
    Surely Do too as Apes ToGETHeR
    Stronger no matter weak now more
    in ways of Socio-Economic-Educated
    Status or not for we live still in a way
    that says advantage to whatever those
    who keep standing together for common
    Bonding Purposes For the most Despicable
    Leader that’s ever arrived yet at the Lever of
    Automatic Voting Machines now too.. It’s true when
    You FucK with the Meek they just stand toGeTHeR STRonGeR
    in All the Ways ‘you’ Deplorable them too.. in other words USA Today
    Don’t Take the Bacon that Trump Gives you as he knows now exactly who
    his Team Players are just to rile up the Standing Force More as DaRK Force
    too will come to play and win the Game if the LIGHT Force Does not Stand Above
    the Fray of the dARK Scrooge Grinch Reaper STiLL as seriously i usually do a post
    Dedicated to the 13 Days Before Christmas to the Grinch and usually put up a 16 Foot
    Grim Reaper at Halloween in Front of the Home then too.. but the News and the Country
    in General is so full of “Orange Man”.. “Stuff” now one must at least give the New style
    of Minion Rule a little Credit standing up for their Version of Christmas Time now in
    DARk DARk Ways of Separation and Division too if you come wrapped or
    unraveled into a World of Being a little different from tHeir “Minion
    Norm” now.. for it’s True everyone mostly of those Minions
    wants to be recognized as ‘Norm’ at the First Baptist
    Church too.. And sure it’s kinda that way
    in most all Religious Binds from
    NFL to NBA to the American
    Summer Sport of Baseball
    to a Dance Hall in the
    Spring Full of
    And Bootie
    Dances for Common
    Holy and Sacred Bonding
    Purposes as Religion in Holy
    Holy Sacred Full of Meaning ways
    too.. WitH A Butt Clap that remembers too.. hehe.. now..
    And the Squirrel with only his Nut in Hand for Christmas
    12 Days coming too.. today that’s all the Squirrel Needs to
    Be Santa Claus too on Christmas Days FrEE NoW2.. And
    the Snow Man.. he’s fine as long as it doesn’t get too warm
    in Environmental Ways.. as for sure the Polar Bear’s Greatest
    Wrapped Present Dream is to keep the North Pole Chill too.. NoW..
    AnyWay.. Verily And Surely a Short Story Intimating the Place and Being
    oF aLL Front Yard LiTuP iNFLaTabLeS For NoW.. and as far as Signature Poses
    Go.. i do tend to go even longer and stretched too.. for whatever it takes to Keep
    thE NovELty iN NoVEL LifE MuSInG CHuGGinG WRiTE aLonG.. and it’s true
    you don’t Diss African American Folks by suggesting Slavery was just something
    in the Past to get used to for White Folks to be Happier then.. surely will HelP BRinG
    more too..
    sure it’s like a Game
    of Chess but it has real
    Human Feelings that
    Do get Butt Hurt too
    For What
    As Real and Shared
    FreeLY NoW Given EVeN MoRE

  11. i’M sTill SticKinG by “Mindful Weirdness”
    Hehe.. as i reFuse to leave
    new and
    Hello gigoid.. ToP
    oF Real Fall to Winter
    Weather Still in Florida
    For a Week or So aWay
    From Indian Summer NoW…
    i MusT say as aLWays aDvantages
    WiTH Change as this is a long now
    coming in Hot Chocolate that Feels
    And Tastes A Space oF Nostalgia
    CoMinG AGaiN iN DisTanT
    Memories of Warm
    and Fuzzy True
    then now
    forevermore now
    as Change makes a Cup
    of Hot Chocolate the Marshmallows
    oN Top of Life even more as Fall Rises to Winter more..
    otHeR than that the SNoW is Gone but the Spirit LiveS oN..:)

    “True dignity is never gained by place,
    and never lost when honors are withdrawn.”

    ~~ Phillip Massinger ~~

    True Dignity Lives Naked
    oF Cultural Clothes Best
    to Be to Be
    FeeL iT aLL MoRE..:)

    “There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man.
    The true nobility is in being superior to you previous self.”

    ~~ Samuel Johnson ~~

    Yep.. from storing grain
    to down

    “In a word, neither death, nor exile, nor pain, nor anything of this kind
    is the real cause of our doing or not doing any action,
    but our inward opinions and principles.”

    ~~ Epictetus — Discourses, Book i, Chap xi ~~

    Ink Blot Test
    that more..:)

    “Fear is the lock and laughter the key to your heart.”

    ~~ Steven Stills ~~

    True Hell Fire and Brimstone HeARTs

    “An age is called Dark not because the light fails to shine,
    but because people refuse to see it.”

    ~~ James Michener, “Space” ~~

    And it’s amazing what i find most
    in ‘those’ places below
    is Fear of
    oF LiGHT sAMe
    usuAlly MisSinG oUT
    iN HeaVeN NoW eVeN
    Though “tHeiR Book” Says.. Don’t..:)

    “We turn not older with years, but newer every day.”

    ~~ Emily Dickinson ~~

    Art As KeY

    “But where shall I start?
    The world is so fast, I shall start
    with the country I know best, my own.
    But my country is so very large,
    I had better start with my town.
    But my town, too, is large.
    I had best start with my street.
    No, my home.
    No, my family.
    Never mind, I shall start with myself.”

    ~~ Elie Wiesel ~~

    UNiVerSE WiTHiN
    More expansive
    WorlD aBoVE..:)

    “It was when I found out I could make mistakes
    that I knew I was on to something.”

    ~~ Ornette Coleman ~~

    Snow Melts For Water.. ‘We’ Consume Frosty

    “Yield to Temptation … it may not pass your way again.”

    ~~ Lazarus Long, from Robert A. Heinlein’s “Time Enough For Love” ~~

    Muse comes and goes Muse goes and comes Muse

    “The highest reward for a man’s toil is not what he gets for it,
    but what he becomes by it.”

    ~~ John Ruskin ~~

    And HeaR Comes Number two..;)

    “We have two ears and one mouth
    so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”

    ~~ Epictetus ~~

    i Find mY Dance Feet Listen/See Best when
    i’M Hearing Seeing iNto My Hands Solo Song..:)

    “I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
    I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
    I learn by going where I have to go.”

    ~~ Theodore Roethke ~~

    Alarm CLocKs Shorten

    It is not the one with many possessions who is rich,
    but the one who has no needs.”

    ~~ Philoxenos ~~

    Be WinD
    Be STReAM
    WaTeR AiR MoRE..:)

    “The true worth of a man
    is not to be found in man himself,
    but in the colours and textures
    that come alive in others.”

    ~~ Albert Schweitzer ~~


    “The bright senses, sight & hearing,
    make a world patent and ordered,
    a world of reason, fragile but lucid.
    The dark senses, smell & taste & touch,
    create a world of felt wisdom,
    without a plot, unarticulated, but certain.”

    ~~ Crowley ~~

    YanG oF SiGhT HeaRinG LiGHT
    YiN oF SMeLL TastEToucH dARK
    smART 60 PerCent
    75 PeRcent dARK..:)

    “There are those among us
    who live in rooms of experience
    that you and I can never enter.”

    ~~ John Steinbeck ~~

    Keys Keys KeYs MoRe Keys..:)

    “A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds.
    A good deed is never lost;
    he who sows courtesy reaps friendship,
    and he who plants kindness gathers love.”

    ~~ Saint Basil ~~

    Sensed by Roots..:)

    “This is the true joy in life –
    being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one;
    being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap;
    being a force of nature
    instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances,
    complaining that the world will not devote itself
    to making you consistent.”

    ~~ George Bernard Shaw ~~

    TruE HuRRiCanES
    BLoW BeST
    eYe CenTeR

    Chafing at the proverbial bit….

    Clearly a full half-bubble off plumb….

  12. Heaven StArts
    AnD ends
    A Mother
    Father WithiN..
    stARtS AGAiN FoR OTHeRS…
    Teacher’s of Quiet
    Quiet of Teachers…
    Pass Port
    BLanKetS LiFE..
    OpPorTuNiTieS For Free Far
    FeW As HisTory SHowS..
    The Form
    The Essence
    this way that way
    the other
    To Feel
    To Sense
    more than less
    it’S How Cats RetUrn too..
    191 iN Dance Weeks for Norm..
    Cheers X
    FoR A
    SonG tHaT GoeS oN..:)






  13. Amazing as it is after Sharing
    Hurricanes and other Winds
    Snow in Trees Winter
    as Scotland Breathes..
    Fall Peaks
    Snow Colors
    Spring Alive
    Summer Warmth oF HeART..
    Rare Snows Bring Memories
    Etched in Colorful Stone truly
    no time distance or space
    oF MaGiC White..
    Taste of Snow
    Fresh Accounting
    Unique oF Flake Ocean Whole Ice Skates..
    Snow to
    Beach to
    Forest Trees
    GRains oF Sands
    upHill Unique Flakes
    ReMain SNow DreAMs BRinG..
    sMiLes.. Thanks
    Xenia for
    aLL thesE
    SnoW MeMories
    heAR too.. Nature
    aT heR Best aS Cold Cures too..:)

    Tanka: Winter Magic

    Haibun: Waves Of Colour

    Haibun: A Season’s Blessing

    Wordless Wednesday: Quiet Equilibrium

    Tanka: Transformation

  14. SMiLes.. mY FriENd as Seagulls
    Do Come And Go SquawKinG
    HeaR and THeiR House the
    Sun too aLWaYs A LiGHT
    FriENd to me FoR So LonG
    So Many Neuro-Chemical
    Neuro-Hormonal.. InneR
    tHaT Day tHat Street
    LiGhts aT Midnight
    BecaMe The Sun
    WHeRe dARk Be
    AWay From
    LiFE Pain oF LiGHT dArK..
    FoR iT’s True We Make
    reaLiTY DaY Or NiGht
    Better yET thE Sun
    NeVeR GiVeS
    uP FoR
    CoME BacKS LiGHTReLiT..
    Prehensile Thumb Attached to Hand
    A StArt oF Tools EventuAlly Written
    Words Digits oF Hands WitH Thumb
    Digital Worlds
    oF Fingers
    BecoMe OnE
    Us As Tools aT Hand..
    SMiLes Frank
    For HeART
    thE Tools We
    Make As Words oF War..
    To Groove
    Or iN
    As RuT NoW
    WhilE GrooviN’
    DanceSonG aS
    CoMe To
    PlaY ouT ReCord SPace..
    Beauty Night
    Day Night Beauty
    MorE iN WarmtH WithiN
    As SpRinG iN
    WinTeR FaLL
    Summer eYes
    Day and Night
    DanceSinG A SoNG ALivE..
    HeART WitH No MeASurENoW
    LoVE oF Art WitHOuT Distance
    Space Or Time all that is aLive
    From Less to
    iT aLL
    No Science
    PLays A HeART oF Free..
    A Moon A Sun Beyond
    Stories DiffeRent
    Less and
    More.. it
    we us me you
    i ArE NoW NeVeR
    F FoR FaiL AliVE..:)

    Seagulls in the Sun


    Pleasantly Surprised


    One-Liner Wednesday — After

    Moon — #writephoto

  15. Hmm.. WeLL.. aPProaCHInG Ten ThouSanD or so Words Since Yesterday
    Afternoon.. A little late StArT This Week And Catch uP NOW as wHeReVeR
    Muse comes Muse iNSpiReS eVen moRe iN LiGHT THrU DaRK..
    Still an Hour or So to Ready for the 191st Dance
    Week Night at Old Seville Quarter in
    Cool Clouds of December
    Night the 14th oF
    Such on this
    1st day of
    12 days oF
    Today.. NoW..
    Surely.. the dVerse
    Pub not Quite the Welcoming
    Crowd i find among Extroverts
    of Dance at Old Seville for that
    Cheers of SonG that Hi-Fives
    the DancE of me as Norm
    but it’s True the Night
    of Introversion has
    its place
    with the
    Day of Night
    as Extroversion too..
    two places to visit one place
    More for Extraverted Reciprocity
    as it’s true too some folks take some
    offense when you are inspired in Poetic
    Words inStead of Lauding Poetry but truly
    who am i to judge anyone’s output of SouL
    in Poetry unless it is a Science Project to
    compete for i’d rather go the poetic
    response free verse than Make
    A competition now
    of whose
    Dances and
    Sings the Best in Song or Dance
    heHe.. True for me at least that now
    would rather be like laughing at some
    one than laughing with them in soul tune
    of Poetic Response all free deep within a
    Holy SpiRiT oF Creativity juSt GRoWiNG
    MoRE As LovE aS WhOle.. For those capable
    oF SeeinG And HeaRinG MoRE A SoULoF ME..
    anyWay.. otHeR than Brian and Frank and Xenia
    it’s been a long trail since i’ve visited dVerse again
    as it’s True A Year From April of 2015 thru March of 2016
    i poetically responded in Free Verse to Every Single Prompt
    And Every Single Link.. aLL the way through.. the 31st Day
    oF March per Month 3 and year ’16.. but True through literally
    Hundreds of Poets and Thousands of Poems that year all put
    together in 338,630 Words iN One MacroVerse still linked in
    my FeatNotes/MileStones Section as GodsUniVerseNovel3
    How else.. hehe.. other than 9 Million or so total other words
    Does one Begin A “Nether Land Bible 2017” and ‘PHI Bible’
    AriSinG to 1,618,000 Words in 365 days From Memorial Day
    of 2016 thru Memorial Day of 2017 without a ‘little’ Warm up First..
    including those other Multi-Million Words.. including a place named the
    ‘Wrong Planet’ online that is rarely a Cheery Place even less than what can
    expectedly Be as Poet’s go in ups and downs of Moods as a rather Dour and
    Pedantic Place too.. wHeRE in someways it was like i never left the first place then..
    anyway.. wax on wax off.. if one is to Meet tHeir Greater God Given Gifts of Human
    Potential.. Monkeys Rarely Fall out of Trees and Hawks and Seagulls Spiraling the Sun
    Rarely Fall out of Trees or sKeYes of GoD DiFFeRenT and sAMe simply ’cause now they
    Use iT aLL iN Practice of climb and flight iN never GiVinG up a climb and FLiGHT oF LiFe
    all the
    the LifeSpan
    NoW True.. Never
    Leave Boot Camp now
    even if the Army will not
    have you either.. hehe.. haha..
    We Do the Best with what we are..
    Children of God Standing Beyond iNFiniTy K11-H8
    TaLL aS LoVE And Yes That Love Muscle Will GroW too
    When Used iN Dance and SonG aS HeARTs SPiRiT MoRe
    MiND and BoDy BaLanCinG SoUL Force Ferrari Tuned Humans all 12 cylinders
    for REaL

    Goodness Winter Fright
    Night Snow and Ice
    Not aT all
    Like A Dusting
    oF A Winter Wonderland
    iN North Florida Fall Days now..
    to Canada
    any now soon..hehe..
    And while i don’t usually
    rate poetry this iS uNique my FriEnd..:)

    i dance to read i read to dance
    i FloW iN ZoNE to Focus MoRE
    WiTh MediTaTiVE MuSiC eVEn MoRE
    all lit up from Star of Brain thru Love in Toes..
    but of course
    i do have
    a thrill it is
    to fly in focus
    HyperDrive Star Wars Force..:)

    True.. Wild Horses Take
    No sHit with OPen
    HeArts WitH
    No malice
    oF HArm
    noT aLL
    men are
    Wild Horses
    Politics of man
    Wild Horse or not
    Timid Mouse with
    MouthS TRaP..;)

    SonG oF FoRest
    DancE oF onE
    aLL oF LiGHT
    To Be
    NoT All
    tHis pLace

    PeaR DeLiGHT
    oF FruiT FoR LiFE..:)

    TeA LEaveS
    SPiLT DreAMS
    WarM FeeLS
    EssencE FuLL..:)

    A Breath Away
    BeYond iNFinity
    wHeRe Does LoVE Go
    Numerical Breathing..:)

    ReflecTinG iN thE MuSiC
    From: then to: now..
    Emotional Nuance
    WhaT BreaTheS WithiN
    BeYonD iNFiNiTY RaiNBoW CoLoRS LoVE..:)

    Language oF LoVENoW
    CoLorS Many DiffeRent
    oF EYes

    COld Cures oF Peace
    Winter Resting
    LovES SPrinG
    SMiLeS.. wHeRe
    i LiVE WiNteR MiSSinG
    ComeS Back To Dance A Rest oF me2..:)

    To: Break the Rules
    From: Eccentric
    Uncles wHo tWirl
    tHeiR Art
    NoW iN
    LorD KNoWS
    mY MusTaChe sTiLL
    GRowS TwisTeD aS
    UnclE ArT CoMeS2..;)

    A HearT
    iN Words
    PuT BacK Letters
    SeaLeD ToGeTHeR
    aGaiN.. RisE aBoVE
    AsheS FaLL PasT
    eYes SinG..:)

    WeLL yes that Counts
    12 Poetic Responses now
    and with 16 total responses
    to 16 Poems ‘Tween Brian
    Xenia and Frank that makes
    an Afternoon Thru Evening
    Effort of responding in Free
    Verse way to 28 Poems..
    yes.. i used to do
    Well over
    50 over hours then
    in Days back in 2015
    thru 2016.. all that FloW iN
    ZoNE SiTTiNG Fingers only
    DanCing and SinGinG surely
    made the middle Tire of my Body
    Grow as surely the more physical
    Arts of my Poetry do relate what sitting
    too much will do for middle places of full
    Art of the Human Form Unleashed ReLeAseD..
    as the oldest
    Form of
    from Head
    to toe in Non
    Verbal Language
    of Human Truly Wild
    and Free alive impassioned
    with no restraints it’s true while
    my Father’s Class Quote said don’t
    do today what you can put off tomorrow
    in his Senior Class Annual.. his Identical
    Twin’s Quote said pretty much the Polar
    Opposite as often it is almost like one
    Twin has one paRT of the Persona
    and the other Twin Lives the
    otHeR Half of SoUL but
    sure people do find
    tHeir ways to
    and overall they
    didn’t seem too afraid
    to be Different either then
    as the Military and Law Enforcement
    surely ain’t no place for ‘little men’.. particularly
    if they last 46 years in Law Enforcement like Dear
    Old Dad Did until age 69.. Longest Serving Deputy
    in Florida at that time in 2001.. anyway.. his Identical
    Twin’s Quote came Straight From Will Shakespeare’s
    “I dare do all that may become a man;. Who dares do more is none”..
    Straight out of McBeth too but True i wasn’t much into either Reading Classic
    Literature and Poetry was also just a bore to me when young too.. Whitman’s
    Universal Oneness of Leaves of Grass was about all that and who appealed
    to me.. even after Free verse came for Free.. From Deep within Holy
    Creative Spirit as something that is a gift that one should
    cherish the most they can and will for this kind of
    Creativity Can and Will Be Fleeting too unless
    one figures out a systemizing way to keep
    it more fully in tow as i surely
    have by studying closely
    what works for others
    HiStory and
    HerStory and
    other Stories with
    No Censorship of other
    opinions by me no matter
    how much perceived by others
    as DArk thru LiGht.. Yes.. Ascendent
    Transcendent Ecstatic Dance.. iN Free
    Verse FLoW iN ZoNE iS Verily one way now
    to Keep A Creative Holy Spirit FloW iN Art Going
    more as well as all sensual arts as that applies to
    Human Libido as this is a game of Neuro-Chemicals
    and Neuro-Hormones too.. so sure.. Dance Naked if you
    care to maximize all of that Fearless too.. and you wonder now
    why the so-called Stars get naked.. duh.. they too are maximizing
    their Neuro-Chemicals and Neuro-Hormones that works real good for
    them too.. in Holy and Sacred Creative Spirit Flow even more.. perHaps
    they are not a Scientist like i am.. in understanding the Neuro-Chemicals
    and Neuro-Hormones as i do in systemizing way too.. bottom line what works
    works and you can and will surely and verily measure this in case study way too
    in my Creative Output too.. True.. i’m not just doing it i show you how i do it aLong
    the Way too For Lord KNows and FeeLs and SenSEs too.. Back in University LiFE
    when i received a Short Gift of Creative Holy Spirit Writing in a Philosophy Class
    Sparked as Flicker Flame to Torch and Bonfire by an out O’ the Box Philosophy
    Instructor then.. later it went away.. i checked out a Book on How to Do
    Creativity as an instruction manual of sorts and never could get
    through the Book after months of checking it out not realizing
    that my Data Down Load Mind of Facts in all the Class
    Load of School was killing all the Creativity
    in me way back then for it was muse
    i had to learn to find and keep
    then that spoiLed any
    Chance of Creativity
    then.. i suppose
    it was the Struggle
    of Pain and Numb that
    Separated me from all
    the extraneous noise and
    worries of Modern Culture that
    helped BrinG the Gift of Creativity
    Back that i Serve to keep.. now really
    Since Around the First of March of 2013
    overall when i started Blogging then by
    the first post on my perspective of life
    mused by my first Facebook Friend
    as truly no one in the world
    seemed to want to be
    my friEnd outside
    of Family
    except for this
    one person named
    “Mags” that i appreciated
    so much as a FriEnd it mused
    those words from me as surely it
    is the MoVinG and ConNecTinG of
    more than one HuMan ToGeTheR NoW
    As TeAM thAT BRinGS the MusE oF LiGHT
    GreaTesT aT LeasT to me.. as yes as far as
    so-named systemizing science like poetic forms
    the Form of Letters to Friends aLonG this Winding
    Online Journey comprises much.. of what the “SonG
    oF mY SoUL” is in 5 Million Words plUS since the staRt
    of that too on 8.18.2013.. i enJoy the actual act of doing it the
    most i am in this for the love of life for what i do totally satisfied
    always in the Moment of Life as Present Now never needing or
    wanting anything at all but Now the LoVE of NoW EterNally NoW
    WitH the Force and Nature of God within me on Fire A Love oF LiFE..
    anyway.. sure.. now to ready for a More Extraverted Face to Face Dance
    And Song in a Real Bar Much Bigger than even Cheers.. and many more
    within that Overall Complex for the Wild and Free Night Life of Pensacola NoW..
    and just
    to think
    i will
    be Sober
    and Drunk
    on the Holy
    and Creative Spirit
    oF God as Nature WithiN
    me the Whole SouL MiNd
    and BoDy BaLanCinG Dance
    ’till the end around 2 AM.. it works
    it works that’s all i need to do is work for LOVENoW..
    THeRE is NO Place For Fear iN my LiFE NoW For i LivE
    For i LiVE
    Free A
    SonG oF DAncE

  16. Trådløs says:

    It’s always good to have a plan B in life
    Referring to the part that losing sight and hearing tackled you to start writing

    • Hi.. Tradlos.. thanks so much for taking
      the very long trail down in around 400 photos
      and over 40,000 Words of what surely
      is a Novel Effort of Free Verse
      Flow at this point
      the comments
      section you arrive
      as visiting from the
      dVerse Trail.. yesterday..
      True.. not everyone has
      Broad Enough Band
      Internet Access
      or a Powerful
      Computer or hehe..
      the patience it takes to arrive
      down here to say hi.. and in addition
      of course That i really don’t apply to any
      one group think way of being.. as sure..
      Tribalism is sky high these days as
      it most always is except for those
      who are outcast from culture
      in someway and learn
      to find their own
      way that
      as other folks
      have already made it
      clear that their existence
      is more like meh than significant
      hehe.. It’s true.. i once placed all my
      eggs in the planet of life in a way then of
      work for money in what always seemed like
      a do or die proposition and that attitude literally
      almost killed me as what we fear in what we really
      should fear is all the iLLuSory Fears of Life that literally
      Tear us down cell by cell neuron by neuron in links to all that
      can be
      in life
      and Free
      Without Fear now
      but obviously to do that
      one must escape group think
      for group think has controlled and
      subjugated with illusory fears in what
      one comes to believe they need and want
      from life.. it’s True.. the Write of life in finding an
      Innner Voice that belongs to me and Nature God
      allone set me free as well as a free flow of dance
      to get in touch with all my emotions and senses
      in regulating and integrating them in Self
      Actualizing all of what my Human
      Potential continues to BRinG..
      True that’s not an easy thing
      to do to be fully fearless
      in a world that
      fear on a day to day basis
      and now to now too.. but hehe..
      Just Turn the News off Step Back into
      a Forest of a Backyard and the Birds and
      Other Small Creatures of the Forest And Flowers
      And Other Plants and Trees will have none of this
      Human Foolishness Full of fear.. True i Keep in Touch Enough
      to use the muse of darkness the current political climate brings
      and other religious type darkness to light my pen as is.. now.. but also
      it’s true no one else rules me but love within now in fearless unconditional
      way and writing feels good i like to do it so i do it more and more as the flow
      in zone with Nature God Free is where i Love to Be the Most.. And sure.. with
      a ‘little’ help in Moving Connecting and Creating From FriEnds aLonG aLL the
      Paths this Journey of Life BRinGS.. aGaiN.. Thanks for stopping by as a rarity
      that is among literally thousands of visits i’ve made on the dVerse
      Trail but it’s true i also have the life of a Real Peter Pan now..
      to do what ever i care to do.. not everyone now has that
      blissing and blessing in life as Lord knows through
      19 years of School mixed in too with 33 years
      of Work For Pay and Pay for Work
      my Ink Blot Test of Creativity
      looked nothing like
      this as Slave to
      is all
      it mostly
      was then.. Even a Bonobo
      in the Jungles kicked back more
      in a Flow of Life by a Pond of Relaxing
      Toes in A Water and Air of Life than i did then..
      And surely most people live their lives that way in
      all the Complexities our Modern ways of life BRinGS NoW
      Truly if one can let go of all the buying stuff one will eventually
      set themselves free from the slavery that life really does continue
      to bring.. For a smile in a poor village in a third world country among
      ones who have the time to really love each other beats hands up all
      These First
      we really do
      have now.. Abundance
      is nothing without Free and
      Fearless Love.. nothing… nothing
      at all with a Constant Trump Frown..
      it’s true ‘they’ use to have a word named
      ‘the Devil’ and now ‘we’ have the Word Trump
      to fill in for all this fresh hell now.. hehe.. i find it
      amusing as it’s obvious where it is going to end up
      the Constitution
      and the Laws of the United
      States are all that’s saving us now..
      for those who love anarchy they should
      lift up the covers of Freedom to see it is bound by rules..
      Truly keep
      us free in all those
      Mueller ways of Being too heHe3..
      but it’s true ‘The Bad Orange Clown’ is amusing too..;)

  17. SMiLes.. Victoria.. aLWays
    inspiRing.. the Poetry you
    bRing and as i also see this
    is Written about your Mother
    A Lament it is
    too that she
    may not have
    made it out of the
    Cocoon that environment
    and genetics too may bring
    about.. to live to really live is such a gift..:)

    SMiLes mY FriEnd For i Surely
    See tHat SamE Miracle of Love in You..
    Best of Holidays to
    You and All of
    Your Lovely
    Family mY FriEnd..
    WitH A Keep Of SMiLinG eYes..:)


  18. Frank Hubeny says:

    Best wishes and keep dancing. I will be traveling soon today and so I just wanted to say hi.

    • SMiLes mY FriEnd Frank.. thanks so much
      For coming by to say hi Before you Travel
      For These Holidays we come to be
      as ‘they’
      say within
      aLWays A Holiday For Love is..
      Be seeing you around Soon mY friEnd..:)

  19. The Tool of Facebook in all its
    All Free Robotic and Algorithmatic
    Features is an Excellent Production
    and Publishing Assistant for Writing
    Online Bibles in Real time now.. yes..
    duh.. the only now of time that is alWays
    now of course unless one gets trapped in the
    Hands of Time.. or Grains in an Hour Glass Failing
    to See the Picture of Eternity NoW aS HeaVeN as it’s
    True a Fearless Happy Person is almost impossible to
    Subjugate to Oppress to Convince with iLLusory Fears that
    any pArT and or Member of their Body and the Rest of Reality
    on Repressing one’s Freedoms of Pleasure to fall for potential
    to be controlled by others even greater in misery loves company..
    is less than
    and Sacred
    NoW Full of Meaning
    and Purpose i mean seriously
    ‘you’ look right.. hehe.. sure ‘you’
    do who are kidding not me surely..
    what do you see.. something to be guilty
    about or people having consensual pleasure
    allowing you to vicariously join in on their fun
    if you are not currently engaged as such with
    a significant other now.. truly it’s not any
    different than watching a bunch of
    Dudes on the Football Field
    Busting Head together
    if Tribal Aggression
    in competing
    each other
    is more your game
    than simple pleasure
    from head to toe free..
    but of course to convince someone
    that tHeir innately instinctually and intuitively
    inherited pleasure parts of life should somehow
    be imprisoned for your manipulation as such in
    Yes.. Mastering Pleasure that way for what comes from
    a very young age that says keep your hands away now from
    Ecstasy in all the ways a higher mindful and bodily awareness
    Comes from the daily grind of life that is really no grind at all but
    Cardboard paper thin existence all in line.. and yes there are many ways
    to Ecstasy beyond just ‘touching yourself’ now and all the other stuff that
    comes with that.. sure.. there is the Ecstasy in Higher Force in Feelings and
    Senses that comes with all Free Flow Arts that BRinG one back to now so far
    Away from iLLuSory
    Fears that
    or really
    want not to be
    real unless one now co-creates
    Fear/Hate with others as a way of life
    that is misery loves company now too as
    yes.. i visit those places as they muse poetry
    from my Hands and the Shadows of my SoUL too
    for that too is pART of Life that is real that can and
    will come out to play and be mastered as an art of life
    too from dArk to LiGht ReaL too.. it’s True Willful Freedom in
    Exploring Pleasure in Unconditional ways of Love scares the
    Be Jesus out of many folks now.. but what TF Do think Heaven is.,
    A place of doing the same thing in feeling and sensing you’ll never
    even shed a tear again is a place you wanna stay after a dirt nap forevermore
    now with never a change.. A Stepford Husband and Wife of God that has/is no different
    Colors of Life in a place one might optimally see as a place where everyone looks just
    like you and or the family and friends you’ve known and felt and sensed the same all
    through your love forevermore same.. well it’s True.. Heaven’s not like that Thanks God
    of Nature for Heaven is now for those who see the Archetype of Jesus and the such
    as other stories of Humans oF Fearless Unconditional Love who have and sTill
    Are DanCinG and SinGinG LiFE oN eARTh Free STiLL Today Now.. iT’s True..
    the Raptures have already come and stayed and continue to live now
    on eARTh in this flesh and blood SoUL As SpiRiT oF HeART thaT
    Can and Will Celebrate a Birth of Love also Known and
    Felt and Sensed as Christmas Year Round Forever
    Now Eternally So thaT aLWays Changes iN
    Different Colors of Love as well as
    Struggles of DARk too that
    Flavor Love Even
    Greater as
    LIGht than ever
    Ever beFore.. We Celebrate
    Life.. Yes We Do for those of us
    who Understand/Do the Miracle of the
    iNheritance oF Heaven oN EaRTH NoW
    Kingdom Come Within alWays NoW and
    if you do not understand the Real Message
    of Jesus that has been repeated diFFeRenT
    and sAMe through Cultures of all Humans from
    Day one to Day sAMe and DiffeRenT NoW it is
    going to be Very Hard for you to find Heaven
    After a Dirt Nap if you can and will not
    see and hear the Love of that
    and practice it always
    now to the best
    of your
    oF aN Epic NoW
    Great Work oF LiGHT
    in LiFE thaT and wHo
    Continues as you to burn
    BriGhtEr as A Saint Elmo’s Fire too..
    NoW.. Bonfire of Love ForevermoreNoW.
    The Birth Of Love aLWays ReNeWed aNeW
    NoW alWays MoRe MoVinG ConNecTinG
    Co-Creating WitH God as Nature all that is
    alWays NoW MoRe without restraint iN
    You in Harming no others now with
    malicious intent too.. and
    striving to understand
    what separates
    us and unifies
    us too to tolerate and
    accept the differences of others
    in what DiffeRently and sAMe now
    BRinGS A Pursuit of Happiness to
    them too as Fruition NoW2.. A Best of pARt
    of Old Seville Quarter is all the colors of Human
    Beings.. Beyond Tone of skin that mix so freely together
    without regard to the differences that ‘official’ churches
    decry as sin.. when Love never Sins as Love Moves and
    Connects and Co-creates with God Free.. touch yourself..
    yes.. touch God within you.. inside.. outside.. above.. yes
    God yes so below too and all around in spiraling motion
    if that is what YouR Pursuit of Happiness BRinGS
    you now.. so do you desire to Be Content
    or Be Discontent to do you Desire to
    JoiN iN oN Joy Loves Company
    or Misery Loves Company
    even more so sadly
    as such as for
    some folks
    that does
    seem to be all of
    what they touch of God
    within and all those other potential
    Pleasure spots too.. Yes.. the G Spot
    the all that is within you too.. Yes.. We Celebrate Life
    with all the tools as Gifts at Hand that God as Nature
    BRinGS to us
    all FReED..
    NoW at
    Least True
    For me.. NoW
    And sure you can
    Call all these Fully
    Illustrated ParTs of GoD
    i too BRinG OceaN WhOle
    in the Essence of the ArT i do..
    A Catalogue of Love too in Christ
    as Love Birth always NoW too.. but
    Remember Tears BRing comfort too.. Do
    Be careful Be Careful for what you wish in
    desire too for you too may find a place without
    Tears is a Darkest Hell of aLL oN EarTH NoW too..
    Been tHeRe DonE it for around 66 Months.. Trust
    me or
    not a
    Place oF Tears
    is a much better place to be..
    sure.. Believe it or not Horatio and Ripley too..
    Never the
    Less MoRE
    We Celebrate Love
    as LiFE All Fearlessly and Unconditional aS Such..;)

  20. After a Quick Visit to my Psychotherapist more on that ‘a little
    later’ as she said before i leave i Bring all A LiGHt of
    Positive ‘Electric’ Energy in her Office and Take it
    when i go hehe.. as it’s True as Yoda
    says we are not just this
    Crude Flesh for
    Those wHo
    Seek and Find
    And Practice A Life
    up Lit uP Carry Give and
    Share the LIGHT Force wherever
    ‘they’ go now as we talked about the Shadow
    and the Dark Force sAMe and DiffeRent too as
    i wore another one of my newly purchased Star
    Wars Shirt that depicts Darth Followed by Three
    Storm Troopers in Straight Line Formation to
    Spread some dARk Force on my Shirt..
    anyway.. ‘more on that a little later’
    is coming first.. hehe.. as i will
    Make a Second Round
    Visit of Poetic
    to Xenia’s Place
    with six expressions
    in return at Frank’s place now too
    in a few but it’s true it’s very important
    As Sia’s Last PArt of Her Christmas Trilogy
    does sHow where in the First installment she
    was sHown fighting against an Abominable
    Snowman as she progressed to Playing
    with the dARk Force Snowman as
    her Shadow in the Second Video
    And now under the Mistletoe
    of Life she has come to
    terms with her
    Shadow and
    actually Gives it Thanks
    and Praise for the Abominable
    Snow man that Becomes her Close
    Friend as the Trilogy Ends as Ever Lasting
    Archetype of Meaning within.. as symbol of Her
    Shadow complete in Balance with the Smile of Love that is her..
    So.. the Moral of A Story2 is Trump Needs a Big Hug for true he is
    Mostly Shadow the Dark Force Incarnate as he is no different Really
    than the Grinch who Attempts to Steal from the Poor and Give Welfare
    in Tax Breaks to the top of those Share Holders of Big Corporations now..
    With even resistance to giving a larger tax Break to little Timmy’s Family
    too as ‘that’ other story shows too.. But Remember in Fairy Tales Change
    For Trumps is possible as somehow someone Brings a Hug to them that
    Feels Love in Real iNspired to Give and Share Unconditional Love More Fearless
    And Free.. True that’s gonna take a mighty Big Hug but if Sia can and will do it perhaps
    we too will find a way to touch the Modern Grinch HeART to BRinG iT Back to Life for
    a HeART Will Bring the Strength of 10 Grinches and more for the Grace of Love is the
    GreaTesT LiGHT ForcE oF ALL in the HuMaN MultiVerses now but do not disregard
    your Shadow and all the DArk Force in the World as something to ignore and or
    totally hide for that Snake of Reptilian Brain is Base For Survival in Fight
    and Flight Fears and a Drive to Reproduce too where Lust may over
    Drive Love too to the point where Humans Become Objects
    just to be Groped unless it’s a Nice Young African
    American Woman who tells you don’t
    Spin so much.. be still so she can
    start and your knees and
    come up for a Bootie
    Dance on you..
    consensual enough
    i guess as what’s she
    gonna take from me hehe..
    other than get some kind of rise
    out of me hehe too.. Life is Good and
    Humans do have a Shadow like this that
    they fight with and play with and give thanks
    and praise too on lonely Winter Nights.. seriously..
    someone quick Give Trump an Emotion of Dance and
    Sing now.. true.. i’ve seen him sway but a significant issue
    i See and Ellen noted it on TV to me a few minutes before this
    too as Katrina Directed me to one of her favorite shows.. the Ellen
    one.. as she reminded me again that Trump is the First President not
    to have a Pet in the White House since Andrew Johnson and interestingly
    enough Mr. Johnson was impeached as it’s true too folks who do not desire
    pets may not like to care for Children either in diaper changing ways too.. yes..
    a Disconnect in the Warm And Fuzzies of Nurturing Love.. thing is..the Grinch had
    a Puppy Dog that helped him come back to Humanity too.. best thing we can and might
    do is take Mr. Trump to Pet smART and find him a friend there to Hug to Find Nurturing
    Love again.. i’m not sure what kid of pet might work as a snake might be a start at least
    to move up to a Mammal with some Warm And Fuzzies After that but love can and will
    not afford to give up anymore than a Snake Will to Survive at all costs and in reproducing
    too.. to do what Nature does within us now more.. anyway my Psychotherapist asked me
    for help with the Patient who came in before for she noted he was in the dARK ForcE
    Place i lived in Darth Days Before.. and i repeated well he must search the
    Dark Force for the LiGHT of His Emotions again for i for one am sure
    that Belief is an Emotion sAMe and DiffeRenT as Hope as one
    must get the Feelings and Senses Back First and then
    come back to Humanity as Whole LiGHT ForcE
    Human Being to rise from the Ashes
    of Darkness and become
    Fire of Love agAIn
    and of course as i explained
    again to her Connecting Language
    WitH Emotions in the writing of Free Verse
    Poetry brought my Emotions Slowly Back then
    and the Dance is what Reinforces the LiFELiGHT
    As Practice Continuing mY LiGHT BRiGHTeR NoW MoRE
    to shine this light with others in many Forms of Art as Essence
    LoVELiGHT.. and then she said she asked a small girl client before to
    say a mantra that would make her feel good and she said she was a little
    troubled as the little girl picked a mantra to say over and over again now that
    “Good Days Come From Bad Days” as i exclaimed yes! A Really Great Metaphor
    of Hope as it is True liGht WiLL ARiSE HiGHeR From dARk for the perspective
    dARK NiGhts BRinG iN Gratitude more of Sunshine Days of Warmth Within for
    in Every Human Hero Archetypal Story thE LiGht Comes After DARk in Gratitude
    for the Paths BRinGinG one to LiGHT after the DArKeR pArTS of the Journey
    of Life in Paths Dissipate in Balance For Light Force more.. yes.. under the
    Mistletoe Real aGAiN as Fairy Tales become real.. For this Inner
    UnivERse of Being Human is difficult to Navigate with stories
    as symbols for the elements of HeARt that Survive
    and Thrive within less and more.. do come
    to understand whatever demons live
    in you.. as you may fight them
    play with them and come to
    finally give them
    thanks and
    praise for the
    DaRKer ForcE oF Survival
    that comes with no.. you are pushing
    me too far bow up stand tall as any snake
    will do and hiss no once more.. she remarked of
    her young clients i doubt they do rough and tumble actual
    physical play these days as Video Games in all the Electronic
    ways they come are about the only substitute for what all
    ‘normal’ Mammals do in fight and play and thanks
    and praise for rough and tumble shadow
    play now.. but a story in trilogy
    Form Will do in a Sia
    Video not much
    than the
    Rise of a Story
    About a Jesus tempted
    by his Shadow as he too was
    not afraid to face his shadow on
    a desert walk either to master it then
    to become even Freer as Unconditional
    Free Fearless Love then.. True according to the
    story his Shadow Actually came out and he turned
    some money tables over too.. as well as perhaps going
    a ‘little’ too literally far in talks about Hating Family and Friends
    if they Disagree and Slaying other folks if they disagree too. Human
    Emotions and Senses per the Multi-Verse of a Human Existence now..
    are always addressed and re-dressed better in term of Art in all the ways
    that comes as Essence and Form Still.. And it’s True now that most everyone
    has gained a view on the Shadow Trump Man Now.. they may understand who
    to See More
    a Shadow
    Within to make their
    life epic too and stay out of Jail too..
    Anyway.. off to Xenia and Frank’s Place now as
    i return with my tHeMe SonG heAR for Nostalgia
    Purposes in the Grinch and the Loving Puppy Dog more..
    Quick Please Quick Get that Trump A Dog or A Cat now but
    PerHaps not if you really care about pets.. hehe.. Thriving..
    A Mistletoe

  21. My Hot Chocolate
    With Marshmallows
    More on top 45 Degrees
    F today aGaiN but only
    rain with
    no sleet
    or snow
    as i continue
    to BRinG the
    Mail FriEnd Xenia now..
    WiNks as
    CoLors oF
    To Winter
    FaLL Change..
    Snow Colors
    Life more
    Real to Taste..
    Poems Words
    RhYmes For REasOns..
    SMiLes mY FriEnd
    For Every now
    iS HoLiDay
    In aLL oF
    WHat DRiVeS LiGHt REaLoVE..
    TruE.. mY FriEnd Frank
    Sun is An ‘iRon MaN’ aT
    A Center oF A eARTh too
    wHo tHaT neVer
    MagNeTiC PuLL..
    Gazing at Stars Imagining
    Connections ‘tween Angles
    iMaGiNinG AngEL WinGS
    iNspiRinG Geminid
    SHoWers then too
    ABovE SpiraLinG
    iN Nature too..
    Scratching Symbols
    Beginning in Sand
    As Prehensile thumb
    Comes one with rest oF Fingers
    On Hand WitH A Stick oN DraWinG
    Board oF GRound.. Sure.. Petroglyphs
    And Pictographs iN Hieroglyphic Ways
    As A First Symbol A Trace oF Five Finger
    HandS iNcluDinG Prehensile Thumb EVenTuAlly
    Cave Art Too..
    A SKyScRapeR
    A SpacE ShiP
    And An H BomB Too..
    YeS AWeSoMe PreHeNsiLe THuMB CoMes..
    SMiLes.. tRuly
    One Letter
    WiLL Do
    iT All..
    H and 8..
    My Favorite
    Alpha Numerical
    sMiLes.. 33.3 RPMS
    oF Record Dance Fun..
    Full oF Sound
    And Back Ground
    Static As Big Bang SiNGS STiLL too..
    SMiLes mY FriEnd..
    Every Dance
    A FLiGHT
    THaT FeeLS..
    Happy Holidays
    aLWays NoW
    On A Road
    oF LoVE
    See Ya LaTeR AGaiN..
    And NoW i Return as initially
    Promised Again in my Fred
    Talk With My Psychotherapist
    as i Counsel her on what Heaven
    is within.. of course that takes perspective
    i Dance and Sing moRe AS HeLL Comes First
    for me for the Healing Gratitude in all oF LiGHT
    LoVE WitHiN CoMiNG aGAiN AS HeaVeN Rises
    iN LiGHT oF LoVE WiTHiN Me.. eVeN MoRE EVoLVInG
    iN JusT oNe LiFETiMe oF DancE And SonG BeFoRE A
    Dirt and or Crematory
    Ash Nap comes
    in retUrn
    as the
    Cycle of
    Continues to Spin..
    True tHeRe are Many Doors
    in Life and Many Locks we come
    to create from BLoCKinG ThE LiGHT
    oF LoVE WiTHiN Unmistakable for those
    wHo FeeL the Presence oF God when two
    Folks come together in a small office room
    Lit uP MoRE bY Free LoVE FeeLinG and
    SeNSinG Zero Separation.. TrUe.. tHeRE
    iS NoThInG Random iN LiFE and
    iN God’s Perfect Mona Lisa
    Paintings tHeRE are
    dARk Fibers
    iN NIGht and
    Day and Clouds
    And SuN for the Beauty
    And Tapestry of the Miracle
    oF LiFE to CoME to Be A Home
    Within as God as we too are the NuT
    And sHeLL too.. Wave that is Ocean
    Rivers StreAms to beLow and aBove A
    Drop A Molecule and Subatomic Particles
    of H2O.. EM=F YeS EMoTioNS Move Equal Force
    For those who take Full Advantage oF thE LiGHT
    Force within understanding that the ShaDoW oF
    DaRK Drives the LiFELiGHT ForcE FoRWaRD
    EternAlly as A Dance and Song NoW too.. True
    We are reflection of all that is in the rhyme
    that is the ReaSoN of all that is coMes
    to Be aGaiN aS uS NoW Sentient
    STaR DuST PLuS Resurrecting
    aS uS From Crucible Fire
    of Star Death
    Burst we
    CoME To Be aGAiN
    LiViNG Miracle Free NoW
    For those of us who understand
    The PerspectiveS NoW oF aLL ThE dArk
    Fibers oF oUr Mona LiSa PainTinG oF LiGHT.. NoW
    tHiS iNNeR UniVerse oF HuMaN BeYonD INFiNiTy NoW
    WiTh no Replicable Affirmable limitations or expectations
    oF wHat we CaN and WiLL Co-Create NeXT tHaT We’VE
    NeVeR eVeN DoNe BeFoRE iS suReLy A Miracle NoW MoRE
    A Masterpiece Painting as Reflecting in Us aS God eYes more..
    when we are the Paint the Brush and God Painting pARt aS WHoLE..
    thE cLock
    says eat dinner
    and go work-out
    as Lord KNows tHis
    ReForMeD Grinch’s FuLL
    Weight beCoMes.. 236.6
    Lbs once AGaiN too.. True
    at this rate i might not fit
    through the Chimney
    as i join the Minions
    As Dance Beast aT
    For A Christmas
    Feast of DancE and
    SonG And YeS AGaiN
    as the 192nd and 193rd
    Dance Weeks come to be
    the End oF the Year of 2017 aT Old Seville..
    iT’s TruE.. NoW Fairy Tales coMe To LiFE ReaL
    And We CaN And WiLLJuST Do IT aLL iN PaRT
    aS Ocean WHOle eYes oF GoD eVEn MoRe @lEast i WiLL..
    Yes.. tHis bag of presents is getting mighty heavy to carry as FeaTHeR MorE i WiLL

  22. Galatians 3:28

    “There is neither Jew nor Greek,
    there is neither bond nor free,
    there is neither male nor female:
    for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

    1 Corinthians 5:11

    11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company,
    if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or
    covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard,
    or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.

    My Wife had her Bible Open to the 2nd Verse
    Above Early this morning and it felt
    like a ‘sign’ of sorts when i came
    aCross your YT Video this morn..
    What’s uP Doc.. TVC
    Mario or whatever your
    Name May Be ‘these days”
    Again.. it’s true one can
    open a Page of the Bible
    and Cherry pick almost any
    Verse to Support Wildly
    Opposing Opinions
    For it’s also
    true everything written
    by a man whose name was
    eventually changed to Jesus is
    all Hear say.. Both the Verses above
    are written by a man described with crooked
    legs.. bald.. and measuring in on the tale of the
    tape at about 3 Cubits otherwise known as 4 Foot 6..
    yes.. a full foot shorter than my wife and depending on how
    i shape shift in Greek-Like poses what would probably look
    Like on the Typical Roman Dirt Road as about 2 Feet shorter
    than me.. in other words as they say Down South and in France
    No doubt Paul the
    Former Saul had
    a ‘little’ bit of the ‘Little
    Man’ Syndrome at least
    in literal way but as Yoda says
    size matters not for it’s True a
    Chimpanzee like me who may be
    a full two feet shorter than me is surely
    strong enough to rip the face off most men
    these dayS.. hehe.. as ‘they’ say it depends and
    ‘we shall see’.. anyway these days if Paul came back
    again was walking down the Road anywhere in the USA..
    was suddenly Blinded for three days and talked about having
    Visions he would surely end up somewhere in an office if he had
    the insurance for it to potentially get some help in terms of Anti-Psychotic
    Drugs for that surely is still considered a sign of Acute or what may end up
    being Chronic Psychosis where Anti-Psychotic Drugs come to be the measure
    for what could be Schizophrenia or the such as that.. it happens.. anyway i do like
    the Good Cop Version of Paul in Galatians 3:28 up there but the one underneath
    sounds a lot more like a man with little man syndrome and particularly in some
    of his other words that say women should be silent and are not suitable
    to speak about Spiritual Matters and the such which of course is
    very much a ‘Bi-Polar’ Statement as measure of meanings
    that are antithetical to each other as these two
    verses are.. so.. perhaps he was changing
    his Tone for the Target Audience
    of the Corinthians as
    opposed to the
    and that reminds
    me of a Video Game
    but let’s not digresS hehe..
    anyway there is a great deal of
    evidence that Saul the man who once
    Persecuted Christians and had a Vision
    and changed his tune alike to Emperor Constantine
    and his Visionary Dream too to change his tune that yes
    Paul Based much of his Tune on that of Socrates through
    Plato’s Tune too as the Wise Old Greek’s Culture is still
    flavoring much of Western Culture Still Today at the
    Monument Level too of Washington DC.. With
    Plenty of Egyptian Flavored Culture
    too from the early days there too..
    anyway.. it seems that you
    have a whole lot of
    Faith in Saul
    the Paul
    for it’s
    true that Rarified
    Abstract Constructs can
    end up much taller and
    true than the original resource
    when panned out by Force of Sword..
    A best advice ever is in the Gospel of Thomas
    Verse 37.. that of course would have given the power
    back to the Children of God and away from Force of Roman
    Rule so of course it was censored out of the Books you come to
    believe are God incarnate now in human lettered words of Abstract
    Concepts.. and in that verse of course that not only moves away from
    cultural clothes but cultural words too.. that verse advises to Strip
    the Clothes of Culture off and look to God living within as
    Nature all innate.. instinctual and intuitive for that
    God does not lie as Nature Truth and
    LiGht through dARk too thaT and
    wHo does live within.. so it’s
    true even though i
    have surely exceeded
    any John 14:12 effort of
    Writing a 5 Million Word Longest
    Form Poem and Bible as i will provide
    that evidence below again and although i haven’t
    ever actually had a hallucinatory actual vision or
    actually heard auditory measurable voices inside..
    the Creative Holy Spirit that any Artist and even
    Scientist can and will acquire within to express
    as SpiRiT of heART and soUL of God
    Nature Living within.. is verily
    and surely a real deal
    as the Collective
    Creative Holy
    Spirit within
    Still relays to others
    through all arts what it
    comes to see and hear
    and otherwise feel and sense
    of the Essence of all that is aka God
    NoW ReaL.. thing is.. not unlike Verse 37
    of the Gospel of Thomas although something
    i may say may spark someone else to look within
    to express another color of the essence of God through
    Art i would rather be foolish to make any of the 12 Million or
    so Words i have written online in this now 2776th Day of Writing
    since Thanks Giving Day of 2010 a Concrete Law that cannot be
    changed as a Gospel Truth that anyone must follow by Force of
    Sword or other Rule for who am i to tell God what to do
    in any other Human Being but suggest to live
    By Will of Love in Harming no others
    Doing the Best one can to Love
    Perceived Enemies to seek
    and find what makes
    them tick to
    learn from
    those differences
    to understand better
    their view of life and perhaps
    guide them as gently as one can
    and will to a Happier way of life
    that suits them now.. anyway now
    God does have many eyes and yours
    are surely one set now.. But Truly those who do
    not Express a Spirit of Love that is tolerant and
    even accepting to the differences of others that do no
    real harm to others are obviously living in a more discordant
    Place where misery and suffering better live than joy love company..
    Not likely that Four Foot 6 Paul would have convinced Five Foot 1
    Jesus to keep his Distance from Prostitutes even if they joined
    Sunday School then.. i surely know that the Monsignor at
    My Catholic Church would never ever dare to call
    me a Heretic as i do passionate nude art at
    age 57 and surely there is a video somewhere
    that someone owns that shows a Young Woman
    at a Dance Hall Doing a Very Passionate Bootie
    Dance against one of my legs down below as ‘they’
    say.. but it’s true i ain’t no Four and a Half Foot Dude and you
    my little man Friend would never say anything you are saying
    now face to face in the flesh to this Marcus Dude you are abusing
    on Youtube where no one knows were you live.. i don’t have to hide
    where i live for it’s true when you stand tall with a real backbone you don’t have to..
    And real men and real women aren’t afraid of folks who do the ‘dirty’ either for it’s true
    too God of Nature does not make all humans monogamous far by far for the Love of
    seen all
    through out
    God’s Nature..
    Gentile Jew Servant
    or Free Woman or Man
    no more for one Huuugggge
    Family of Creation Blanket of all
    to paraphrase several sources that
    come to mind of Holy and Creative
    Spirit Flow now with no hearing voices
    or seeing things that are not heaR for ReaL NoW..
    anYWay.. as far as Evangelistic Christians and tHeir so-called
    Literal Interpretations of what a Four and a Half Foot Yoda looking
    Dude saw in visions on Roman Dirt Roads.. all 74 Percent of Alabama
    Evangelistic Voting Christians and so many more who voted for the man
    who Bragged About Grabbing P while he was married just broke the Paul
    Rule and so much more but it’s true i still associate with them as i am doing
    for i believe
    in the Good Cop
    ‘Jesus’ in me that i make
    real by listening to God without
    any of these Hyper-Contradictory
    musings of 1001 little men who cannot
    get their story straight still for that too is how
    Bio And Neuro-Diversity works too as many God
    eyes there are in both Good and Bad Cops ways..
    if it doesn’t taste smell
    feel touch and see like
    Love it isn’t what i
    listen too
    of course
    that now
    on one’s Definition of Love
    that can and will be beyond
    iNfINiTy iN Human Rarified Abstract
    Constructs on who has the Gospel Truth
    Continuously Changing Next.. i for one tend to
    Find the Truth and Light Best on a long walk on the
    Beach as the Condo’s and Human Foot Prints Disappear
    Ahead of me and all that’s left is God Free Within.. works for me..;)

    7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS

    And by A way i am so happy i live in the USA in a place where little men
    WitH Four and a Half Foot Swords have ZERO RULE OVER ME.. have a nice now..

  23. My thoughts around prayers in Islam.

    “Do not kneel to anybody or any thing except me…ur lord…ur creator…come to me only and stand between my hands and I will light ur way…u then will find an out let for ur burdens…just trust me …I love u more than any one”

    Hi Sohair.. i must say i agree with you here and as i just left
    A couple of places that make an idol as God
    out of one man instead of finding God
    in a Prayer within.. in total
    in ‘anti’
    opposition to
    that man who professed
    that the meek and humble
    will inherit a Kingdom of God
    within in this generation always
    now according to some words attributed
    to this man now.. the hypocrisy is often so
    great i just wish to walk the Beach Leaving the
    Edifice of all Human Tools and Even Foot Prints
    Forward Behind as i find as solace over idolizing just
    one pArt of God over the Whole of God that and who
    is so much more than me as paRT of ThAT wHOLe that
    alWays ReMaiNs Truly God NoW iN Real.. And i’ve always
    Been impressed by How Muslims Incorporate their Beliefs in
    Traditions of Actual Daily Actions rather than just a sit and stand
    now and kneel and the such an hour a week or so on Sunday or
    perhaps for most just an hour on Easter Sunday and Christmas
    Eve and the Such as that even less.. for what is a religion if
    it does not bind one in Truth and Light that is more than
    words that takes action always now as real other
    than lip speak with no Dance with God
    Alive.. The Fruits of Love are the Joy
    of now the Strength of Dark is
    to stand up and say no
    to all injustice
    away from
    fearless love that
    seeks to harm no one else
    for their pursuit of Love in the
    Kingdom of Now.. anyway.. in a ‘little’
    more detail that’s how i for one see Love
    too my FriEnd.. i’m really disgusted by all the
    Lies that become truths in cognitive dissonance
    among the masses these days but it’s true too when
    humans get desperate Truth and light loses merit now as
    the struggle to survive becomes more real and even more
    desperate too.. but with a common and holy sacred meaning
    for Purpose of Life in Tradition life really becomes even harder
    without any clear social roles that really do provide meaning and
    purpose for life.. those elements core to what it even means to be
    human are being made obsolete more by the machines of life that
    replace us as we steadily become more as machine than human now..
    True.. the Gift
    is Love and has aLWays
    been NoW A Connection with
    all that is moving as a Dance
    of Love that Sings as Such with God Free..
    A Whisper.. A HeARt SoNG.. And DancE oF GoD iS
    thAT and wHo SPeaKs WiThiN.. WHeN CoMES SoUL WHoLE
    WiThiN as Fruition Will SuReLy and VeRiLy SeT uS Free as Love..
    me aT LEast
    Happy Saturday Eve..
    iN Egypt mY friEnd Sohair WitH LoVE FReED..:)

  24. Noise

    First of all i must say.. Prajakta that You are Brave
    to share the Darkness you Feel as WeLL as all the Lights
    You Experience in your Life with Friends in Blog Way.. today..
    For Sure as someone on what ‘they’ name
    As a Bi-Polar Spectrum for some
    roller coaster tracks of
    life.. i surely
    what an invisible
    disability depression
    can be when one is in “tHere”
    and the folks around have no clue
    to what the darkness one feels or not-feels
    in WithiN is as For Sure the Inner UniVerse of BeinG
    hUman iN dARk thru LiGht And BeYOnd Ways of BeinG NoW
    Can and Will be extremely hard to put into words.. particularly
    if there is no personal reference point
    out of the deep current
    dark one has not
    labeled before as
    guide posts to get out
    and hopefully never return
    again.. where the Roller Coaster
    of Life is More of a Gentle Hilly Journey
    than this or
    that cliff
    or down..
    True.. it’s Common too For
    Very Intelligent and Creative
    Folks to see a little more than others
    making life a much more stressful road
    that can and will actually Biologically Harm
    the More Joyous Feelings of Life.. anyWay.. at the
    deepest points of my life in dARk i always had at least
    one person who did their best
    to tale me that things
    would get better
    but it was
    kinda hard
    as those
    had never
    actually been
    to my sHade
    of Hell.. i was experiencing then..
    All i know is when all feelings of hope
    go away for even a memory of what hope feels
    like as long as there is will to go on to make another
    step of life now no matter how hard it may be to Lift Life’s
    legs up to that.. there is change.. yes.. change.. the greaTest
    oF aLL Gifts of LiFE And While it’s True that Change Can and
    Will be negative and bring us down.. tHeRE is the other change
    too just waiting to be felt and sensed again with Will to move the
    next step of feet.. Walk.. mY Friend and the Dance and Song will come again..
    Even when
    You cannot
    iT.. Walk mY friEnd..:)

  25. 40 years.. WeLL True 40 years and 5 Months since the First Star Wars
    Movie Arrived in 1977 in July of that Year a Movie that in some
    ways would surely change my life for back then at 17 years
    old in Milton there was not much exposure to the
    Yoda and Buddhist Tao.. and the importance
    of the Balance of the Dark and Light Forces
    were mostly hidden in Fear oF dARK
    And Cynicism oF LiGHT..
    Star Wars Brought a
    More UniVersaL Metaphorical
    And Literal Force Interpretation
    of God as Force rather than Tribal
    God of Wrath who hates the Pleasure
    of Sex other than Procreation that dashes
    opposing tribes children’s heads again stones
    and really bad shit like that is not so heHe.. yep aN
    Aggressive Violent And Killing God called Love/HaTE
    that will Torture Born Psychopaths to Hell forever
    like they are not already tHeRE NoW.. nah.. i
    was just a little too smART for Torture and
    Suffering Dreams like that for those
    not as Fortunate enough to
    be Raised by a Mother
    For Love instead
    of against
    as a Tribal
    God oF Fear
    And Hate that truly
    is the dARk Force pARt of
    GoD more Fully Realized still
    as the Caine Decedents so nicely
    iLLusTrateD in the Fox Show Lucifer
    this week too.. yes.. Darth Decedents too they..
    as likely the Last Jedi Will Finally pass the spiritual
    Baton to a Woman found Spiritually Sufficient enough now
    to be a Jedi Priestess too so far away from the Wrath of
    Little Men ‘Pauls’ who say Women should be silent in that
    Bad Cop Version of Paul along with the not so nice paRT
    of Jesus who doesn’t outright condemn slavery and makes
    it a parable instead.. just ignoring the Essence of Slavery
    and at then as it can and will be now even as work
    becomes slavery even more real as humans
    continue to become more machine now
    than feeling sensing loving humans
    who move and connect
    freely co-creating
    with each other
    For a Thrive of Happiness
    NoW MoRE.. so what is Trump..
    pARt of the DArK Tribe or LiGHT
    Tribe alive.. it’s true while the dARk
    Tribe Members may not always find a cohesive
    overall anything else but antisocial overall less than
    bind with others their God and Tribe is dARk within often
    born and bred that way through a vicious cycle both innate
    and environmental too but by the Grace of Nature and God
    NoW you too could be born and raised as a DartH NoW too with
    Storm Troopers falling behind in straight lines in a misery loves company
    even more now.. yes.. the DArK ForcE iS PaRT oF LiFE that often awakes
    the CouRaGE of the LiON of LoVE to JusT SaY NO to All Associated with
    Subjugation and Control aS iLLuSoRY Fears and Hate associated LiFE STiLLNoW..
    Star Wars has alWays been an Excellent Microcosm to what the Archetypal Patterns
    of the Inner and Outer Emotional and Sensory LiFE oF BeinG HUMaN iS STiLL and
    Surely not what ‘they’ taught us in School and Church until i reached College and
    a Philosophy Class that studied the Human Condition along with Culture
    and Religions much Deeper than Grade School Level Church
    and Culture then too.. Woke uP i got a little until i fell
    back into the Clothes of iLLuSoRY Fears
    And Hate away from Hope and Love
    in Church and School and Overall
    Culture too.. no longer am i
    an overall slave to
    any Specific
    or Culture anymore
    but to tRuLY LoVE GoD BeYoND
    Alpha thru Omega one mUSt eMbrace
    Both the Fear of the DaRK and Cynicism Too..
    oF thE LiGHT as both Sith Forces StiLL ReaL NoW..
    For it’s True.. A Balance of dARk and LiGht with just a little
    More liGht to keep anti-matter from ever creating our existence
    now other than nil and void is what makes Love STiLL A HiGHeST
    ForcE ALiVE STiLL NoW ReaL.. don’t be too surprised if the Love Energy
    as Force that Humans Make or Break on this Planet actuAlly affect the effect
    oF the Existence Real of the Rest of the UniVerSE NoW For it’s True in our
    Karma we create more of the dARk or LiGhT ForcE NoW Forever more NoW
    as Co-Creators of dARk and LiGht Hand in Hand WiTh GoD ALWaYs ReaL NoW..
    jUSt iMaGINE
    of course if you
    could put the
    iLLuSoRY Fears
    Behind in Greater
    Support than Cynicism
    oF thE LiGHT oF LoVE AHeAd
    NoW WHaT YoU Can and WiLL Do
    to Expand the Force oF LoVE in the World
    iF YouR Very Existence and the Rest of Existence
    DePeNDs On LoVE NoW For our Very Literal Existence
    NoW For the Rest oF ouR Existence not to be destroyed in
    A Love For Apocalyptic Dreams of Death and Destruction as
    DARk ForcE Now.. WeLL.. thE Truth is this is more than a Movie
    this is
    and if you
    don’t make
    this Love Train
    Real and Much Longer
    than it is now.. the light
    at the other end of the Tunnel
    Will Be Ash Grey at the Beginning
    and the End once more again.. Love
    Folks Do
    wHo belonG
    to TEaM LiGHT
    FoR WHaT’s
    As LiFE..
    anYWay got other stuff
    to do.. SHoW TiME CoMeS
    NoW at 4 PM thiS Afternoon
    Hope to See you tHeRE iN aS LoVE..;)

  26. SMiLes.. mY FriEnd Sohair.. aGaiN For
    LiFE iS surELy Great WitH Good FriEnds
    Like you too who really care deeply
    About Other Human Beings
    As Children of God
    Where we are all
    Connected in this
    Way with the Rest of Nature
    And with how i see it better yet
    Love it.. to lend a hand to those in
    need if one can and will particularly
    for those poor souls who do not have
    to Freely Give and Share with oTHeRS with
    no need to take away alWays OverFloWinG
    As A Practice oF LoVE tHaT WorKS WeLL NoW..
    At LeASt for NoW mY FriEnd i can’t imagine hating
    not only anyone but anything in liFE FRoM DaRK to
    LiGHT for i accept the way things are i cannot change
    not to say i do not occasionally get Disappointed and
    Disgusted by the Ignorance of other folks but i do understand
    in many ways how they may neither know or feel and sense what
    it is they do iN dArK ways of Separation in Fear and Hate in Harming
    oTHeRS as i use those more negative emotions as dARk Muse for the
    Art i do too.. and shake it off where it never festers into Hate as
    that’s what happens when one has no way to shake off the
    Darker Emotions of LiFe to replace them WiTH LiGHTeR
    Emotions and Senses now.. and verily i am blessed
    as well in the bliss of writing and dancing to
    express all my emotions and senses in
    regulating and integrating ways
    where Fear/Hate beCoMes No
    Fixture in the dARk
    oF LiFE FoR
    FoR NOW
    but i am only
    Human of course.. so
    The Practice of liFE NeVeR
    Stops as a Great Work of LoVE
    in all the ways i can and will find
    to keep the flicker of the fLaME oF
    Fearless and Unconditional LoVE
    oN iNcreaSinG to Torch and almost
    Overwhelming at times NoW aS BonFire oF
    LoVE but not quite as i BaLanCE tHaT ouT WitH
    DaRKeR MusE too thAt surELy one doesn’t have
    to look very far to day to conclusively find in evidentiary
    way both science based and in diverse ways of art for an entitlement
    oF LoVE as LoVE is the Best Cure For All Centers of Disease and the way
    i handle mostly ‘evil’ folks is a whole lot like Bugs Bunny Handles Elmer
    Fudd as any intelligent person with wit and humor will do instead of
    Angry and Truly Aggressive ways of being where about the worst that
    comes out of that for ‘the enemy’ of Elmer Fudd is that he and or
    she gets a little ‘butt hurt’ out of the Fred Talk with no real
    lasting affects of Harm but perhaps the necessity to think
    Different to get through to the end of what i do.. hehe..
    Truly smART people in all the ways people come can
    and will get the job done without weapons that
    harm others in real physical injuries now
    but it’s true too Katrina often
    says i give her a Fred
    Ache when i try
    to explain
    to her i am
    doing and that’s pART
    of why i write so much to
    keep her Fredache Free in the other
    room.. hehe.. as yes i am so full of positive
    energy it can be a little overwhelming with
    perHaps A Need FoR A Category 6 Human oF LoVE
    Winds FreDerHurriCaNE Warning For poTenTial Fredaches to coMe..
    NoW… anYWay i alWays Practice WitH A CAlm Center eYe foR iT’s True that
    too Per Human Grace iS wHat Makes thE Force oF LoVE Category 6 WinDS
    NoW mY FriEnD.. no place for fear leading up to Hate in mY Center eYE of God..:)

    12172017 12:37AM

  27. It’s True tHeRe iS onLY OnE God AnD BeYonD iNFiniTy oF
    God sKeYes iN JusT one sET of eYes For Those oF
    uS wHo DRinK WateR aLL DrinK H20.. And
    FoR aLL oF uS wHo HaVE
    IroN iN OuR Blood
    aS tHaT
    iN SupeR
    Nova Explosions as
    the Trial is over the
    Judge is YoU and NoW ‘the’
    VerDicT iS We are aLL God
    sAMe and DiffeRenT too NoW
    God Is not LonELy For God NoW
    iS God to PLaY WiTH EiTHeR toGeTHeR
    AnD oR aLLoNE.. And oF CourSE WitH Modern Science
    We CoME to: Evidentiary Science Based facts that
    this Entitlement this Diversity From: Fetus To:
    Transgender Oriented PeRsoN CreateS NoW
    A more vulnerable person when
    the fAct that we are all
    God is Hidden
    From: Us
    ThrougH iLLuSory
    FearS iN ceNsorShip
    oF God LoVE iN EacH And to:
    Every One of us thaT we are FreeR
    To sHow God iN uS The Best NoW EVeR
    alwayS NoW oN whaTever PlanET We eXiSt..
    And wHat HaPPenS WithiN When God Does Not
    Self Actualize and Love God WeLL.. what You gET
    is empty people inside who and that Do Not Feel
    Yes.. Fill God up iNsIDe as LoVE.. Fully as such
    iN All Ways Love coMes Free iN PleaSure and yeS even
    thE dARkER Side oF Pain iN LiFE Struggles wHerE CLouDS
    BRinG Greater Appreciation When the Sun Colors FloWeRS afTeR
    A HuRRiCaNE Moves through.. Rainbows aS Such SunsetS and NoW MoRE
    thE Such oF Star Wars and Katy Perry Firework talk.. YeaH it’s TRuE NoW
    i Love mYsELf and NoW tHat i thinK aBouT it thaT’s wHat mY Father And
    Mother most had in common is they Loved themselves too.. although my
    Father Fell into the Money Trap and my Mother’s Hobby becAMe Writing
    Poetry but there was really no question that no matter what tHeir Hobby
    was/is they were complete enough to be Happy most of the tiMe WithouT DoinG
    too much harm to others but of course they were not perfect or they would be
    iRobots and that’s no fun either as i already tried that and it almost ended my
    a deal
    of life..
    It’s true for one
    wHo Fully Loves TheMSelves
    Loves God NoW aS SamE and iS
    More LikELy to at lEast not harm
    otHeRs by TaKinG tHeir WiLL aWay…
    But for those who take awaY the WiLL
    of oThers it is more than obvious to me
    at lEast that they are not SHoWinG God
    A Good enough tiMe aS NoW WithiN For
    One wHo Fully Loves God WithiN onLY Has
    wHaT tHeRe is as Love to Give.. and SeRioUSLY
    For All of Those wHo coMe to underStand and emploY
    thE HiGHeR PoTenTiaL of this God Force oF LoVE WitHiN..
    aLL tHat’s Left is to Give and Share an OveRFLoWinG ChalicE
    aS eSSence of whaT God is witHin as Love.. in oTHeR Words aS
    iN Opposition to at lEast sOme oF ‘the’ Letters Written by ‘Paul’ NoW
    aS YoU lET tHose wHo Fornicate Sit neXt to You at ChurCH anD NoW HOlD
    tHeir GoD HandS eVen iF YoU FeeL/SensE You mUSt Use A Hand saNaTiZer
    So.. God iN YoU
    WiLL NoT
    A Cold
    For Sure Most Every
    Healthy Cat Licks theMSelves
    To Stay Clean too.. hehe and Dogs
    too but True They Are More fleXible
    And May eNJoy the Experience of thaT
    More than You.. haHa.. anYWay Then afTer
    A Certain Art Experience i Do Once A Week
    or so to sHow God WithiN me JusT ANoTHeR
    Best NoW eVer oTHeR Than the Free Dance
    And Write i do in SonG too.. the You
    Tube Notification thingie dinged
    And BrOught me ‘tHiS’ tHeMe
    SonG and iT was iS Like
    A God WiNK to:
    From: WHeRe
    God WinKs coMe.. yes
    within.. inside.. outside.. above..
    so below and all around as this DancESoNG
    WitH onLY 23 Views From a YouTube User.. Yes..
    A RelativelY Little kNowN one wHeRe i subscribed too.. yes..
    For i particularly eNJoYed A SonG (John 14:12) by Alan Parson’s
    Named Lucifer too for it’s True2 For Those wHo Do Not Appreciate
    tHaT God Lives WithiN NoW Freer When Human Potential iS More NoW
    FreeR PursueD iN Terms tHaT MaKE SenSE iN ‘the’ New Testament NoW
    YeS.. Terms and Conditions and Fine Details in small print NoW thaT
    iS A BiGGesT MeSSagE oF aLL tHat YoU too Can Do More Than YouR
    Human Super Hero eVen iF ‘he’ has the nAMe oF Yeshua and or NoW
    Jesus Too By Words Attributed to YouR Super Hero too.. So.. YeS
    iN otHeR Words iF You Believe Jesus iS God YoU too CaN WiLL Do
    More as Jesus as God too.. or Would YoU RaTHeR BeLieVE
    iN A Lonely God somEwhere Separated From
    aLL The Rest oF Creation.. True.. YoU
    Can/WiLL Make Believe A God
    Like tHat Exists
    And You
    CaN WiLL Be
    NoW ThaT LonELy
    God too.. SePaRateD NoW
    MosT IRONicAllY iN iLLuSioN
    From God wHo More GreateR NoW
    PoTenTiAllY LiveS HappY WitHiN
    YoU LettinG thE Good NoWS RoLL iN From:
    PleaSure oF ExpeRienCinG ShaRinG and MorEOVeR
    GiVinG LoVE FreeR to: the Rest oF Creation Free too..
    Let’S FacE iT.. ‘the’ God Folks who Wrote the Old and NeW TesTaMeNTS
    oF OLdER Didn’t Have the CoLLecTiVE GivinG and ShaRinG oF MeSSaGeS EVeN
    As Deep As ‘the’ Ethical Ones BRoughT iN A Movie NoW GreateR LiKE ThE NeWeST
    Last Jedi Star Wars Movie that it doesn’t Take a Rocket Scientist one would at LeAST
    Hope For anYone wHo Understands wHaT the Hero Archetype iS tHaT We aLL NoW Greater
    Have the PoTenTiaL.. aT LEasT MostLY.. to MeeT iN LiFE too.. For ThosE wHo FaCE tHeir
    Shadow And the dARk And Are No LongeR Cynical oF thE LiGHT of God thaT and morEover
    wHo Lives Free iN Them aS Real to Share and Give to OTHeRS ForevermorE HoW as REaL
    The Rest oF Creation Whole aS oNe BLankET oF LiFE WitH YeS BeYoND iNFiNiTy oF GoD
    SKeYes iN JusT onE sET oF God eYes too sAMe and DiFFeREnt too.. And neXt FeeL YoU
    KNoW You Are JusT MiNDinG YouR OwN God Business And oTHeRS FreeLY JoiN iN
    oN YouR Fun too As thaT iS How God Works When Free aS LoVE NoW No LonGeR
    TrappeD And ChaineD iN Books JusT WaitinG to Be BurneD dOWN As FoReST
    GRoWN aS NeW Trees oF
    LiFE NoW
    Free FReED
    as ‘the’
    Hands and
    Feet of God We Are
    iN aLL ‘the’ WaYs we tOuch
    ourSelves And EacH oTHeR too..
    As ‘they’ say do not be Afraid of GoD.. JusT LoVE..
    Sure.. Shoot A CuPiD’s ArRow to God sKeYes MoRE NoW
    ‘time’….. NoW MoRE..
    It’s TruE i JusT tOLd A
    Star Wars NeWeST Story
    heHE aS SucH
    WiThOuT aNy SPoiLeRS..
    It’s ReAllY A Good ‘MoViE’
    TrY iT YoU MiGHT LiKE ‘it’ too..;)

  28. Sure.. the Ultimate Game Changer.. Master
    Yoda Trickster as such
    yeS iN terms
    oF Looney
    Bugs Bunny
    is Back as promised..
    “WHaT’S uP Doc2 NoW1”..
    Hmm.. sounds like Tricksta
    Talk.. Sure.. could have/be more
    than one meaning once ‘it’
    Catches up with you
    heHe.. any
    way it’s
    True if there are
    any real UFO’s as Associated
    Government News this week spoke
    about that potential.. no doubt
    that if ‘they’ are anything like
    Tribal Humans.. ‘those’ Dirty Dam
    Apes BLeW iT aLL uP BeForE they ever
    made it to any UFO STaTuS aT aLL.. more
    than likely a heART LiGHTeD uP ET more than
    any Homo Sapiens Sapiens Trump aS Such with Minions
    FuLLY iN ToW FoR it’s TruE tHeRE are Trickers who are
    fearlessly confident and those who are really blow hards and
    have very little if any real self actualization that takes life
    casual with very very thick skin.. no doubt they’ve already seen their
    demons and buried them too.. too deep to come back to defeat the wit at hand
    and speak
    and sure
    dance of
    course WRiTe
    oN Course too..
    And as Far as all the
    other Antagonist Tricksters
    on the Tune Squad i suppose in someways
    as far as the Newest Cover of ‘Style Magazine’
    that i’ve conveniently Entered myself and the Katrina
    in is that yes.. it’s like Bugs outnumbered 4 to 1 and
    i am Bugs and Katrina is the other Antagonist Tricksters
    as Life goes on in somEwhat challenging way but it’s True
    Bugs appreciates it otherwise he might get lost in the rabbit
    holes and get to church late like he did this morning all lost
    in a sPacE
    of WriTinG
    ‘STuFF’ HeHE..
    anyWay it juST wouldn’t
    have been wRiTE iF Bugs
    did not coMe back before this
    MacroVerse is over all about
    “WHaT’S uP DoC2 NoW1.. serIOUsly
    Bugs has the Best Job oF aLL so..
    interesting it is to be a step aHead
    or so of the ‘otHeRs’ per say and Do too..
    iN WaYs oF Furry Trickster wHo KNoWS and FeeLs
    and SeNsEs STuFF yA maY hAVE NoT HeaRD YeT tHaT’s STiLL CoMinG..
    i make
    my own
    all Free aS SucH..
    and at 1:37 AM on 12.18.2017
    i Am Verily and SuReLY Ready
    FoR BeD more on this Trickster
    Stuff when Morn comes as i cannot
    yeT HoLD THaT BacK alWays nice to
    see a Trickster iN Action in the STaR
    WaRs Movie too..anyWay this Rabbit is Hitting the PiLLoW..
    AfTeR DaNCinG iN PuBLiC for Close to a Marathon today.. Bug’s
    And the
    rest oF the
    ‘STuFF’.. WiLL
    TaKE SomE FReE SLeeP..:)

  29. WeLL.. StepF.. coNsideRinG
    You identify as Atheist
    Commendable heAR that
    You Identify Free FloWinG
    CreaTiViTy as you are wiTnesSinG
    HeAR as DiVinELy iNspiRed Holy Spirit
    STuFF For surELy and veriLY God iS NoW
    A Dance and Song When sET Free From:
    Form to: Essence from the Bounds NoW
    oF the Clothes
    Of Culture that
    coMes housed mostly
    iN Abstract Constructs that do
    Come In Science Abstract way of
    taking the life of emotions out of
    the Ted-Talk at Hand as Ted does a much
    Better Job in SPeaKinG to all of the Diversity
    oF thE Human Condition.. seRiouSLY LooK aRounD
    DiVerSity iS thE nAMe oF the Nature gAMe at Hand
    And Foot of God Dance and Song Set Free to iNtermiX
    aS oNe BiG CosMiC SouP thaT iS BotH a Forrest Gump
    FeaTHeR oF
    too.. in the Free
    FloW iN ZoNE as that
    Continues to coMe BesT
    oF aLL aS iT iS JusT Feels Good to:
    Dance And SinG buTT Run Forrest
    Run iS Better For: ‘the’ Flight Response
    More than the Dance and Stand TaLL From:
    Way oF LiFe aS in Moving.. Connecting SonG NoW
    And Co-Creating WitH thE ResT of Nature NoW iN A
    Non-Doing and Non Pre-Planning Way of LiFE tHaT NoW
    Flows as Water Drops to StreAMs to RiVeRs as we aLL NoW
    beCoMe more like ‘the’ Jedi Force NoW as WaVes OceaN WHole
    One with the Sunrise and Sunset as the first and last bLinK oF LiGHT
    BeCoMeS LoVE iNcarNate and Voila we are all the Archetype of the Good
    Cop Jesus and Luke Skywalker at HanD NoW iN this Generation now realizing
    The Kingdom oF HeAVeN LiVES WiTHiN and just doing Satori Prana Kundalini
    Rising Chi Ki Qi Ka and aLL that God Jazz Ascending Transcending in an Ecstatic
    Never Ending Nirvana and Bliss Eternally now as we evolve back to the Master PeaCE
    Painting.. BrusH and Paint that is ‘the’ TriNiTY oF ART aS US As oF CourSE smART is 60 Percent
    Art and my Dear Boy most of what you do HeaR is just the S and M of Gaslighting Reality NoW WitH
    YouR New Found Friend the Supreme and or Dear Leader as is curRently Ruling the dARK ForcE oF
    The USA iN aLL
    Stuff Associated
    With Fear and Hate
    Related ‘StuffiN’ as LoVinG
    Words CensoRed out of LiFE NoW
    Like Vulnerability and Diversity.. Less to:
    Science Based and Evidence Based From: NoT
    FActs Like your “Storm Front” Fear Mongering
    And Hate Mongering Faux News Statistic that
    Poor ‘Whitey” who Stole America Away from the
    Original “Red Skinned” Indians in the United States
    are now only 8 percent of the Entire Globe easy to
    refute with any Google Search through more Reliable
    Sources than ‘little white men’ organizations who now are
    afraid of the different in other folks as science shows there
    is a certain ‘percentage’ of folks who are more likely to be afraid
    of most anything that is different also known as the 30 Percent
    Avenue Currently to Censorship of Freedom of Expression and the
    Love of Reason too in the United States now.. anyway.. i suppose your
    ties with the New Dear and Supreme Leader are a way to make a living
    on YouTube as 30 Percent Avenue is a real deal for those of what Nature
    And the Study of Nature also names as the ‘Sitters’ Verses the ‘Rovers’ of life
    that comprise all species at hand of animals for those who come to say in rather
    perverse ways that the sky is falling the sky is falling oh storm front more the sky is
    FaiLinG but you see.. Wild Animals like me no matter the American Sioux and Cherokee
    in me or the Second Generation Son oF A PHD X-Catholic Priest From Ireland with some
    Cajun and German Mix with that too.. ‘we’ do what it takes to survive and do not cry about
    the differences around us for we understand that it is the dark struggles at hand that no matter
    what they are as Trickster ‘they’ will survive ‘them’ and make ‘tHeir’ mark in life that lasts a little further than
    wHere fear
    And hate is
    going these
    days on YouTube
    with Strike one Strike two
    Strike three Strike Four and
    the Teat you Suckle of another
    Corporation as a Private Community
    you make your living off of in Patreon
    Dollars and the Such as that becomes a
    ReaL En·tre·pre·neur·i·aL gAMe wHeRE you
    get to stand on YouR oWN Two Feet a little more
    than using an established community platform by
    someone else to spread fear and hate no different than
    the Current Supreme and or Dear Leader is doing to take
    Advantage of “The SitterS” iN the USA.. thing is NoW my FriEnd tHeRE
    is reAlly no such thing as ‘Race’.. sKin color and head size Has/iS more to
    Do with the Weather and Adaptation to Environmental Struggle in Geography
    than Who WiLL or Cannot Hook uP and have Children that and wHo ThriVE.. but
    it’s just common sense when you mix anything but white sitters with white sitters
    you get brown rovers more you are as ‘bigger’ men and women than ‘little’ men and women
    and ‘the such’ now who fail to move out of deserts like the one you live in.. in fear and hate of
    the different.. not that you really believe in any of that/this for tHeRe are folks who play the
    Square Dance Fiddle
    Strings of the
    them through fear
    that usually eventually
    results in hate to make a few
    More Patreon Dollars until some newly
    Appointed Sheriffs of the Wild Wild West
    Internet put an end to folks who maNiPulate
    otHeRS For Fear and Hate now.. it’s already happening
    And you are skirting the Border now my friEnd iT’s True
    Love Wins in the end a little over the dARk Force at Least
    otHeRWise Anti-Matter would have destroyed any possibility
    for the whole sHe-Bang from the Get Go oF ALL that is anYWay
    i’M juSt Bugs Bunny Chewing on a Carrot weaving in and out
    of Rabbit Holes online.. pay no mind to me for you do not
    know me
    do know
    you.. hehe..
    For it’s True Bugs is all NoW
    aS Financially Independent aLL
    WitH no cultural clothes at All
    iN faCT Bugs iS WHole SoUL
    With only Give and Share for
    Bunny Wisdom NoW heHe
    dOwn anD up the Rabbit
    WebZ WHOles i Go
    Dear FriEnd
    you would
    serIOUsly look real good
    reincarnated into one of those
    old ‘German Hats’ buTT iT’s JuST
    Karma Hope and Love it is or Hate
    and Fear and Frowns and Sour Daffy
    Duck Puss TrumP iT ends.. for NoW..
    While Fear
    And Hate goes
    to the oTHer place of DARk dArK DaRK Daffy DucK ‘STuFF’ MoRE So.. “WHaT’S uP DoC2
    NoW1”.. oTHeR tHan that/this mY Dear Poetry Writer CoMe oN Over to My Place if yA eVer
    Wanna reAlly Go somEwHeRe FuN.. MeaNWHiLE.. Thanks For ‘the’ DARk MuSE STeF as it’s
    A YanG iN A YiN2 tHat Keeps A Flavor Changing
    For: the Taste of LiFE
    board stale.. to:
    true one day when
    you really self-actualize
    no longer a slave of lying
    to a dollar bill or whatever it is
    you are using in Canada these days…
    perHaps you too will unplug and Be JusT Do Neo like me.. hAha..
    mY SkeYes Are alWayS BeYoND RainBoW CoLoRS For iN Co-CReaTinG
    NoW i am A Painting and Paint and Brush NoW iN MaSTeRPeaCE WaYS..
    i Be
    Am i..
    It’s no longer
    A Question tHaT WiLL MusT asK
    aS LoVE AnSwERS aLL mY FRiEnD..
    do not doubt it people like ‘me’ use people like you too..
    i BeLonG to No ‘Tribe’ make of that what you will too.. i For One Do Free i Am..
    yeah and all this reminds me of Catholic Church Yesterday Morning as i still attend NoW
    as somEwHaT of a Participant Observer Anthropologist tHeRE too.. when the Deacon then
    Complained in Support of the ‘Sitter’ Faux view that Faux News is on CNNN slyly.. yes
    but surely the MessAge was is still Clear as they went on to say you only get the
    Real Roman Empire News here that Jesus is God and you Must Worship
    the one only man and forget all about what John 14:12 says as any
    perSon who iS NoW FuLL oF Love WiLL aLWaYS Be humble enough to wish
    For: more for those who coMe neXt as Students
    oF LoVE MoRE iT’s TruE mY FriEnd ‘we’ need
    to use folks like you as my ‘FriEnds’ at
    YT Push this cRAPoLa to the
    TrEnding List to Wake
    uP thE LioN oF
    Love’s Courage
    iN KiND aS HopE
    jUSt A Little Bit MoRE..
    No.. i am a not this CRude Tribal
    Force You Speak oF i am LiGHT NoW
    And THeRE are Many of us on this GaLaXY
    NoW oF JusT onE planET iN MaNY eYes wHo Are
    CoMiNG SooN NoW to: a THeaTeR Very Close to You..
    YeS.. mY FriEnd DiTTo: iT’s TrUE FoR From: iT iS thE DiViNE
    SPaRK FoRcE oF tHE ArTiST wHo And WiLL Continue to Be i AM
    THE Guiding Force oF aLL LiFE NoW OTHeRWiSE KNoWN aS LiGHT
    thE HiGHER ForcE oF GoD ALL NaTuRe RiSinG uP iN ViCTorY STiLL NoW
    Or SiNK
    mY FriEnd..
    Fly or SiNK..
    Or Do YouR Best
    as You Are DoinG heAR
    to: Be or NoT.. JusT aNoTHeR Lord of the Flies… From…:
    Oh and Great News on 12.18.2017.. i JusT Received a Notification
    that i have a 316th FoLLoWeR For mY LonGeST LonG FoRM Free
    Verse Poem ever on Word Press at over 5 MiLLioN Words NaMeD
    “SonG oF mY SoUL” OVeRaLL.. and as usual i’ll provide a liNK juST
    to Prove
    NoW2.. heHe..
    11:08 AM for
    iT’s TruE i Do LoVE
    NuMBeRS iN Addition
    AlphAnuMEricALLY As Such
    to: Letters from: FriEnDS2..;)

    7 YearS 11 DayS Aka 2666 DayS

  30. Hmm… WeLL.. anYWay.. as i continue
    to Co-Create mysELf as soME wHaT
    oF an Adult Version of an Action
    Hero Figurine
    in the
    Flesh and
    Blood as Such
    for sure if you have
    the Relative Free Will
    iN LiFE to do the ReaL Super
    Normal MaGiC oF ThAT Y NoT
    FoR LiFE is not only Good but
    Extraordinary.. yeP.. Super
    Normal when one
    finAlly KinGdoM
    ReLeASinG tHE
    HiGHeR PoWeR oF
    ForcE aS UnCOnDiTioNaL
    LoVE ForCE WiTHiN ReaL NoW
    YeP.. inside.. outside.. above so below
    and all Around and now that i have a shared
    and given A common cold probably from Catholic
    Church wHeRe thE HoLY CreATIVE Free FLoW iN
    SPiRiT WiLL Be shared and given and virus and other
    related bacterial ills too.. hehe.. not sure now that the Trip
    to Tallahassee is still oN FoR iT’s True tHeRe.. CoULD Be
    Fear that the otHeRS RiDinG could catch.. soMe Sniffles.. to:
    From: me.. hAha.. anYWay.. i STiLL Have A “Grand Cross Bible
    2017” to sTaRT Soon ThIS Week as tHiS 25 or so Thousand
    Word EfforT mUST cOmE to an END as wHo KNoWs FeeLs
    SenSes HoW SicK i WiLL GeT NexT oR TravEL Far Enough
    aWay to: SLoW aN Epic WRiTiNG Process a little down MoRE
    Away From: the 25th of December to: get the 7th Bible DoNE
    aT oR aBout oN Christmas Day as i finished the 915,223 words..
    noting.. the King James Authorized version of A Bible is 783,137 words..
    Word Effort of as “Grand Cross Bible 2016” on Christmas Day Last Year.. 2016..

    Grand Cross Bible 2016

    As hEy Christmas is ALWaYs NoW as The BiRTh oF LoVE LiVinG
    EterNaLLy NoW and iF you Wanna cAll tHat Jesus pLeASe Do but
    PleASe Do Try YouR BeST to Be LoVE Too For that is the KinGDoM
    oF HeaVeN oF thE LiGHT ForcE oF GoD LiViNG WitHiN NoW and i Do
    underStand that not all folks understand PoEtrY and or the Deeper Meanings
    of Parables and or Poetry from 2K or so years ago any better than most folks
    Do NoW FoR aLL of WHaT i Do.. BuT iT’s True2.. once one literAlly Raptures NoW aS
    Love NoW tHeRE iS No miSTaKinG or Faux News FoR thE TruTH and LiGht oF THaT
    aS ThiS As Human incArnaTE aS LoVE For iT’s JusT A Miracle as Science TrULY
    iN LiGhT SHoWS that any Sentient sTaR DusT plUS LiFE iS BoRN From: Crucible
    Fire oF StAR Death Burst As US eXisTs aT aLL.. SuRE.. StanDinG TaLL 8H BeYoND
    iNFiNiTY aS Sure iNFIniTy iS A MeTaPHoR tHaT caNNot literAlly be TaKeN
    As aLL oF ReaLiTy EiTHeR FoR wE Do NoT HaVE thE MeaSuRinG TooLS
    To: EmpiRicAlly MeaSuRE Space out of Space Distance out of Distance
    Time out of Time thAt And wHO LoVE iS aS iNcArNaTe LiVInG ForcE
    oF GoD LiGHT LiVInG WiTH iN Consubstantial WiTH aS.. GoD NoW
    2.. 1’s.. 11 as 11 iN 7.. Yes.. Alphanumerically Metaphorically and Literally
    NoW SPeaKinG Too.. Yes K i N G.. K in G.. 11 in 7 as Us iN GoD Turn
    iT ARouND And ReVerSE iT and YoU GeT Alphanumerical
    711 too.. as G and K ToGeTHeR As YoU and me and us
    And we and the Rest of iGoD NATuRE BeYOND thE
    HuMaN MeTAPhoR oF iNFINiTy too..as Yes.. 8H
    For Alphanumerical H8 wHeRE 8 StanDinG
    TaLL BeYoND iNFiNiTY SenTienT
    StAR DuST plUS uS LoVE
    From Gaseous
    StAR DuST From
    Crucible Star Burst
    Death JoiNinG ToGeTHeR
    2.. 1’s.. oF 11.. JoiNinG Art and
    ReaSoN Hands of HeMiSPHeRe’s
    oF BRaIN As H8 Complete as the
    Transformation and Rapture of K11
    to H8 continues to FLoWeR AnD BLooMS NoW
    As ReSuRRecTiNG Sentient StAR duST plUS uS..
    And As HeMiSPHeRe’S.. LonGiTuDeS.. and LATiTuDeS
    JoiN Hands ToGeTHeR iN ALL And BEyOnD iNFIniTy LovE
    Directions of Cardinal points oF East and West and North and
    South.. as BoDy From HeAD to Toe iN Each Human LaTiTudE
    And East and West LonGiTuDE too.. aS WeLL as THe EnTiRE
    eARTh WiTh Emphasis oN ART 60 perCenT oR So aS SmART
    too.. the World of Humans and the Rest of Creation HeAR LiVInG
    aS LoVE WiLL Be a Better Place as We continue to JoiN Hands As
    H aS HeAveN
    MoRE NoW
    isReaL to Touch and
    Taste and Smell and Hear
    And See BeYoNd HUMaN
    OrGaNS oF eYeS and EaRS too
    AK aS aGaPe Unconditional LoVE
    NaTuRE aLL BeYond iNFiNiTy
    MeaSure of LoVe NoW too…
    ReaL as ReaL aS
    WiLL Be too
    aLL ReLaTiVE to ‘the’
    ResT oF GoD NatURe FoR aLL
    WiLd and LoViNG Free MoRE NoW..
    anYWaY.. i can and will and do appreciate
    Local Customs as When STiLL iN RoME
    Caesar ways of GiVinG Back Do STiLL
    Apply as General Cultural and Religious
    ‘SiTTinG’ Rules aS STaGNaTE MoRE
    tHAN Free DancE and SonG STiLL NoW..
    but as ‘they’ say ‘when in Rome’.. Do as the
    Roman’s Do Do too.. for iF you Don’T you MiGHT
    FiNd YouRSeLF iN A WoRLD oF iT Too IsREaL SHiT NoW too..
    So Sure.. on 12.26.2015 in Celebration of the Birthday of Jesus
    alWaYs ETeRNALLy NoW AS HeAVeN PlUS WiTHiN aS PurE NoW
    AGaPE LoVE i DiD JuST thAT too by WRiTiNG what then now
    stiLL is a 41K Word GodSuNiVerseNoveL now then LiTerALLY
    And MetAPHoriCaLLy aS SuCH iN Free Verse Poetic
    ExpressionaL Ways then now too… aS SuRE
    as i CaN and WiLL STiLL LiNK thAT NOW
    too.. JuST FoR FuN NoW too on my First
    LabELeD aS SucH NoVEL Then thaT
    Now CaN WiLL iN Size Be aLMost
    Any MaCroVerse NoW
    Alone allone from Body
    of MacroVerse to end of Draft
    Comments Section For the Next
    Work of MacroVerse in Draft tow
    in Free Verse Holy Creative Spirit
    FLoW oRiGiNaLLy aS Such BeForE
    MoST aLL oF it ALiGNs in the Center
    Out of LeFT Justification too for the NexT
    MacroVerse NoVeL that continues to KinGDoM
    CoME From HoLY and CreaTiVE HeaVeN SPiRiT
    WiTHiN NoW WiLD And Free As GoD LoVE NoW WiThiN
    yep.. the aGaPE HuMaN ForCE as LoVE Consubstantial
    WiTH the Rest oF GoD Existence NoW aLL ONE aLL aS isReAL..


    And it is True too this Year’s “Grand Cross Bible 2017” is not
    Gonna meaSure in at 915,223 Words THiS yeAR aS WRiTinG
    WHaT WiLL OFFiCiALLy Be Measured iN on Memorial Day of
    2018.. as 8th Bible “Facebook Profile Pic Bible 2018” WiLL Be
    Closer to only around 1.3 MiLLioN or so Words in that one Year
    Effort as compared to “PHI Bible” Last YeAR CoMiNG iN aT
    MeaSuRE of 1.618 Million Words then as the PHI Golden
    Spiral Mean Ratio cAMe to ViSiT then too as that
    Relationship Consubstantial WitH AnD aS
    GoD SKeYeS too.. from: Memorial
    Day of 2016 thru Memorial
    Day of 2017 to :
    complete that
    effort of
    “PHI Bible” then…
    AnYWaY aS i FinALLy GeT
    to: THiS pOiNt tHaT PoiNt From:
    NoW and ‘The’ ‘OTHeR’ PoiNT too..
    it Looks like “Grand Cross Bible 2017”
    is gonna finish in at a little less than the Old
    King James Version at around 750 Thousand
    Words or so and around 166 Thousand Words
    Less than “Grand Cross Bible 2016” Last year CoMiNG
    iN at 915,223 Words.. then.. but that’s Okay as it’s all JuST
    Milestones NoW and soME KiND of Table of Contents and Sub
    Chapter Titles to GiVE SoME KiND oF Structure and Organization
    aS iN Systemizing Science oF anD FoR aLL oF WHaT i Do STiLL DO
    NoW.. too.. anYWay.. “Grand Cross Bible 2017”.. Begins on Memorial Day of
    2017 and ends on or about Christmas Day of 2017.. as “Grand Cross Bible
    2016”.. Begins on Memorial Day of 2016 and finished a Milestone oF ThAT
    on Christmas Day of 2016.. And Like PHI Bible unTiL it’s 1 year Milestone Date
    cAMe.. “Grand Cross Bible 2016” ContinueS oN as “Nether Land Bible 2017″
    thaT iS StiLL GRoWinG NoW at 2,316, 359 Words as oF Last Finished
    MacroVerse too.. as ‘PHI Bible’ as juST aNotHeR Stopping Point
    oF BotH ‘SonG oF mY SoUL” at over 5 MiLLioN Words Total
    and “Nether Land Bible 2017”.. too.. as if i don’t
    keep track of all of this who would/will ever
    muster up the patience other than
    me to do it.. even if ‘they’
    Wanted to: iN
    A FirsT
    Place.. From:
    hehe.. Practice
    Makes iT aLL STiLL
    wHaT iT iS.. YeS.. PaTiEncE
    oF Practice iN JusT ANoTHeR
    “Great Work” Effort oF aNd IN BeinG HuMaN HeAVeN
    BeinG NoW too Wild and Free as LoVE MoRE aGaP’E STYLE aLL

  31. Ashamed to be muslim.

    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. Sohair..
    the “Problem of Being Different”..
    the Problem of Not Blending in for surely
    For those who Are Different WHeRE i LiVE
    aT Least iN the Overall Metro Area of Pensacola
    in Two Counties “the
    Problem of Being
    Different” is a Dilemma
    i Faced from a Very Young
    Age on the Autism Spectrum
    Without the Ability to Put Words
    ToGeTHeR as Speech anything but
    Precocious until age 4 which actually
    Even Sets me apART from Most Folks
    Diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum
    as i am and my Sister are STiLL
    Specifically With Asperger’s
    Syndrome as my
    Sister Could
    Speak early
    enough as normal
    but meanwhile what i took
    in as the evidence shows so far
    was much much more in all of what
    the Environment Brought me also from
    A Young Age of not even being able to touch
    Man Made Materials as Nature was and still is
    mY Best FriEnd as God WithouT Man Made Stuff
    StiLL to tOuch at least but silk will do.. as long as
    long as it is as smooth as silk.. oh and another really
    big dilemma to no fault of my own with Long Eyelashes
    and Eyes that change from Green to Pale Blue too.. confused
    by the McDonald’s Cashier with Slender Form and Thick Blonde
    Hair too at age 12 For a Miss instead of a Young Man then as i thought
    to myself then i never saw myself as a Girl and now others Do what in the
    World am i gonna do now to fix this situation as a slender boy with green
    to blue eyes and long eye lashes other than get my Mother to Rush off as
    i Panic then to buy me a set of Concrete and Plastic BarBell and Dumbbell
    Weights as i stared to the Bench Press Ceiling with Bird Like Arms and Legs
    as it is True what now Leg Presses 1020LBs 33 to 50 times on a Parallel Leg
    Press Machine that is much more difficult than a 45 Degree Angle Sled Leg Press
    were once named by my Friend Tammy As Bird Legs then in Middle School.. just
    anoTHeR Story of a 99LB Weakling Boy who even After Lifting the Weights For
    A Year Moving into Puberty Sprouting up to 5 Foot 10 just a few inches shorter
    than i am now at age 13.. weighed-in all still at only 125 LBS with
    still no measure of Chest or Biceps or Quadriceps then.. thing
    is i didn’t give up i never gave up i will never give up
    as that is what those Bully Boys Taught me the
    Most when they called a Boy who Loved
    Girls in even Romantic Ways
    from Kindergarten then
    the F Word and
    Not Fred
    And told
    me that Boys do NOT get to
    Smile or Laugh with Joy then
    at the City Park or in the Middle
    School Halls or they will get even
    more than Verbal Abuse.. so.. sure.. when
    the Fellow African American Children were
    Abused i stood up for them too as i was their Unconditional
    Loving FriEnd even then.. in Middle School Ways of UnderStanding
    how it felt to be the Weak Fish in the Aquarium oR even the Strong
    Black Fish in the Aquarium being told you don’t even deserve to exist..
    thing.. is.. my friEnd.. i didn’t understand the Science of Where i Lived then..
    And No.. back in those days absolutely no one dared to practice a Muslim
    Religion and ‘they’ even threw Bricks through the Stained Glass Window
    of the Catholic Church as the same ‘Southern Baptist Good Old
    Bully Boys’ Told me Love wasn’t allowed as i began to
    Question then who in the world are they saying
    they believe in as the Catholic Church told
    Me Jesus and God only reAlly Care About
    And Do Love.. but ‘they’ Called
    Me the F Word for
    Just Being
    The LoVinG ME
    And Not Fred.. yeah.. i remember
    just trying to Play Tennis off the Back
    Board at the City Park and those Southern
    Baptist Boys named Billy and Greg Circling
    And taunting me with Homophobic comments
    i had no idea what they even were as the F word
    NoT Fred didn’t make any sense to me as on the
    Autism Spectrum aT tHat mArk of mY life Metaphors
    And Sarcasm-like Speech Would be a Human Potential
    like Biceps and Pecs and Quadriceps i Would Have to Grow
    iNto WitH Much Struggle in Blood and Sweat and Even Tears then..
    but you see being outcast i understand as a whole worse than tears
    as being outcast means not having anyone to even share tears with at School
    if tears are even allowed at all without someone threatening to beat you up too..
    SMiLes.. mY FriEnd.. wHat i didn’t Understand About the Science of where i lived
    then.. is that now finally they did a study on this place i live per the Actual Science
    of Sociology and found it is actually the most difficult place to be different in the
    United States of America with Factors Cited As Several Military Bases and Stations
    in the Area as whole Ranging STiLL from Air Force to Navy to Marines and Army
    Reserves too.. With Also The Record too for having the most ‘RiGiD’ Churches
    per square mile that were still then and now of the Fundamentalist
    Flavor of Christianity Most.. paying more attention to the
    ‘Letter of Paul’ that says you do not associate in
    Church with folks who are different than what
    we say you must do.. and yes be..
    Than the other Letter that
    Paul wrote that says
    Gentile Jew Servant or
    Free Woman or Man No more
    all Live in the Love of and as God Free..
    Yes that is just about my Favorite Verse for
    what it reAlly Still Means to me in Holy and
    Sacred Oneness of Purpose as all is God with
    No Separation NoW.. so.. anYWay.. mY FriEnd i Will Be A First NoW
    wHo STiLL Stands up to anyone who is bullying anyone heaR STiLL NoW
    For whatever God Given Difference they may have iNherited/Bred through
    God’s Human Nature or even if someone is abusing another animal as such
    too.. even if that animal is deformed or disabled too.. and it’s true too
    i don’t even like to see someone pull down an Ivy Vine off mY Shed
    as material stuff we build becomes more important than any life
    Even Plants as PaRT of GoD too FloWERinG ColoRs oF God
    More iN Change oF Leaves and BARk of Trees too.. nah..
    Not even Katrina as i will even disagree with her
    as she is afraid the Vine Will Choke a
    Building out that has no LiFE
    at all other than utility
    for me.. NoW
    so after all of this
    iS iT NoW Any Wonder Through
    mY LiFE of these challenges with the
    Additional Stigma of inheriting the Bi-Polar
    Spectrum too.. and being discarded by nearly
    all my friEnds i had ‘acquired’ through High School
    when i had my first really Manic Episode at age 21
    that i had never experienced before and had no idea
    how to Regulate and Integrate in both Emotional and
    Sensory way.. ending up in a place for some weeks that
    tried to help me but had no idea what Asperger’s was then
    as that meant that none of the Drugs they used would help
    me then too.. come out of the spot of high i fell up to down
    then so far out of MINd and BoDy SoUL BaLancE then as Being Human
    Alive.. yeah.. i was terrified to even go back to a Doctor for 23 years as
    they never did come up with a label for what i was then.. and it’s true i
    almost got sent to an Institution Likely Heavily Drugged with Drugs that
    only made the whole thing worse for me if not for a Family Member who
    had Political Pull as a City Council Woman who knew who.. i was before
    as the First Student with another one to be put into the National Honor
    Society as a Sophomore at that time in my High School.. yeah number
    11 out of a Class of 381.. too but with the Emotional Intelligence oF
    A Person on the Autism Spectrum that was so literally Retarded as
    Slow still then.. and On to Decades of Work Life Where i still
    had little clue what it was really like to be in a Social
    Circle to say all the things including Lies that
    you had to do to fit in still then..
    so.. my FriEnd .. yes.. is it
    any wonder i
    stick up
    for folks who
    are still different
    now.. and am even going to the
    Trouble to Write a Bible that’s longer
    than any Bible Written in Human History
    for whatever it is inside as i Dance Free in Public
    to sHow folks who are outcast heaR that The Outcast(S) wHo Is/
    Are truly Strong iN LoVE Free UnConDiTiONal WiLL NoT onLY NoW MoRE
    SurViVE but Do Epic Stuff thaT no one has ever done Before.. Particularly
    heAR.. wHeRE Additionally Another Study sHows as far as ‘White Folks’
    Even go with Pejorative Terms too.. that this area too is on the Top
    10 List of what some folks name as Areas of folks who are
    ‘White Trash’ too.. Heavily Addicted to Opiates
    Poor Living Together in Trailer-Like life
    As Another Stereotype Real from
    Single Parent Homes
    Disadvantaged as Many
    African American Families are
    too for the Pecking order of which
    group as less or more than the other
    in Ethnic ways too of bullying folks down
    another level to attempt to bRing some sense
    of Self-Esteem up Higher than so-called ‘White
    Trash’ still.. and that’s the other thing i have come NoW
    to understand too after years of not understanding that Bullies
    are Never Strong they are only Weak for what they have not gained
    in LifE as Love And Fearless WiLL and Strength in a Real Loving Now
    Grace of Self-Actualizing Self Confidence too.. be who you are is what
    i surely say now as far as anyone else’s Will No Matter Culture and or
    Religion too as long as the other outcasts among us are not harmed
    by anyone’s actions and they too can enjoy the rights here in
    the US for Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Human Happiness
    foR aLL.. God iS ReaL.. tHeRE is Zero Zero Point Zero
    Zero No Doubt iN As ME.. and God is BeYond
    aLl HuMaN UnderStanDinG alone as
    We Can and Will Only iN Allone
    LoVinG and
    ways hold hands
    And Stand TaLL God ToGeTHeR NoW
    LiVinG WiThiN too.. For iT iS iN LiGHT
    Absolutely True NoW For What we Do to
    The Least of God’s Creation even an Ivy
    Vine GroWinG uP As ViNE THaT iS A Harm
    Done that we do not have to do to Consume
    Life as we all have to do with and to each oTHeR
    to BasicAlly Survive NoW.. Yes.. to Respect to Cherish
    And to Love aLL iN Grace and Gratitude is to Love God
    to me.. and when we have to eat each other in all the ways
    that comes.. Do Say Thanks for the Grace of the Meal at Life at Hand
    still now.. and no.. of course i don’t literally mean cannibalism now or
    the such as that.. but it does happen at times.. in Snowy Mountains
    iN Plane Wrecks and the Such as tHat For the Greatest Gift.. We Do
    StiLL Do is the Will To Survive that sometimes must Come Before
    A Real Pursuit of Happiness if we even ever come to understand
    what Love is when
    Love Lives
    Free within
    other than
    Harming others
    in a competition of who
    is Stronger and Richer in Material
    Ways and the Such of that Fresh Hell
    Flavor of Life as Humans Progressively
    TrEnd More Toward Machine thaN HuMaN
    FearlesS uNCoNDiTiOnaL Love.. No NO nO NO
    i am not ashamed about anything aBout my LiFE
    NoW For Even iN the dArKNeSS aS Abyss oF SouL
    For 66 Months aLL oF tHat dARKneSS oNly PrePaReD
    ME For A GreaTeST GoD LoVE iN Me YeT to CoME True
    iF Not For Being A Discarded Seed On A Road WithouT Dirt
    i Didn’t Lose
    thE Faith
    oF LiVinG
    i NeVeR GaVE GiVE UP.. NoW
    i Value The DARk FoR dArK NoW
    iS LiGHT And LiGhT iS DArk FoR LiGHT
    STiLL Fed Still Watered MaKinG mY OwN
    Fertile SoiL and SoUL STiLL GRoWinG LoVE..
    oTHeR tHan tHaT Thanks For Sharing An iNspiRinG Video..:)

  32. Thanks So much For Your Words of Support Soheir
    And the Story of Michael Jackson is one Forced into
    Fame and Fortune by his Father at a Very Young Age
    iN The Years of ‘Normal’ Development of Child
    Hood Stunted away
    in a place he
    could never
    go back
    in a never
    land that would
    truly never escape then
    until death.. SMiLes mY
    FriEnd while some folks
    long for fame and fortune
    i abhor even the thought of
    it as plague for those who have
    it lose real freedom just to be just
    to be with no body guards and other
    more restricted life steps stuff as money
    means nothing NoW after Subsistence and
    Shelter and Love Needs are met.. Science too..
    Proves this too.. yet some folks keep digging
    a never ending hole perhaps as the LoVE oF
    tHeiR heART too was stolen away from Love
    when young moving toward materialistic
    things.. power and status and yes fame
    and fortune for a space within that
    is never truly overflowing as
    Essence oF LoVE in JusT
    A Container for that
    Essence oF Form
    iN Golden Chalice Way now..
    Fortunately.. i am raised with very
    little Money Full of Love and tHaT NoW
    my FriEnd is Worth aLL the Materialistic
    Riches of so-called Fame and Fortune in the
    World for it’s true now too although i have not made
    A Lincoln Cent off of Dancing Long Approaching 8600
    Miles in Public now for 52 Months.. and People often
    notify me i’m famous and even legend now.. sure that’s
    better than being a shut-in for the 66 Months before that
    in pain and numb.. but i already had perspective That gave
    me For What is Real in life and Not Real.. Love is all that is
    for me my FriEnd to Give and Share and Sure Muse with
    Entertainment of SMiLes MoRE to inspiRe otHeRs uP
    instead of down without even the necessity
    of even one word now.. only Feet of Loving
    Dance wHeRe mY Sandals are now
    emBossed with A
    Word Superstar
    as purchase
    for now with
    bronzed feet
    from sand and
    sun chiseled aLong with
    calves and thighs for all of those
    close to 8600 Miles for true both my
    legs and feet are like bronze now but sure
    A little Furry too as that too is pART oF MY
    iNHeRenT Nature as Wild and Free too…
    SMiLes mY FriEnd as long as ‘they’
    let me do it for free i will but
    no.. no longer will i sell my
    soul to anyone as i already
    did that for pay for 33
    Years and somewhat
    in School For 19
    Years too..
    The Voice within..
    aLL those years JusT
    patiently waiting to come
    out in both Song and Dance..
    Free my FriEnd JusT Free A Dance
    Song with God is what all of this is..
    Sure.. A never ending nether land story
    Prayer NoW With God Too A MaGiC NeVeR
    Ending White Magic Way oF LoVE For ALL..
    tHeRe are No limits or Expectations in Free and
    Love when Real other than give and share and give again..
    5:50 AM in the morning is really Early in Egypt mY FriEnd my
    Hopes for you are to one day be able to just Sleep in Love and Wake
    Dance and Sing Love alWays MoRE NoW for howEver is Great For you..
    JusT A Prayer
    mY Friend
    JusT A Prayer For You.. too..
    As Jimmy Stewart might Refrain
    to: “It is a Wonderful Life” for anyone
    who and that is able to Give and share
    Love Free iNSpiRinG SMiLes of Free Love
    iN OtHeRS too.. my FriEnd.. truly i for one can
    Not iMagine Any HeaVeN HIGHeR than this but
    it is also True God continues to sHow me HiGHeR
    HeaVeN for it’s juST as True in the Dante’s Rings
    And Circles Rigid Rot Hell they go Deeper and
    Lower in never ending dARK Abyss too.. that
    mY FriEnd is From: my
    For it’s
    True i continue
    to see the best of
    those both sides of
    Real Reality HeAR oN eArTh
    NoW.. and For me at Least Heaven
    Wouldn’t be Heaven without Hell..
    strange as it may seem for me at Least it’s
    True but with that perspective who can hate anyone my FriEnd
    wHo WiLL livE anYwHeRe elSE But LoVE NoW A Gift GiVE oF DarKLiGHT..:)

  33. Beginning the New Memorial Day New Year of Writing a “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
    that will come to Milestone Fruition on or about Memorial day of 2018.. as what will
    come to be somewhere around 740K or so words since Memorial Day of 2017
    Named “Grand Cross Bible 2017” CoMinG NeXt MacroVerse Fulfilled
    True too in the Main Body of the Text and Youtube Links and
    Photos and other Videos Highlighted too aCross
    this Memorial Day Year so far stARTing at
    the end of May 2017 at what will also
    coMe to be the 37th MacroVerse
    oF “FB Profile Pic Bible 2018”
    as all of that is included in the Description
    Areas as my Actual Profile Pics Come on Facebook
    Way too.. it’s true.. last year for the Memorial Day to Memorial
    Day Bigger Milestone Bible at 1.618 Million Words Appropriately
    PHI Golden Spiral Ratio named “PHI Bible” on or about Memorial
    Day of 2017 as Milestone then.. in that full year of Bible Writing aka
    365 Days precisely then.. i often included highlighted MicroVerses too
    from all previous years to sort of consolidate all of what i had done too
    highlighted in that one year for previous years to date but this year i rarely
    do that staying with most all new stuff.. but occasionally i do make an exception
    for this Longer Year Long Bible that will come to be Named “FB Profile Pic Bible
    2018” as Milestone Bible to be published on or about Memorial Day of 2018.. And
    the letter to Friend Himali two years ago to dates of this MacroVerse.. “WHaT’S uP
    DoC2 NoW1”.. is am exception i am making now before i share Full MacroVerse
    Memory Links from years to date with whatever Comes to Fruition of Holy
    Creative Spirit FLoW iN ZoNE of Words as i also liNk those MacroVerses
    and Titles Below.. as a Dance and Song thaT and wHo coMeS so Free
    Deep Deep WithiN For a Much Greater Human Potential in Art UnLeashed
    ReLeased NoW as Free as Butterfly Wings that sure have a little sting heAR
    And theRe too
    for some
    to Spice
    a Yin of Life
    As WiLL And Strength
    oN Top oF A Foundation
    Of Grace oF LoVE FReED..:)


    While i Love the quotes that Himali Shares..
    i Love the quotes that are Himali so much more..
    and trUly ‘this quote’ is poetry as Himali’s hEart..
    and Poetry is the wordinG spiRit..
    of the Human HeArt
    as well
    as prose
    that boarders
    poetry now when
    music of emotions
    of the SonGs of God
    who are humans in reflection
    of God.. and now for science
    in review as prose.. stRinGs of
    Guitars and Pianos reflect human
    vocal chords.. drums in percussion
    of piano are human heart beats.. and
    reeds of first flutes are magic
    making instruments
    of human
    concert hall
    of emotional notes
    of life wheRe human
    emotions are set freeR
    to exPress
    the human
    God as
    freeR as liGht now
    or dArker emotions
    that move us through
    our body from brain to
    gut and all around the
    infinite chakras of the body
    through the Kundalini Vagal
    Nerve to brinG Heaven Now
    as LiGht of continuous
    timeless experience iN
    Nirvana oR DarKest
    death of
    piece of
    paper thin
    existence.. 0h..
    as the dark night
    of the soul A K A
    literal human heLL..
    wHere every second
    lasts a thouSand years
    of oh.. oh.. so dark.. so dArk…
    So.. mY dearest friend.. Sister
    Himali.. this is pArt of why Pan..
    a mythical God of the human
    Music of Song and Dance
    and Apollo the
    God of
    and Music are
    such important
    archetypes of the
    human condition and
    prophets like Jesus and
    the like who SinG a SonG
    of the music of
    of Loving each
    other as brothers and
    sisters as ourselves when
    loving wE.. AS weLL as the
    rest of NatUre
    that iS
    a reflection
    of God as WeLL
    of endless water
    rivers in inFinITe
    Love of Ocean
    as first there is
    DArk.. then there is
    LiGht.. then movement
    or dance.. and soundS or
    SonGs.. so truly when we
    make muSic of human
    SonGs and accompany
    songS with dance
    we reflect
    as mUsic
    of Song that
    dances inspiRinG
    the UniVerse for
    InfiNitY and
    in a
    of muSic
    SonG and
    as God
    makes muSic
    in SonG and
    now of
    human and
    the rest of the
    UnivErse too.. so..
    anyWay dear.. thanks
    for inspiRinG mE WitH
    yoUr heArt SonG’s heaRt
    liGht of LoveLY emoTioNs
    free iN tHe
    set freeR heRe..
    as i speak to yoUr
    Angel SpiRit’s

    Okay.. NoW off and on to MacroVerse Memories Years to Date..

    Selfie of the Year of the Selfie

    “Selfie of the Year of the Selfie”.. After Recovery out of pain and numb
    oF A Literal Hell on Earth as a Shut-in.. Losing Effective use of Hearing
    And Sight with a Synergy of 19 Life Threatening Medical Disorders..
    Mostly Stress Associated in a Combo of Work Related Chronic
    Stress in a Down Sizing Environment in continuing
    Machine Automation Replacement of Jobs
    where the Human more comes
    slave to a computer than
    even the work at
    hand as far
    as the Flesh
    And Blood Moving
    Connecting and Co-Creating
    Evolutionary Point of View aS
    Nature of what it even means to be
    A Being yes.. Chronically for 11 years
    since 1996 moving into the end of 2005
    through the Beginning and eventual fall
    to total and permanently Disabling Condition
    of Being Human in early 2008 in not only Chronic
    But Acute Flight or Fight Stress for those last 2 years
    that would literally tear down all my Bodily Functioning
    Systems more Even to Dysautonomia where yes then my Heart
    Beat and Blood Pressure no Longer Synched then in Nervous
    System Autonomic Control.. it’s True.. A Nervous Break Down
    is more than FucKinG Metaphor it’s what literally happens
    when you don’t find a way any longer to gain Animal
    Homeostasis.. yes.. Basic FucKinG Balance aWay
    From the fight and flight response against
    stress when you come to see yourself
    in Catch 22.. Do or Die with no
    way out Solutions in/of Life Survive
    as my Psychiatrist early on who was
    doing his best to help me with no workable
    solution but 66 months of Shut-in Rest as Physiologically
    i was Literally Broke Down Like A Rusty Vehicle iN A Garbage
    Heap as truly and literally that’s what the Original Term Gehenna
    Means in Old Timey Bibles For Hell as the Garbage Dump Far Outside
    of the City in the Middle East then except for me it was within just like
    Heaven with no Escape or only Freedom as Love in the other place within NoW
    as the Kingdom of Heaven within.. duh.. no.. they were talking real life stuff..
    too as the vast eXpanse oF dARk and LiGHt oF the Human Inner UniVerse wHeRe
    Words do not Do Justice to the Complexity of the Nuances of Hell and Heaven
    WithiN Beyond any Human Words NoW as Abstract Constructs to MeaSure what sTiLL
    No Science tool yet for systemizing yet accomplishes for it’s true the Inner
    Universe is much more Art than Science but anyway the folks NoW whoever they
    were did tHeiR best to come up with Poetry that works but of course that Poetry
    will be interpreted every which way and loose as it still is to justify any agenda for
    dARk and LiGht at Hand STiLL Like the Movie ‘The Book of Eli”.. where it is more who takes
    the ink blot test of any Bible of Poetry than the abstract construct housing of the Essence
    one comes to see as Clouds or Sun.. Love or Hate.. Fear or Hope and BeYonD iNFiNiTY NoW
    CoLoRs oF HUMan Emotional and Sensory Nuances of the such as that.. but it’s like Einstein
    said too.. it wasn’t that he was so smart really it was he focused on the task at hand for
    YeaRs as sAMe of what i have done now for 2779 Days of Writing Non-Stop Since Thanks Giving
    Day of 2010 when my eyes could tolerate enough pain to write that first word of around
    12 Million Words NoW to Explore thE Inner UnivERse of HuMaN BeinG MoRE wHeRE tHeRE
    was and is literAlly no choice but to become A Poet to put what i leARn and StiLL
    CoME to LeARn of thE ArT of thaT in any way of words sufficient to Paint
    A Picture of God wHo and tHat Lives WithiN aS Master Peace Painting.. NoW
    Paint and Brush all that is within.. inside.. outside.. above.. so below
    And of course all aRound now too.. anYWaY.. as ‘they’ say to
    FulleR Do this you can and will not forget the Cover
    of the Book.. yes.. the Flesh and Blood Temple
    of God that is your sKiN noW too and
    From 2013 through 2014 first
    Recovering.. i spent much
    of my ‘time’ eXploring
    all of my Physical Being
    in Flesh and Blood Form of
    the Dance And SonG oF SpiRiT
    i eVeNTuALLy Continue to Evolve
    as SoUL oF me.. the i within as Actor
    I aS Zen Personna in whatever Tune Times
    Character of Trickster i do next.. Sure.. i Will Do
    A Tasmanian Devil.. Daffy Duck.. Sylvester the Cat..
    the Coyote.. Road Runner And the Rest of the Cartoon
    Human Cast too.. in Animal Form but no.. it’s not enough
    to Write it for to fulleR employ human potential one will Direct
    And Produce as i of actors I WiTh Emotional and Sensory Spirit! MoRE!
    Full iN Glow.. sure.. ‘Luke Hot’ as ‘they’ say still NoW too.. thing is as
    i’ve coMe aCross A T-shirt in Walmart i have not bought yet for Christmas
    but a photo will do hanging on a display as well as me hehe.. wHeRE.. Yes
    That Shirt says “Take an Elfie” as Play on Christmas Characters Ways but
    actuAlly EL is one of the First Metaphors for God so when taking an ELfie you
    are in affect and effect taking a picture of as the Temple of God and if you never
    Break out and Play with that Temple Looking at all the Special Features and ActuAlly
    uSing them That the old good old timey Bibles Refuse to talk to: as leaving that pArt
    From: oF aS God outside of the
    Book for that
    Would Bring
    thE Power
    And Force
    oF Emotional
    And Sensory more
    Freed Spirit yes.. blah blah..
    More Access to Neurochemicals
    and Neurohormones.. too.. as HiGHeR ForcE
    Juice oF BeinG Human More Fully aLL NaturaAly
    Freely Employed.. no alcohol or weed for me now
    or other external substances in pill or cigarette form
    for i employ my God Nature within with God Juice HiGher
    And HiGher within me2.. yes.. inside.. outside class dance
    and sing a NeWeR song.. above.. so below and all around too.. more2..
    i eXploRed it all and left
    A Nautilus Shell
    to turn back
    to now four
    or so years later
    to see wHeRe i’ve been
    and continue to go in not just
    spirit within but flesh and blood
    skin too.. and it’s true as what i’ve
    come to find the Inner Spirit of Human
    Being of Course WriTE oN Course.. no matter
    age as i personAlly approach 57 now toward 60..
    i feel and sense better than i ever have before even
    with a common cold now and all stuffed up with a cough
    heAR and tHeRe.. tHe Force iS Real And the Force LiVeS WitHiN..
    Yes.. thE God Force through all of Creation when come to be Now and
    not lost through machine cognition of constantly worrying about the
    past and future and neVer Expanding the God Flow oF Force and Healing
    within as all the other animals all innately.. instinctually and intuitively do
    eTernAlly NoW oN WitH God Never Separated into more abstract constructs
    of words as clothes and all the ways we become the tools that were
    once made for basic expanding Creature Comforts to help
    us instead of harm us in the pit fall of instant
    gratification without the struggles we
    are evolved moreover in
    moving connecting
    and creating
    to dance
    and sing a
    moving connecting
    co-creating art of life that
    really works for survive and
    thrive more now as a Joy of life
    with Teeth and Claws too.. as the
    Shadow will not be hidden within..
    inStead.. eXploRed.. tamed and used
    FoR GreaTesT HiGHeR HuMaN
    Potential within and all
    those oTHeR places
    out of time distance
    and space as ReaLiTY FRuiTioN
    NoW.. so.. True.. reMember.. when you
    see my ‘crude matter’.. i am not only
    that but much much more now with Zero to Hide..
    But listen folks it’s true if you never actually seek and
    find a way within to actually Feel and Sense the Beyond
    Rainbow Colors of what i am SpeaKinG to HeAR NoTHinG NoW
    i Say reALLy Matters unless all oF iT or soME oF it SParKs
    You To A Higher Force within that and who you can and will
    actually sense and feel to employ to heal your ills transforming
    into Rise of Phoenix of Love out of Ashes.. no longer hindered by
    the Limitations and Expectations of Cultural Clothes that/who Control
    And Subjugate uS iN iLLuSoRY Fears Away from Love’s Freedom that’s ReaL..
    iT’s what folks who have lost tHeiR SoUL iN MinD anD BoDy BaLanCinG ForcE
    OVeRFLoWiNG Chalice often do as it’s true the only two innate fears we are born
    with in a Free Child’s eYes Are That of falling and loud noises as all the rest away from
    Love as Fear kills Love is learned through Cultural Clothes and that is also the more
    detailed essence of a short clip of poetry attributed to a Man now named in English
    as Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas as Translated from Original Greek to English
    that says to find the living one within aka God.. Strip your Clothes off and
    Tread on them with no Shame of your God Nature all Natural within.. Verse 37
    yes.. inside outside.. above.. so below and all aRound Naked NoW
    WitH God.. and no.. if you are cold.. keep your clothes on unless
    you wanna be like me and forgo the jacket.. then.. adapt
    to the cold and stay warm in cold too
    For i kNoW A Value of the
    dArk That and
    Who Brings
    thaT and
    wHo is the
    Adaptive DArk
    Force within as
    Shadow that wins
    in challenge over Struggle
    as Positive LiGHt Change.. NoW
    iN other words as i Love to say..
    even if you haven’t Gone to Boot
    Camp never Leave but don’t use Boots..
    they are not good for your Feet.. take
    Good Care of those Feet NoW for they are
    A GreaTesT Vehicle for Dance and iNsPiRinG
    SoNG oF LiFE too.. for it’s True From A Health and
    Physical Education Systemizing way too.. iF YouR Feet
    are Weak.. the Rest of YouR Body Strength will be limited
    by the weakest link that your feet may come to be as your
    arms too if you think your hands will be the strongest by just
    Curling a Dumbbell now.. we are literally Grounded to God As Feet
    Nature with oxytocin receptors of Nurturing Love to Every Grain
    oF Sand oN GoD eARTh wE Stand uPoN as Mountains oF LoVE NoW..
    Make the SouL oF YouR Feet DaRk WitH GoD eARTh Naked and Free..
    do not be
    of the
    of God that
    Remain as LiGht
    oN the DaRk Soles of YouR
    Feet for Truly the GreaTesT SoULs
    Rise StiLL as Bare Foot KinGS.. YeS..
    K as you in G as God all Free and Bare SouLeD uP..
    As Alphanumerical K as 11 comes 2.. 1’s.. HoLDinG
    ReaSoN and ArT of HeMiSPHeRe’s oF Brain HanDs LaTitudinally
    FroM Head to Toe too as this applies NoW to the Rest of the Neurons
    of Human Beings Holding Hands online now aCross Both eARTh HeMiSpHeRe’s
    IN aLL Longitudes and Latitudes too for it is also True tHere are as Many
    LiGht ForcE Connections in the Entire Temple of God as Form that is
    Human from Head to toe numbering over a Quadrillion Points oF
    PoTentiAL GreaTEr ForcE LiGht Chakras so many more NoW
    Than JusT 7 as Many as tHeiR are Stars in the UniVerse
    Visible to the HuMaN Aided eYe of Science as
    We SenTient Star Death PLuS Burst Crucible
    Fire Resurrected Being Humans come
    to LiVing BeinGS wHeRe the Iron
    in our Blood StreAm NoW
    Originates then in Super
    Nova Explosions MoRE
    too.. it’s True2 with this
    much bigger and reason NoW
    oF Science Aided View too above
    so below it is obvious to see whenever
    i Meet a New Human Being anYWhere i do go..
    i am coming to see another Expression of God
    Particularly Freer and WHoLE As Alpha Numerical
    Holy and Sacred Full of Meaning and Purpose Symbol
    at LeASt to me as we are all Free as we may and will now
    be to Create our own Symbols to Language MoRE An Essence
    of the Experience of God more fully all around.. now as 11
    within.. inside.. outside.. above so below and yes class
    Dance And SinG MoRE all Around as 11 Holds Hands
    and H oF BaLanCing GoD HiGHeR Force Synergistically
    CoMeS Reborn NoW As HuMaN HiGHER GoD ForCE NoW too..
    And H arises as Alphanumerical H 8 Standing TaLL BeYoNd
    INFiniTy We Arise Casting the Parachute of Cultural Clothes
    aSiDE we rise we rise even more Naked with God Hands and
    And FeAT
    oF Naked
    Mount oF GoD Free
    Temple of God SpiRiT
    oF HeART MiNd and BoDy
    BaLanCinG SoUL EveN MoRE..
    So.. iT’s True While iT iS more difficult
    NoW to portray all of my SouL with just a
    Selfie NoW of all the Persona’s i can and
    will make Real iN A Zen Art oF Flesh and Blood..
    yes.. it takes something like Free Verse Poetry
    to upload my Fuller SoUL Online For oTHeRS to See
    NoW wHeRE i CoME to Be MoRE FuLLy NoW FoR tHose now
    who have the Deeper Potential oF Feelings and Senses
    to see and hear who and what i am now in Higher Human Potential More..
    And of course i For one leARn From Everyone As A Mountain oF LoVE is FuLL
    oF HuMaN SoULs..
    more more
    as my
    SoUL Evolves
    more with a ‘little’
    help from all my FriEnds
    From: dArk Muse to: Beyond
    Rainbow Color Muse of LoVE Too.. NoW..
    And yeah.. i Still have 12 more MacroVerses
    to riff of more to even sTarT to PuT this all ToGeTHeR
    in what now is surely more all ToGeTHeR NoW approaching
    what has and still is the norm of about 30K Words a Week
    And 400 to 500 More Fully Illustrated Photos and YouTube
    Music Videos in the Scores along with other ‘stuff’ linKs
    too as aLL ‘the’ Rabbit WHoles of a Modern Bugs
    Bunny Go Even Deeper NoW.. hmm.. this
    one is surely long
    it to me..
    As a person once
    told me.. yes.. a rather literal
    thinking and writing poet.. it’s
    a shame.. i’m sure you are saying
    something but i have no earthly idea
    what it is.. true.. not likely then they are in Heaven yET.. aS
    My Target Audience as predicted is small like a Camel Fitting through a
    Needle Eye yet i try i cry but i refuse to hide any pART of Heaven/Hell or to Water
    it down.. and that’s A Problem.. you have to get YouR Foot iN A Door at lEast
    it seems
    to heAR
    A First
    And Last
    Verse of God
    Eternally NoW iN
    ReaL FeeL and SenSe
    Ways BeYonD just eYes and
    ears that only see the outer
    Nut shell in God and or them too as i…
    ELFiE NoW2

    Masterpiece Call of the Wild

    “Masterpiece Call of the Wild”.. Verily And Surely NoW Worth Another Real
    TheMe Dance and Song by Jessie J.. HeAR and TruE too.. We are Domesticated
    Human Beings who in many ways have lost our higher human potentials of Wild
    and Free.. And it’s True too.. just as Yellow Boy.. A Feral Cat as Killing
    Machine of Hunt for Survive during all waking hours in the Back Woods of
    our Neighborhood can
    and will be
    and transformed
    into an oxytocin
    mostly Loving attached
    Lap Cat to Katrina allone
    too.. as two pArTS of animals
    as Human and Cat CoME toGeTHeR
    to Be one LoVinG ForCE.. so you see
    that does not have to have anything
    to do with sex other than warm and
    fuzzy cozy Love that is True and Innocent Free..
    Sure.. Free from the Guilty eyes of Humans who Believe
    Human Sex is anything less than Love when consensual and Free too..
    as we do
    not come
    papers or a
    Manual From Birth
    other than the ones
    that otHeRs Create for
    us PoTenTiaLLy aWay from
    Ever AchieVinG oUR TrUE WiLLs
    iMpriSoned in the ideologies of otHeRs
    in Words and Older Book Ways when the Keys
    oF GoD to Happiness and Free STiLL LiVE WitHiN
    As Gifted by God of and as Nature PlUS STiLL aLL Free..
    YeS.. iNnately.. iNstinctually and iNtuitively NoW and iT’s
    Also TrUE You CaN And WiLL LeARn A WhoLE LoT too all aBout
    Setting yoursELf More Wild and Free if you too live with an
    Cat too
    to be paRT
    HuMaN too as the Shadow
    of you comes out tamed
    And eXploRed and reaDy
    to Bow up Fearless iF Necessary too..
    Martial Arts Helps but Free verse for me too
    just as the Will and Strength oF tHat Fights
    aTop A Foundation of Love and Grace.. in otHeR
    Words.. A BaLancE oF LiFE oF Wild And LoVinG Free..
    NoW.. Yes.. A MasterPeace Painting wHeRE Brush and Paint
    And Free
    LoVinG are
    YoU Too RiSinG EveN
    MoRe WitH Results You
    Can and Will Feel and
    Sense too from Head
    to Toe and so
    God More
    as Nature real plUS..:)

    The Sixth Language of LOVE..ALLAHGODALLAH

    “The Sixth Language of LOVE..ALLAHGODALLAH”.. Yep.. this MacroVerse Memory Speaks
    to the Five Science Assessed Objectively Empirically Measurable Languages
    of Love that are Gifts.. Words of Affirmation.. Acts of Service..
    Quality Time.. and Touch and then tHeRE is aGaPE LoVE As
    Ecstasy WiTHiN iN GiVinG ShArinG LoVE WiTH ALL
    oF Creation Free but True This Love tHat
    is A ReaL FeeLinG and SeNSinG LiGHT
    ForCE WaY oF BeiNG HeaVeN oN
    eARTh LovE as Essence
    oF Temple
    of God
    Head to toe..
    is something that science
    cannot touch with Instruments
    of Measure WithiN For FeeLinG
    and SenSinG this Bliss and Nirvana
    that is ‘that’ more than likely ‘that’
    ‘Manna’ stuff they speak too in the Bible
    outside Gehenna Hell too.. but now when you
    Have iT A Whole New World oPens uP to You2..
    Yes.. A Kingdom of Heaven within.. how to get
    tHeir is for seek and find within.. as we wHo
    LiVE tHeRE Give and Share our Experiences of Heaven
    The Best We WiLL WitH Abstract Constructs as hopefully
    soMe kindD oF ArT spARk as a tickET to coMe iN HeAR wHeRE
    Ss F
    iN Good
    AlWays now..
    i’m not kidding..
    once second of my life now
    is worth about the 66 months
    of Hell it took to get HeaR
    And the 47 and a Half Years
    Or So Before that.. Brief
    Glimpses as SpaRks i did
    experience in
    oF My LiFE
    BeFoRE.. but to
    live in Staycation HeaVeN NoW
    aLWaYS now wHeRe eVen Struggles
    Are Honey and Milk Too Absorbed
    Free Even MoRE NoW.. Sure.. iT’s
    Hard to Put thiS Sixth Language
    Of LoVE iN Words but Trust me
    For Those Folks wHo Arrive
    An Achievement
    Like A
    5 Million
    Word Longest
    Long Form Poem
    as “SonG oF mY SoUL”..NoW
    iS reAlly No Effort But LoVE..
    Approaching 8600 Miles of Public
    Dance A Place i Live heAR wHEre Effort
    of John 14:12 are comMon place.. and no
    of course i am not the only one as tHeiR
    Are unlimited John 14:12 Arts and Even Sciences
    Folks Do iN oTHeR Areas oF Heaven NoW ReaL too..
    But anyWay
    i’m just
    wHat’s Possible
    with Heaven iN Toes.. too..
    thE A sAddest pART of all is even
    though the Bible clearly sPeaks
    sTiLL iN New Testament ways that
    HeaVeN iS aT Hand Now Within as
    Kingdom of God Within StiLL iN
    this Generation Now.. Some
    Folks sTill haven’T
    Got A thE mesSage
    And are waiting
    oN A Godot
    A Dirt Nap
    And Last BlinK
    oF LiFE CoMes but
    You See When You LiVE
    iN HeaVeN NoW YoUY NeVeR
    Die And wWen you Die as
    Heaven the Love you BRinG
    No Matter wHaT LiVeS oN
    And afTer tHat YoU
    Put thE sAMe
    inTo tHe
    sAMe Arms
    oF thE LoVinG
    GoD wHo BRinGS
    YoU to HeaVeN
    oN tHe PlanET
    eARTH NoW..
    CaRinG LoVinG
    God thiS SixTH LanGuaGE
    oF God BRinGS WithiN NoW MoRE
    Forevermore NoW eTerNaLLy NoW..
    But TruLy AtTempTinG to Even coMe
    Close to eXpLaiNinG this to Modern
    Fundamentalist Hell and Heaven thumping
    Christians After a Dirt Nap is SurELy wHeRE
    thE CamEL ReFuses to eVen thinK aBout PaSSinG
    Through The A
    of A
    to Arrive
    NoW.. SurE iT’s
    kiNda Sad When Folks
    Won’t eVen oPen NoW an
    eye and ear when you attempt
    to spRead thE A Best News oF aLL
    iN aLL oF LiFE NoW.. iN thiS way
    thE New Testament iS True But iN tHiS
    WaY iF tHat was is the only story brought to
    YoU iN Words iT Would Give aLL thE Force oF
    God to you now and no one would ever really
    be able to control you with iLLuSory Fears anYmore..
    but i’ve come to find that sadly ‘these’ people only
    the authority
    who ever it may
    be over them.. True..
    30 Percent Avenue
    the place
    RoaM the most..
    TrumP PalacE
    Back to
    Future and
    Past Never HoMe..
    so sad.. so sad.. so sad..
    30 percent avenue to nothing
    to nothing @aLL aka GOD NoW WiThIN.

    Thirteen Days of Christmas Grinch

    “Thirteen Days of Christmas Grinch”.. Like i said earlier in this MacroVerse..
    can’t see titling a MacroVerse for what currently lives on top of the
    House now..
    Will he be reformed..
    sadly it’s more likely
    to have the word Peach..
    Would Love to show him how to Dance
    WitH Women wHeRe he is much more likely
    to be Groped than ever to be the one who gropes.. hehe..
    but true
    not everyone
    can and will be me..;)

    YeaH.. I NEED to fit Tax Free
    in HeAR by Joni Mitchell
    to Celebrate
    and Supreme
    Leader and his
    ‘upper class’ minions
    current Win.. meanwhile
    us folks who live in Heaven
    hold the Good News Real A Place
    wHere the ‘Poor’ ones who maintain
    subsistence don’t mind if the ‘rich’
    ones take more than they can possibly eat..
    it’s tHeiR
    WiLL to
    Live in
    Heaven not
    Every Horse will
    Drink the Water or eat anything
    oF Heaven at all.. so lost.. so lost..
    sad Trumps say sad Trumps say not much
    at all of Heaven’s SpRing falling falling
    Avenue even more now.


    Well.. consideRing the Current Overall Environment of the
    Country i live in at the very top.. ‘heHe’..
    i might do what Luke Skywalker
    did but my Island
    is am the Beach
    And i’ll
    just do
    of Human
    as that’s my
    Will and Choice in
    what remains a Free Enough
    Country to me still.. other than
    that if Trump and his Minions Break
    the Country.. no doubt someone ‘like’
    me might be more welcome somewhere
    else wHeRe folks can see and
    hear folks like me..
    might Be
    wHeRe A Jesus oR
    A Buddha or thaT
    otHeR Dude MiGHT
    LiVE FoR NoW
    And DiffeRent too..;)

    ATLAS Loves in Creative HIVE of GOD

    “ATLAS Loves in Creative HIVE of GOD”

    Hmm.. if nothing else.. i’m Fairly Sure
    thE TheME SonG that now has 3 Billion
    YouTube Views from the year
    2012.. SignaLeD
    aT LeASt
    then.. sort of
    like the Tebow
    thingie he does too..
    true though before i even
    did my Signature Pose in School
    the Bully Boys named me Charles
    Atlas to taunt my weakness then
    actually forecasting my Signature
    Pose to come some Decades later..
    iN perSoNal-like
    are every
    wHeRe i Look
    as SyncrhoniCity
    Country CoMeS to FruiTioN eVeN MoRE..;)

    Godprints iN skeyes

    “Godprints iN skeyes”.. and yes.. Biloxi Casino Dance
    Beaches and Southern Baptist Preacher Farm
    Play to
    with the
    Rest of God

    oKay and NoW
    For thaT ‘otHeR’ Song..
    As i thiNk you and me have
    probably heard ‘the other one’ long enough..;)

    A Balance of Lust and Love IS GOD OR Creation Activity

    “A Balance of Lust and Love IS GOD OR Creation Activity”.. That’s a long title and it’s true
    too sexy
    for my Shorts
    as Right Said
    too.. hehe..;)

    LIVING dance of KALI

    “LIVING dance of KALI”..
    Yeah.. Like Austin
    PowerS and Yes..
    The A Six Million
    Dollar Man And
    6 Million Words
    Shared A Year NoW oN
    Facebook Man Says.. NoW..
    tHat’s it..;)


    “MIRACLE OF DANCE”.. Doubt It Not Dance Is Miracle

    Last and First Verses of GOD

    “Last and First Verses of GOD”

    True.. DancE
    And SonG too.

    NOT THE invisible man

    “NOT THE invisible man”..
    True.. i am A Gift
    wHo And tHat
    Too Big For
    To See.. heHe..
    True too if everYone
    Sees me tHeRE won’t Be much
    tiMe to Even Have Fun.. like this.. hEhe..
    NoW.. Yes.. i cAMe heAR to
    SHoW YoU
    Looks Like
    iN ReaL TiME
    NoW.. NaH.. Not For
    You to take it away from
    me.. for it seems at least
    in story that pArt’s alReaDy
    Been done by someone else and
    the TruTH and LiGHT is most everyone
    still hasn’t
    sought and found
    The All Free Gift
    And InHeRiTanCE Free
    oF aLL agApe LoVE aS
    HeaVeN WiThIn inside outside..
    above.. so below and all aRound
    Butt ‘the’ Bonobos got this ‘STuFF’
    aLL Covered FoR FReED Style MoRE NoW..;)

    Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016

    “Supermoon Trinity Christmas 2016”.. WeLL it’s True in this New
    Age of Heaven You CaN and WiLL Imagine and Do alMost
    Any Challenge Now..
    Not Everyone Appreciates
    The Bonobo KiNda Challenges
    i Achieve As A God Child Now Free..
    but hey.. i took the opportunity to Do
    A now and then Photo with me doing Burt
    Reynolds aS Older Bear Rug Cosmopolitan
    PG Rated Spread And iN CompariSon Butt
    Not Competition as i only Work
    For God WithiN me..
    True.. my Chest
    is Hairer
    than his
    as the Evidence
    Does STiLL sHow.. not every
    one then thought this was funny
    though as in tow i lost 2 Facebook
    Extended Family Members off this one
    but it was kinda worth it as someone
    out of that group professes that folks
    of different
    of skin
    ‘mud mix’ now..
    i feel at ease that
    i don’t mix up tHeir mix up EiTHeR..
    For it’s true it’s easy enough to turn
    me off online or miss me all toGeTHeR
    but in real flesh and blood life the
    Dance of me is literally impossible
    to miss as the folks who hate
    ‘mud mix’ pretend
    they are
    me out of the
    Corner of tHeiR
    eye but True they
    don’t need to kNoW
    mY real name as although
    they do not know me i do know them
    from LiVinG
    heAR for 57 years and
    OG.. so many Months now..
    For it’s True for ‘these’ Folks
    they would vote the Devil in for
    the sake of allowing back street abortions
    again.. Permanent Disability and More Misery
    And Suffering as in Catholic Mexico Where Abortion
    is illegal.. there are just as many Abortions Performed
    there with unsafe illegal abortions that lead to more
    Permanent Disability and Misery and Suffering in Death
    for everyone associated..
    meanwhile.. tHeir
    Elected NoW
    Devil Reigns
    aS he
    did in the
    otHeR Countries
    And did in the other
    ones and still does too..
    For it’s True without Unconditional
    Fearless Love Now wHo else could you be…
    at all for now
    hopefully to come
    to Heaven @all now forever
    self-fulfilling prophecies
    of hell so sad so sad for now..
    “WHaT’S uP DoC2 NoW1” as the show
    must go on with a title of a theme
    Song CoMinG to a “Grand Cross Bible 2017”
    similar to
    that/this.. meanwhile
    now at 2 PM NoW Finishing
    this MacroVerse Writing orDeal
    oN 12.19.2017 in a little less
    than 6 days of doing that pArT
    Got the WHOle Thingie to put
    ToGeThER and Publish too
    NoW.. with
    just a 7th
    Bible as
    SHoW to CoME NexT..
    Meanwhile.. A 192nd
    Dance Week Night
    Still to come to
    Celebrate Christmas
    at Old Seville Quarter
    With Number 193 as Dance
    Week CLoSinG OuT For the
    ’17 YeAr New Year’s Weekend
    For Monday too then.. For After
    That the Titles Come Early Now
    iN Actual pre-planned Holy Creative
    Spirit Flow too for the year 2017 in Review
    as i do annually and after that a New Years Resolution
    tHat WiLL have somEthing to Do WitH “Keep Writing Bibles”.
    As FoR NoW aLonG WitH
    Dance that’s what
    i JusT Do as
    Free Hobby
    iN Longest Long
    Form Poem Free Verse
    Writings too.. as my Numerology
    Report said at Birth For 0 Challenge
    do whatever you want ranging from nothing
    more to everything pluS.. and after that Now
    for Life Challenges 1 and 1 and 1 just Affirm
    what you already do.. so.. sure.. i’ll fulfill that
    Prophecy too For wHo BRinGS iT For me to Self-Fulfill too..
    It’s NoW
    True too..
    i fulFill
    Prophecies too.. iN
    terms and conditions
    And fine deTails of John
    14:12.. it’s Fun iT Feels
    Good i do iT and that’s all..
    True.. the SHoW MusT Go oN For
    FReED iN HeAVeN NoW STiLL NoW2..;)

  34. Pingback: WHaT’S uP DoC2 NoW1 | KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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